Showing posts with label gouache. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gouache. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Drawing Animals is Fun!

Week 5 of Sketchbook Skool was about Drawing Animals. The first part was practice using toy animals (they'll hold still for you!). I used some little Schleich Toy Animals for my practice. 

I was so busy concentrating I didn't even notice til the end that Meerkat and Bunny had switched places. Oops! (can click on images to enlarge)

Toy Animals
9 x 12 sketchbook; ink, colored pencil, 
watercolor pencils, white gel pen

Next came drawing LIVE animals. Yeah, right. Easier said than done! Joey, my Mini-schnauzer girl has 2 speeds: Greased Lightening and Asleep. 

So...where's my longhair calico, Butterfly?? Aha! Asleep on my bed... perfect.

Live Animal Drawing
9 x 12 sketchbook; colored pencil, watercolor
pencil, white gouache, ink for lettering

Happy sketching,


Wednesday, January 07, 2015

A Shiny New Year... with Cows & Squirrels!

It's a brand new year, and I've started a brand new semester at Sketchbook Skool. This course is called Beginnings.

While waiting for classes to begin, somehow a bunch of us got started drawing and painting cows. Yep, cows.

We rounded up all the strays and put them into an album we called the Cow Corral. Here is my contribution, just for the fun of it (can click images to enlarge):

And now my first homework from Week 1 of Beginnings. 
First assignment from teacher Danny Gregory: Draw & Feel. 

I've had this little squirrel for about 20 years, and it still makes me smile. 

Done in my 9 x 12 sketchbook; Inks, gouache, white paint pen and colored pencil.

Well, off to start homework assignment two for this week!

Happy sketching,
