Tuesday, April 25, 2006

WIP#1.... Little Cat's 4 Season Fantasy

Onto the nice white, swirly textured gesso layer, goes some of the first acrylics underpainting. Yikes! Looks weird so far...hee hee hee. I call this the "ugly" stage...it's still in the worm phase. Later, it will turn into a butterfly. :-)


Saturday, April 22, 2006

Poetry! by KEB

My sister, Karen, has a wonderful gift with words. Sometimes essays, perhaps a song, other times poetry. At times deep and thought provoking...other times hilarious! Here, for our amusement, is her poem to kick off the 2006 "Pawsing for Art" fundraiser, and the cat statue I am painting for C.A.T.S. (Committed Alliance To Strays).

She didn't tell me the title of the poem, so I have dubbed it......

"Little Cat, Standing Tall" ;-)

Kitty, Kitty standing tall
You don't look so good at all...
When you start you look so 'blah'
No pictures on you...head to paw

But then I see you start to sprout
Tiny pictures on your snout
Here a flower...a butterfly
And what's that thing above your eye?

Like a tree from winter grows
Blossoms, colors, wind that blows...
Maybe pictures, scenery...
I guess we'll have to wait and see

Because it's logical, of course,
To see a birdie or a horse
Spring from tail onto your sides...
Imagine greatly my surprise!

But that's OK because I know
The painter and I know the show...
And how she put you on this earth
Through lovely painting and her mirth!

Kitty, Kitty standing tall
You don't look so bad at all!
I'd like to take you home with me...
At least a picture - if you please?

by Karen Elizabeth Brown

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Little Cat revisited

Last year I had a blast painting my first 3 foot tall fiberglass cat statue. If you missed it, here is the link (from Archives, November 2005):


Well, it's that time of year again! I get to do another one. This year it will be titled: Little Cat's 4 Season Fantasy. I plan to post WIP photos (Work In Progress), and you get to see all the weird and wild stages it goes through, before emerging as a finished piece of art.

Here is the smiling cat, with just a white gesso coating, ready for my acrylic masterpiece...LOL!


"Oh, The Possibilities"

Finally! Here is the long promised finished version, stars an' all...Genesis Heat-Set Oils on 4x4 canvas.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Oh boy... new scanner!

Our good ol' Epson scanner finally gave up the ghost. We bought a new one this week...yep, another Epson. They do a great job!

So, as soon as we get it up and running, I will test it out by scanning in the painting I previously promised...the one with the sky that was missing it's stars..with the little rabbit gazing up into the night, dreaming of possibilities.

Happy Painting!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

WIP (Work in Progress) Another Rabbit

Another in my Rabbit Series. This is #2, and it is titled "Joy Comes in the Morning".

The first is my rough color pencil sketch, working out color scheme and values. I actually may do several of these, playing around with ideas...

Since I forgot to take photos of it as I progressed...here is the finished painting...a little 4" x 4" on canvas, done with Genesis heat-set oils.

Of the four in this series, I think this is my favorite...today anyway...:-)


Thursday, March 09, 2006

WIP (Work in Progress)

I enjoy seeing WIP's from other artists, so thought I'd share this one. Been working on a Rabbit series; this is #3 in this series. It is Titled: "Oh, The Possibilities!" The accompanying quote is: "Passion bridges the gap between dreamer and doer."

The first is my rough color pencil sketch, where I work out values and color scheme.

The rest show the progression till the end...hope you enjoy it.

This was painted on a little 4"x4" canvas, with Heat-set Genesis Paints. They are soo much fun to use! Just like painting with oils, only they dry instantly whenever you decide, just by applying heat with a heat gun. Too much fun... LOL!

Oh, how funny! I just realized I forgot the stars in the sky!! I'll try to post a picture of it again, after it is REALLY finished..LOL!

Happy painting,