Showing posts with label TMLewin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TMLewin. Show all posts

Friday 6 July 2012

T.M. Lewin, London

Image Courtesy and Copyright Ben Rodgers

Creative 'Sale' schemes are always quite difficult to find and therefore its always very refreshing to come across some interesting ones wherever we find ourselves.  Here at T.M. Lewin we have references to the various events happening here with the use of the Union flag and an interesting combination of 2 and 3-D letter form. 

Monday 5 March 2012

T M Lewin, London

What an interesting direction T.M.Lewin are taking right now, don't you think?  Its so interesting to see so much of menswear taking on the heritage of their brands and really pushing the details of their products to the front of the line.  At T.M.Lewin, we have references to some of the details of their products and a narrative that communicates how much work they put into producing their product.  This scheme, at least, is breathing life back into this brand that we see so much of on the high street (at least in central London) but so often just simply find bust forms wearing a shirt.  There is a VM God after all.

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