Showing posts with label Sketchbook Skool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sketchbook Skool. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Going Nuts with Detail!

Finally getting around to posting the last drawing of the last week of this semester of Sketchbook Skool! Boo hoo, I'm sorry it's over. It was such a fun 6 weeks! 

Each week we were exposed to a different teacher with new methods, materials and suggestions to help us step outside our comfort zone and experiment. 

No, they were not trying to get us to paint like THEM. Rather, to be open to new ideas and approaches, to play around, and incorporate anything WE really enjoyed into our regular artwork.

For the last lesson we had an outstanding artist and author: Tommy Kane. Wow, right up my "detailed" alley! He LOVES detail, the more the better. 

After watching the teaching videos, our homework was to draw a VERY detailed drawing from within our own home. 

Here then is my uber detailed drawing, first the black and white version and then, after adding the color. What a blast this was! (can click images to enlarge).

My Computer Guardians
9 x 12 sketchbook; ink, watercolor
and colored pencil

Happy sketching,


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Drawing Animals is Fun!

Week 5 of Sketchbook Skool was about Drawing Animals. The first part was practice using toy animals (they'll hold still for you!). I used some little Schleich Toy Animals for my practice. 

I was so busy concentrating I didn't even notice til the end that Meerkat and Bunny had switched places. Oops! (can click on images to enlarge)

Toy Animals
9 x 12 sketchbook; ink, colored pencil, 
watercolor pencils, white gel pen

Next came drawing LIVE animals. Yeah, right. Easier said than done! Joey, my Mini-schnauzer girl has 2 speeds: Greased Lightening and Asleep. 

So...where's my longhair calico, Butterfly?? Aha! Asleep on my bed... perfect.

Live Animal Drawing
9 x 12 sketchbook; colored pencil, watercolor
pencil, white gouache, ink for lettering

Happy sketching,


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Doggie Toys to the Rescue!

Our lesson this week for Sketchbook Skool was about using a Grid as an aid to good composition. I hadn't tried that before, and enjoyed it so much!

I didn't have the suggested veggies n fruits, SO... Joey lent me some of her DOGGIE TOYS as "pretenders"!

It was so much fun. Loved the grid idea, and hummed the song "The Great Pretender" for hours. Then found it on youtube and listened to The Platters sing it while I sketched. Can't beat that for a great time. (can click image to enlarge)

"The Great Pretenders"
9 x 12 sketchbook; ink, watercolor,
colored pencil, watercolor pencils

Our teacher this week was Jane LaFazio. Such a creative lady! She not only paints and sketches, but turns those sketches into art quilts, does mixed media art and offers free Tiny Tutorials. If you enjoy artistic variety, visit her blog HERE. 

Happy sketching,


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Herding Cats!

Another week's homework done for Sketchbook Skool. Not being my usual medium, I find painting with watercolors a bit like herding cats! But it was fun.  

The assignment from teacher Prashant Miranda: Painting Watercolor Skies.

I kept running to my porch, trying to catch a colorful and "good" sky. Alas, mostly overcast, cold and/or stormy here in Southern Oregon.

Here is "My Neighbors Sky". Note, I am now an official member of S.T.C. (Sketchbook Typo Club). (can click images to enlarge)

"My Neighbors Sky"
9 x 12 sketchbook
watercolor and ink

The actual sketch is not really too 
detailed, as you can see here:

Happy sketching,


Friday, January 16, 2015

Retired Red Lady!

The red lady in this case is a wonderful old caboose! 

From Sketchbook Skool homework: Draw in Public.

Well, I tried. Went to the Railroad Park here in Medford, Oregon. It was foggy and cold. THEN it decided to rain. Snapped a reference photo, and headed back home to finish.

This is my reference photo; you'll see 
softened the bright green of the grass,
since I wanted the grand old 
Red Lady to be the focus.

But by at least starting on site, I still felt the cold, fog, and quiet of that old retired caboose even after I got home. 

As I drew, I thought of all the stories it could tell, the miles it had seen. So I didn't do my customary bright colors, but "foggy" and somewhat quiet colors around the old red Lady.  

I started with loose light umber colored pencil sketching. No pencil and eraser... oh so hard for me! But it was fun to experiment! (can click image to enlarge)

"Retired Caboose"

9 x 12 sketchbook; ink, watercolor, 
watercolor pencil, colored pencil 
and white gouache

Happy Sketching,


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Dogs an' Ducks!

Just a shortie today. Homework from Week 2 of Sketchbook Skool. 

