Showing posts with label Daks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daks. Show all posts

Saturday 15 February 2020

Daks, London

We have seen amazing schemes at this brand over the years although they seem to be dropping off our page a bit as we tend to pass by their windows without a second glance.  It may of course that they just don't have the budgets to produce show stopping schemes although we are willing them to do so.  Hopefully, the brand will read this and start supporting the visual team or person who works here, lavishing them with the cash to put the brand back on the visual map.

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Saturday 24 August 2019

Daks, London

We are willing this brand to look really good again as they have produced so many incredible scheme previously.  Sadly, it seems that their budgets are very low as using a large format graphic would indicate.  Investing in window schemes is so incredibly important for any retailer out there although it seems that budgets are cut for this integral part of showcasing the brand and its product and perhaps a sign that this brand is no longer doing very well?  We hope it's not the case of course.

Check out our fantastic sponsors below for incredible Visual Merchandising solutions or click on the banners on the side of the main page at

Don't forget you can also join our community and upload your own schemes via our facebook page

Friday 28 June 2019

Daks, London

We often walk past this brands windows although we haven't recently captured their schemes.  It does seem that while they are no doubt still making the much needed cash they haven't really spent a lot of it on their windows.  This isn't to say that they don't produce anything of quality of course, just that they haven't always been particularly interesting to look at and share with you.  However, with reference, we guess to an historical space the brand is at least looking good right now.

Check out our fantastic sponsors below for incredible Visual Merchandising solutions or click on the banners on the side of the main page at

Don't forget you can also join our community and upload your own schemes via our facebook page

Tuesday 14 May 2019

Daks, London

It's been such a long time since we included this brand on this site although we do look at it quite frequently nonetheless.  Rocking the Summer look right now complete with country garden narrative and filled with a whole range of greenery including a living wall.

Check out our fantastic sponsors below for incredible Visual Merchandising solutions or click on the banners on the side of the main page at

Don't forget you can also join our community and upload your own schemes via our facebook page

Sunday 27 September 2015

Daks, London

We often pass this brand and wish it was just a little bit more theatrical, although this is one of our favourite schemes from them for a while.  With work from The Geometric collection by Nicola Wallis proving that collaborations are still as strong as ever although perhaps the artwork here could have been a little more spatial rather than an installation surrounded by very well dressed mannequins - not a critique, just a suggestion to gain greater impact. Our favourite part of the window is above.  How cool does she look, eh..!  Check out our video here for a view around the space

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Sunday 17 May 2015

Daks, London

We really want to love what this brand does in their windows although we can only ever bring ourselves to just about like it (not that it matters anyway of course).  The windows on occasion are actually very interesting and although while this one does tie in particularly well with their SS15 campaign and therefore a campaign-led scheme, it is of great quality although it still looks a little flat, don't you think?  Or, are we being mean?  Perhaps the campaign itself is one which is over used, after all how often have scenes of Italian and French towns been used over the years so perhaps we are just looking for something a little less ordinary from which ideas for windows can be developed in order to grab our attention.  Lets get some cleverness with product and humour back into windows?

Check out our fantastic sponsors below for incredible Visual Merchandising solutions or click on the banners on the side of the main page at

Sunday 13 July 2014

Daks, London

We cant quite remember why we took these images.  OK, well obviously it has a link to Paul Weller and our post on twitter of the above image sent it all a bit bonkers because it is Paul Weller, but apart from that, as their website entries haven't been updated for the past 2.5 weeks (very slack marketing for a premium brand) we are actually unable to find references to this promotion apart from a picture of, well, Paul Weller.  Oh its just all so lacking in communication guys.  Cu'mon shape up a bit a just tell us what you are doing?  You are currently waving at us in the dark; you know what you are doing but the rest of us don't??  Its not rocket science.  Oh, the brand are celebrating 120 years, great, OK, we knew that anyway.

Check out our fantastic sponsors below for incredible Visual Merchandising solutions or click on the banners on the side of the main page at

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Daks, London

Celebrating their 120th year in the biz, good old Daks its looking a whole lot better than some of the schemes we have seen here recently.  It was a little like it had lost its personality and just didn't know what to do with itself.  Well, this scheme is hitting a lot of the right notes (no pun intended) although this is clearly a non-fun zone, don't you think?  Do the wealthy clientele have a sense of humour and stand around in rooms like this all day?  Cu'mon guys lets get a bit of life into these schemes?

Check out our fantastic sponsors below for incredible Visual Merchandising solutions or click on the banners on the side of the main page at

Sunday 19 January 2014

Daks, London

We really want to love what this brand do but right now we are struggling to appreciate this one.  OK, well we understand the anniversary connections and all of the props, but maybe this just could have been rather more 'meaty'?  Right now as a passerby the scheme does appear a little like a diorama from a museum display rather than a cool fashion installation, but that's just us, or is it?

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Daks, London

We have seen the use of these spools recently across a variety of brands at the moment from luxury all the way down to the mid-range brands so clearly they are on trend right now (although they also were around two years ago but we know you wont tell anyone)  Still, this installation at Daks is quite a corker, don't you think?  We're not huge fans of some of their installations although this one is very interesting and particularly love the references to the hand made which highlights the superb quality of the product.

