Showing posts with label Hackett. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hackett. Show all posts

Tuesday 27 September 2022

Hackett, London

Besides the fact that this brand make menswear presentation look so interesting and so incredibly effortless (which takes a huge amount of skill) they also always look so incredibly fresh too, don't you think? The current scheme, as always is beautifully presented (which is synonymous with this brand) and has with a bit of Artist meets countryside vibe right now at their Regent street store.

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 Don't forget you can also join our community and upload your own schemes via our facebook page or on our Instagram page

Tuesday 19 July 2022

Hackett, London

We're writing this as London melts on the hottest day in history but not in a good way.  London was never built to withstand this extreme temperature and this is clearly yet another warning that we need to be sustainable and perhaps a good time to reflect on what we as an industry can do to play our part.  In the meantime, as Sale continues out there, take a moment to think of all of the people who had to go to work today and implement the next load of schemes in impossibly hot windows.  We bow down to you.  This brand as always (and thankfully) continues to deliver great quality schemes and very topical with its nod to the tropical. 

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Tuesday 8 June 2021

Hackett, London

There's a wonderfully fresh feel to this scheme.  This brand always produce such great quality schemes which we have commented on on many occasions previously.  The strap line for their latest installation is Beyond the Blues complete with mannequins on rocks.  We had to have scan around however as we initially thought that the brand had released a sustainable collection (great if they have) although it's actually referencing some product which of course is Blue.  We love Blue.  Check out the video promotions which go with this scheme which are very beautifully shot.

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Monday 21 December 2020

Hackett, London

Well, thats Christmas cancelled, at least here in London as we now enter yet another Government Tier of restrictions which essentially is just another lockdown albeit with another name.  We really feel the despair of the retailers out there who are really suffering from this virus and yet all we  can really do is keep our fingers crossed for them and hope that they are able to keep going.  When brands like this have teams who work so hard to bring us their wonderful schemes it would be a tragedy to see them disappear from the high street.  Let's hope 2021 is a better time for them.

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 Don't forget you can also join our community and upload your own schemes via our facebook page
or on our Instagram page

Monday 19 October 2020

Hackett, London

We do love a bit of gravity defying mannequins in windows and of course as always the team here have produced another wonderful scheme at their Regent street store.  No easy task in our current times, but this one is as sharp as their product.  Let's face it, menswear can be so boring to look at however with their clever wit and wonderful humour this brand have pulled off another wonderful scheme.  Croquet anyone?

Check out our fantastic sponsors below for incredible Visual Merchandising solutions or click on the banners on the side of the main page at

 Don't forget you can also join our community and upload your own schemes via our facebook page or on our Instagram page

Monday 2 December 2019

Hackett, London

What an amazing year this brand have had with scheme after scheme entertaining us all throughout the year.  With their Christmas offer now in place with an illuminated train carriage structure complete with perfectly dressed mannequins and accessories.  What you cant view in a still image of course is that the lighting on the wheels of the carriage create the impression that the wheels are rotating.

Check out our fantastic sponsors below for incredible Visual Merchandising solutions or click on the banners on the side of the main page at

Don't forget you can also join our community and upload your own schemes via our facebook page

Sunday 8 September 2019

Hackett, London

This brand always produce such incredible windows and wow just look at this little gem-of-a-scheme.  Great use of faux perspective which communicates a very clear narrative and yet is perfectly masculine in every way.  Menswear is quite a difficult one to make look interesting given the usual colour palette men have to select from however this brand really do what they do so wonderfully well.

Check out our fantastic sponsors below for incredible Visual Merchandising solutions or click on the banners on the side of the main page at

Don't forget you can also join our community and upload your own schemes via our facebook page

Monday 25 February 2019

Hackett, London

What a beautifully produced installation here at Hackett right now.  As we have mentioned on several occasion's, men's wear can be so difficult to work with and make look interesting and with their fantastic architectural backdrop, complete with faux perspective and of course all perfectly illuminated, this is another killer scheme from this brand.

Check out our fantastic sponsors below for incredible Visual Merchandising solutions or click on the banners on the side of the main page at

Don't forget you can also join our community and upload your own schemes via our facebook page

Friday 30 November 2018

Hackett, London

What another great year this brand have had with their windows and another fantastic installation.  It really is quite amazing how they manage to squeeze so much into their spaces at their store along Regent street - but they do.  A great industrial-style installation which appears to be a kind of conveyor belt, surrounded with miniature workers and of course beautifully wrapped gifts.  We always look forward to the schemes here as they put so much effort into their windows.  This is always really appreciated.

Check out our fantastic sponsors below for incredible Visual Merchandising solutions or click on the banners on the side of the main page at

Don't forget you can also join our community and upload your own schemes via our facebook page

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Hackett, London

Oh you've got to love the humour behind this brands' schemes and as always they have yet again delivered an installation which cant help but make you smile.  Best in Show is the latest offering at their Regent street store complete with rope barriers,  Silver trophies against a seasonal Yellow backdrop and of course the obligatory pooches.

Check out our fantastic sponsors below for incredible Visual Merchandising solutions or click on the banners on the side of the main page at

Don't forget you can also join our community and upload your own schemes via our facebook page

Tuesday 21 August 2018

Hackett, London

If there is one thing that this brand do so well it has to be their consistency in the delivery of really great quality schemes.  Menswear is a particularly difficult area to make interesting and yet masculine but as always this brand always seem to pull it off and we keep going back to see what they will do next. Job very well done.

Check out our fantastic sponsors below for incredible Visual Merchandising solutions or click on the banners on the side of the main page at

Don't forget you can also join our community and upload your own schemes via our facebook page

Monday 16 April 2018

Hackett, London

We love what this brand does particularly as menswear is such a difficult product to make interesting without it looking either feminine or alienating, and yet as always Hackett produce both interesting and masculine schemes every time - no easy task for sure.  With their 'Great British Stripe' strap line, featuring, well you guessed it, stripes, in tandem with fluted columns this brand continue to be appreciated for spending on great quality schemes at their Regent street site.

Check out our fantastic sponsors below for incredible Visual Merchandising solutions or click on the banners on the side of the main page at

Don't forget you can also join our community and upload your own schemes via our facebook page

Sunday 4 March 2018

Hackett, London

Its been quite a while since we included Hackett although we pass by here often and are still huge fans of their schemes.  Gravity defying mannequins are always fun and working in tandem with video as a backdrop and amazing faux perspectives this brand are upping the ante among the affordable luxury menswear brands.  If you happen to be along Regent street do also check inside this store as it really is an exceptional experience.

Check out our fantastic sponsors below for incredible Visual Merchandising solutions or click on the banners on the side of the main page at

Don't forget you can also join our community and upload your own schemes via our facebook page
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