Assignment from teacher Koosje Koene:
Draw a simple object in colored pencil.

What was that squeak squeak sound I heard, as I looked around the house for a likely subject??

Oh! Joey was playing with her favorite toy: Squeakie Duck.

Thanks for sharing your duck with me for a while, little Miss Joey!

"Your welcome, Momma!"

Happy Sketching,


Friday, January 09, 2015

A Peek at my Week

Week 1 of Sketchbook Skool is at an end. Our 2nd homework assignment from teacher Danny Gregory was to "Document Your Week." Oh, and use no pencil first. Aarrgh...

Since my photo turned out less than sharp and the writing is too small, I'll tell you what it's about.

I drew stuff that caught my eye:

  • A dino model.
  • My 15 yr old Charlie plant I was watering. 
  • Christmas decor still to be packed. 
  • My studio hours sign (now just to get OTHERS to take me seriously!). 
  • A fav ceramic fridge magnet. 
  • A stuffed black & white tuxedo cat that guards my studio.
  • Sugar-free Amaretto DaVinci syrup right before adding to my chipped coffee mug. 
  • Two new rubber stamps that I tried out for the first time around the edges. 
  • A fav quote taped up in my studio. 
  • A mechanical pencil with Je Suis Charlie next to it. 
  • And that brown & white furball is Joey, my 4 year old Mini Schnauzer. She likes to take afternoon naps in my studio.
(can click to enlarge)

In 9 x 12 Visual Journal Sketchbook, Pitt pens, watercolor, watercolor pencils and waterbrush, and colored pencil. 

The hardest part, for me? No pencil first!

Happy sketching!


Wednesday, January 07, 2015

A Shiny New Year... with Cows & Squirrels!

It's a brand new year, and I've started a brand new semester at Sketchbook Skool. This course is called Beginnings.

While waiting for classes to begin, somehow a bunch of us got started drawing and painting cows. Yep, cows.

We rounded up all the strays and put them into an album we called the Cow Corral. Here is my contribution, just for the fun of it (can click images to enlarge):

And now my first homework from Week 1 of Beginnings. 
First assignment from teacher Danny Gregory: Draw & Feel. 

I've had this little squirrel for about 20 years, and it still makes me smile. 

Done in my 9 x 12 sketchbook; Inks, gouache, white paint pen and colored pencil.

Well, off to start homework assignment two for this week!

Happy sketching,


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Sketchbook Skool &Remembering the Colors of Rembrandt

Oh no, say it ain't so!

This was the last week (of 6) of this session of Sketchbook Skool, called Storytelling.

I've enjoyed it SO much, so decided not to rush this lesson. I'm taking my time with the homework assignment, and thoroughly "sucking the marrow out of it", to paraphrase Henry David Thoreau.

I took my color scheme for the first page from some Rembrandt sketches I studied online. He's famous for the drama of his paintings, but Rembrandt also did wonderful preparatory sketches (ha ha, how's that for name dropping).

This is the first page of several to come. I'm loosely planning on 5 pages. This is the Intro page, with small sketches featuring our fearless leader, Danny Gregory. I took the reference photos from his road trip video he filmed for this Lesson.

First, the close ups (can click any to enlarge):

Mugging for the camera in 
Albuquerque, New Mexico:

His yellow sunglasses caught my fancy 
at the Grand Canyon stop:

And I couldn't pass up the cowboy hat in Texas:

Here's the whole Intro page for my homework 
project I'm titling "My Trip to the Moon & Back":

Intro Page from 
"My Trip to the Moon & Back"
Pitt pens, colored pencils, 
watercolor pencils, waterbrush, 
white gelly pen, on paper 
toned with acrylic

Happy sketching,


Sunday, November 09, 2014

Sketchbook Skool: I need Practice!

Week 5 of Sketchbook Skool: Gesture Drawings

Yikes, that was a hard week for me. 

I am NOT a fast sketcher, painter, drawer, anything-er. But I signed up for this Sketchbook Skool, plunked down my hard earned money, so by golly, I was gonna get my money's worth by giving it a try, ha!

First homework assignment up: Group Gesture Drawing;  Spend the afternoon in a local cafe sketching groups of people. Goal:  gesture, movement, a small "story", not a likeness.