Friday 30 August 2013

Daks, London

We don't often say great things about this brand and their schemes but this one is really quite cool, don't you think?  OK, well they wont be tweeting this one to all of their followers or following us on twitter either, however, as their schemes go, apart from their 'live' model promotion during one of the Fashions night out events this one is definitely one of their better ones. However, Orient express vs. London underground is not quite cutting it for us, what do you think?

Sunday 25 November 2012

Daks, London

'D' for Daks or 'D' for Dull?  What a shame this brand isn't just a little more exciting?  We are willing it to be, but the word 'frumpy' just springs to our minds.  Unfortunately a big thumbs 'D'own for this scheme.  But, you may think otherwise?

Saturday 12 May 2012

Daks, London

We're not sure how we feel about the latest offering from Daks right now.  We want to love what they do here, but we're not actually sure if we even like it?  This is a difficult one to describe, apart from racquets and balls on a kind of Abacus-like structure.  Maybe the next one will have something a little more interesting or maybe they're saving for a Jubilee extravaganza.....fingers crossed then.

Friday 30 September 2011

Daks, London

This is certainly the best scheme we've seen from Daks in ages and absolutely on trend.  We love these old cameras and of course have used them ourselves at the beginning of the year on a Museum project we produced.  Original box brownies and Cherry wood cameras were incredibly delightful to handle and treasure.  Of course we have references here to the nostalgia trend that we can view at various schemes around town right now and certainly a big thumbs up to these guys.

Saturday 13 August 2011

Daks, London

Looter Chic?  Daks,  before or after the riots and looting?  Thankfully, here in lock-down London all seems quiet on the West End front and mercifully the looters and rioters have not attacked the CCTV'd area of Bond St - strange that, hey?  All of the sports, cell phone stores and oddly, discount stores have been hit, but luxury brands still seem the domain of dreaded yet sophisticated (at least in the operation) ram-raiders who perpetually harm our industry.  Here at Daks, it appears that the brand is empathising with the very badly (and incredibly sadly) hit independents by emulating the resulting effect?  Fashion future or just not getting it right? 
Oh...we know we can be flippant.....but we know that you know what we mean.

Thursday 21 April 2011

Daks, London

We were forced to stop and view the latest installation from Daks this week while on our travels.  Large panels covered in (probably a few thousand) pearl-like buttons form two crowns as the backdrop to the product. We're always interested in whats happening out there on the high street, and particularly trying to understand how the 'visual' can be interpreted and the meanings behind how the 'visual' can possibly be read as having.  OK, well one could argue that good old W&C are not King and Queen just yet and and the images do have a bit of the 'Cor-blimey-Guv'nor-knees-up-mother-Brown' about it, particularly as pearl buttons have been used.   However, we do strangely really like it (if that actually means anything), its been beautifully produced, we screeched to a halt to record it and it captures the emotion of the pending occasion quite beautifully.  We don't always appreciate what this brand produce visually, but this time, hands up, job well done we think.

Thursday 24 March 2011

Daks, London

There is something strangely romantic about this installation at Daks right now with their room and getting ready to travel kind of scenario which we really do rather like - strangely.  Possibly because the colours look so delicious in this scheme that it all just works so well.  It is a little unfortunate that the use of stacked suitcases happened all through 2010 so in this instance this scheme is completely off trend (come on someone, lets get reading those 10 Commandments of Visual Merchandising 2011) however we really are trying super hard to say kind things about this brands' schemes and to like this "innovative" approach to what they do as opposed to the "laggard" brand approach of what they have actually produced.  When one has seen this kind of presentation in a value retailer, isn't this a screaming-shouting-exploding-missile-of-a-clue that you've got it all just so wrong?  If not, we'll swing by and pick up several jackets for under a tenner please?

Saturday 16 October 2010

Daks, London

With wool schemes rife around town this week, Daks here have produced an interesting scheme too.  With their use of Mannequins in a White finish and out sized ball of Wool on which the female figure is sat, this really is a simple but effective scheme. Strands of wool have been strung across the background in a variety of matching tones framing this scenario.  I do find Daks's schemes a little 'hit and miss' personally, but when they get it right (at least for me) they really do get it so right.  Thanks guys, this was a pleasure to view.   

Sunday 22 August 2010

Daks, London

Who is shopping at Daks these days? If I'm honest with you, I have absolutely no idea. I have seen some incredible schemes from this brand over the years and at this store in particular. They have gone through some interesting concepts and they are obviously a wealthy brand if they can maintain a presence along Bond St. here in London but who on earth is shopping here right now? Clearly the product is incredible and beautifully produced, however, this really must be one of the dullest presentations I have seen of 2010. Big words, I know, I appreciate that these things are easy to say when one doesn't have to come up with a solution (however, I am available to work with you to come up with a solution) although if we say nothing then these 'things' are accepted as 'OK' and yet are they? From a potential customer point of view, this is a great space to shop in and a great opportunity to make this brand so wonderful, but I do feel looking at this brand that it lacks anything that would entice me in. Come on Daks, we know you can do it, so please lets see something a little more desirable than a dull large format graphic from a studio somewhere anonymous behind the product and can we see it change a little more often too?

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