Showing posts with label Melissa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Melissa. Show all posts

Thursday 2 January 2020

Melissa, New York

Well that's it for another year, all of the holidays are over and its back to work and a fresh start to a whole new decade too.  We will be back in London shortly however in the meantime we have a few more store windows which we want to share with you.  We included Melissa last year here in New York as well as the store back in London as they have such unusual installations as you walk in through the door including this one.

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Sunday 10 March 2019

Melissa, London

If there is one place to go and have a look at this week it has to be Melissa in Covent Garden.  We recently shared with you their New York store with its huge screens, walkway and mirrors which was quite staggering and their latest installation here offers one of those perfect 'insta' moments which we are finding are beginning to emerge both sides of the Atlantic.  Large foam blocks with letters printed on them fill the entrance to the store here, but do pop downstairs as you can just dive in and take that all important selfie.  A great fun concept from this brand.

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Sunday 6 January 2019

Melissa, New York

If you are feeling the need to have an experience when you buy your next pair of shoes then look no further than Galeria Melissa along Broadway.  Like moths to a flame, well, a big Red flashing video actually, we were drawn in to take a closer look at this store.  A short catwalk away from the product, this is perhaps not the least intimidating space to walk into however the team are friendly so there's no need to worry.  There is also of course the ever omnipresent insta moment within the commercial space so even for males there is something to do while you wait for a female companion to try on a multitude of footwear.

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Saturday 27 December 2014

Melissa, New York

We happened upon this store recently and were rather blown away.  'Inspired by the unconventional decadence of Melissa's candy colour', Galeria Melissa has been transformed 'into a burst of sculptural works, harmonising their collections around the store.  Each art work, which includes George Kroenaet's Big Bang theory (above), Sam Tufnell's Power Gnomes, Sean Augustine March's hand cut glass sculptures, Kirsten Kay Thoen's Crystalline Pendulum and Tapp Franke's neon sign look absolutely spectacular.

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