Well... I couldn't go to the local Cafe and hang out (mobility/transportation issues), so I hung out with the singing group Train, recorded singing live on Letterman. They sang a favorite song of mine "Calling All Angels" (thank you, Mr Youtube). (can click pic to enlarge)

"I Won't Give Up"

9 x 12 sketchbook
Pitt pens Med and Brush
watercolor pencils

This assignment taught me several things:

I DO enjoy dancing lines, thick and thin lines, dashes and dots and squiggly lines.

I do NOT enjoy drawing just in black and white, nor do I enjoy drawing under a time pressure, in a hurry.

At first, I did NOT like my finished piece; it seemed stiff and gawky.

So I decided to just cut loose and have fun with it! I added some border lines, lettering at the top, a few of the colors I saw on the stage, and stage lights. Now I like it. :-)

Last line in their song: 

"I won't give up. You don't give up."

If you'd like to hear Train sing the song, visit youtube HERE. 


Next up: One Person Gesture Drawing.  Follow one person around and make gesture drawings of them.

This was HARD!
Me not LIKE it.
Felt rushed and stressful.
But me DID it.

My "subject" was available for this overcast
and chilly day in Southern Oregon.

He couldn't mow grass until leaves raked.
So I sketched husband while he worked.
(He thought he was working while I was playing).

Filled mower with gas.
More raking.
Chewed on bone (dog, not husband).
Finally mowed lawn.
By that time I was cold (and complaining 
"but he keeps moving").
Wimped out and went inside to hot tea.

There you have it, my homework for Gesture drawings. 
And I learned WHY I didn't enjoy drawing in a rush:
I don't like the results. 

And that's just lack of practice. 
I get better results when I go slow 
but it's not natural and easy,
like the teachers of this kind of gesture drawing. 

My take away: practice, patience and persistence!!

Happy sketching,


Saturday, November 01, 2014

My Favorite Homework Assignment Yet!

Jane Filer is one of my favorite acrylic artists, creating amazingly imaginative, wildly colorful and unpredictable paintings. 

So, I was excited when my latest Sketchbook Skool homework assignment was to create an imaginary book cover, done in the style of a favorite artist. Here's an example of her art (can click on any pics to enlarge):

Since my husband and I recently celebrated our 37th anniversary, I chose to make the imaginary book cover for our Wedding Photo Album.

My sweetie proposed to me all those years ago on a bridge at a park, in front of the children's wooden playground.

Doing this assignment brought back such memories. I enjoyed 
doing it very much!

It all started with a line drawing. 
I drew many of the shapes as an homage 
 to Jane Filer, such as pointed arms and 
feet, angel in the air, fish  seeming to 
hover, flower and tree shapes, and
the running rabbit with ears
streaming behind:

I scanned it and played with color 
schemes in photoshop:

And the finished colored sketch:

"The Proposal"

Done in 9 x 12 sketchbook, Pitt pens, watercolor pencils, 
waterbrush, colored pencils, white paint pen, 
and gold Pearl-Ex for the lettering. 

Close ups:

Thanks for looking, and happy sketching!


Sunday, October 26, 2014

Flying Pigs, Enhanced Reality & Sketchbook Skool

Wow!! I had no idea what went on in my studio after I went to bed. But thanks to Mattias Adolfsson from Sketchbook Skool,  I found out about the secret lives of my studio inhabitants. 

I wasn't able to sleep, thinking about the homework assignment. So I got up and shuffled in half asleep to my studio. Lo and behold... my Flying Pig collection was having a party!! The Flying Pigs were being rowdy, the Blue Birds of Happiness were singing, and Mr Skull was grumpy about being kept awake.

I grabbed pen and paper, crouched low and drew while trying not to giggle. Here, then, is my homework from Week 3, drawing Enhanced Reality:

(Can click any pics to enlarge)

"Flying Pig Party"

9 x 12 sketchbook
Micron pens, watercolor pencils,
waterbrush, colored pencils,
and white gelly pen

And some close-ups for you:

Happy sketching,


Monday, October 20, 2014

Sketchbook Skool: Unleash Your Imagination!

This 3rd week at Sketchbook Skool our teacher was Mattias Adolfsson. His "specialty" is drawing from imagination. His 1st homework assignment for us, after his excellent teaching videos, was to sketch a memory from our 1st day of school.

Say what?? That was in 1956!! 

But, I did come up with a memory. It was my Mom having to push me from behind, with me digging my heels in to resist. School was not a "fun" memory for me, but as a family we've laughed at this incident over the years.

So... here is my memory. Not of the actual event, but rather the feelings of a little girl, self-conscious in orthopedic shoes, with no friends, starting this strange new place called School.

And for those who aren't familiar with Vincent Van Gogh... he was known for the black crows he painted in the sky of his last painting, right before his suicide. Yeah... this memory was a day of "drama" for that little 5 year old. 

First, the inked line drawing (can click any to enlarge):

Next, the shading, done with Inktense 
watercolor pencil and waterbrush:

And lastly, the finished drawing:

"No! No! No! No!"

9 x 12 sketchbook
Sakura Micron pens, watercolors, 
waterbrush, watercolor pencils, 
and colored pencils

Here are a couple of close ups:

This weeks homework was a challenge, but I thoroughly enjoyed the teaching from Mattias about making drawings from our imagination. Highly recommended!

Happy sketching,


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Week 2 of Sketchbook Skool - What Was I Thinking?!

Yikes! This 2nd week of Sketchbook Skool took me far outside my comfort zone. The homework assignment was to sketch moving people in ink. Go to the park or somewhere similar and go for it, loosey goosey. No pencil, no eraser, just let the ink fly! The instructor, Melanie Reim, is a professional who travels around the world and also teaches art. She calls this style "Reportage".

That sure isn't my style, but I tried to have a go at it. I know I'd like to loosen up some, but had no way to get out of the house and go to the park this week. So... into the "park" of my backyard I went!

Joey (my girl Mini-Schnauzer) gets ecstatic when her Hero gets home from work. After the quite vocal demand for immediate pets, she tells him "Come on, let's go outside!!" He puts his stuff down, and then she leads the way to the backyard, impatiently looking over her shoulder to make sure he's coming. It's dark by now, illuminated by a yard light. 

So I drafted them as my subjects. Some of it I had to finish later, like the color and waterbrushed shadows. And the top right face of Joey was made the next day, too.

I appreciate that each of the 6 week lessons are taught by a different instructor, and we experiment with different styles, mediums and assignments. I've learned a lot already! I know I need work on drawing people, so this got me started.

Here is the link to Sketchbook Skool, should anyone be interested. It's a 6 week course, with sessions starting and re-starting at varying intervals. And there is a huge online supportive community of artists of all degrees of skill, full of enthusiasm, who will make you feel welcome.

(can click pic to enlarge)

"Daddy's Home"
9 x 12 sketchbook
Kuretake Sumi brush pen,
waterbrush, watercolor pencils

I mean really... what was I thinking, trying to sketch an excited Mini-schnauzer while she streaked around the backyard at night, ecstatic cuz Daddy was home??! But it was a lot of fun and challenging, too.

Happy sketching,


Friday, October 10, 2014

Sketchbook Skool Homework #2 - This Really Happened to Me!

Whoa, this week went by too fast! 

I'm officially 19 minutes late getting my second homework assignment posted to Sketchbook Skool. Good thing they are a loosey goosey bunch. :-D

This weeks 2nd lesson from teacher Koosje Koene was to make An Illustrated Manual. 

So here it be, my "manual", based on something that really did happen to me.

(Can click pic to enlarge)

"How to Decorate Your Bedspread"
9 x 12 sketchbook
ink, watercolors, wc pencils,
colored pencils, acrylics, gouache

By the way, for anyone who doesn't know... India Ink is the darkest, blackest, WATERPROOF ink imaginable. Good luck getting it out of ANYthing. :-D  I sure learned my lesson about leaving the jar open!

Thanks for looking and happy painting!


Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Joey Wants Beef Stew & Sketchbook Skool Homework #1

I am so excited!

Last week I joined an online 6 week course called Sketchbook Skool. This is the third semester, but the semesters don't need to be taken sequentially.

I joined this one because the subject of the session really spoke to me: Storytelling.

So I thought I'd post my homework assignments here as I go along. After we watched the teaching videos and saw the examples, our first assignment was to sketch "An Illustrated Recipe". Any way we choose, any theme we choose.

Here is my version of Crockpot Beef Stew. As you can see, Joey was VERY interested in what I was doing. She kept her eyes on me the whole time!

(can click pic to enlarge)

9 x 12 sketchbook
ink, watercolors
watercolor pencils 
colored pencils, acrylics

Anyone interested in Sketchbook Skool can check it out HERE.

Thanks for visiting. And try the beef stew, it's actually quite good!

Happy painting,


PS: yep, I know how to spell School. But they are a quirky bunch at Sketchbook Skool. Anything having a "k" sound gets spelled that way! Such as skool, klass, kourse, etc. They're a fun bunch!