Tuesday 4 October 2011

Mathew Williamson, London

We haven't included this brand for quite some time although we have been willing them to do something rather more exciting than they have for while.  OK, well of course the merchandise is stunning and the most wonderful colours, but the schemes are, well, just rather dull, don't you think?  The same mannequins in virtually the same positions are used over and over again.  Cu'mon guys, lets see some effort and entertain us, pretty please?

Monday 3 October 2011

McQueen, London

We haven't ventured all the way down to this end of Bond st. for some weeks now, only really because so much else has been happening every where else on the high street.  However, as usual this brand remains one of our top favourites and this scheme of course oozes the usual sophistication that we have come to expect from this brand.  With its delicate lighting, floor to ceiling mirrors and apparently free-standing mannequins,  these are incredibly difficult window spaces to use because of the illuminated glass  floor, however it looks like the Uber talented Laurent @McQueen has tamed the beast once again and produced yet another incredible scheme.  Windows spaces like this are very difficult to use, and yet look how beautifully they have been produced. 

Sunday 2 October 2011

Etro, London

We haven't always been kind about this brands' schemes, however, this one is a little winner.  What is interesting about this scheme for us, is, how the graphic picks up on the colour from the merchandise (or vice versa?).  We also do love these kinds of illustrative architectural drawings.  What is not quite clear is why this store is still open when they have moved almost directly across the street to a new site? We're sure there must be method in the madness somewhere.

Saturday 1 October 2011

Chanel, London

Oh VM God help us, please?  Strangely this is probably the best scheme we have seen in many, many, many years from this brand.  While the concept is actually really good fun and could have been oh-so-good, the execution leaves a lot to be desired, don't you think?  We know what you are thinking.....'oh the guys from retailstorewindows are ranting again about this brand'......although, you know of course, that we like to tell it like it is and.....well, how wrong does this brand get it?  Enough ranting, we'll let you make your own minds up about what you are looking at here.  Although, we are, as ever, very surprised that a luxury brand allows this to happen.

Friday 30 September 2011

Daks, London

This is certainly the best scheme we've seen from Daks in ages and absolutely on trend.  We love these old cameras and of course have used them ourselves at the beginning of the year on a Museum project we produced.  Original box brownies and Cherry wood cameras were incredibly delightful to handle and treasure.  Of course we have references here to the nostalgia trend that we can view at various schemes around town right now and certainly a big thumbs up to these guys.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Fendi, London

Isn't this the best scheme ever from Fendi?  We came across it recently in a publication but only had time to glance at it so made a bee-line to the store the other evening to take a closer look.  We weren't sure what they were going to do when they moved from their former store across the road, but how cool do they look, hey?  These installations by Meret Probst and Lola Lely are another fantastic example of Art meet Visual merchandising.  With moving coloured belts (image above, which cant really be appreciated in a still image) this really is a magical scheme.   In the second window, clear glass vessels contain coloured liquids which appear to drip down the threads onto the merchandise below.   A stunning installation from this brand.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Bvlgari, London

How beautiful are these windows hey?  Bvlgari are not always the most innovative in their window schemes but these ones certainly are a corker.  With these stunning concertinaed structures in (almost) monochromatic tones, these certainly drew us in to take a closer look.  OK, well we're never going to buy anything here but looking is free and we appreciate beautiful things.  We don't know who produced them, but hey, they certainly look amazing.  Used in conjunction with the surrounding grand wallpaper and a visual of a beautiful model (who naturally woke up like that this morning), it really does ooze the quality that this brand is.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Tent, London 2011

Did you go to Tent 2011 in East London this year?  If you didn't then here's a little snapshot of what you missed.  From some of the coolest movers and shakers in the Design industry we've been looking out for some of the latest trends, materials and concepts before they happen on the high street.  These incredible 1m sq feathered structures, for example, by Louise Greenfield and the mirror and wood screen (below) by Lee Borthwick were definitely at the top of our list.  Of course, the creative use of neon is always a pleasure to view too and it looks like these printing block trays are becoming rather more popular (and could also be found at 100% across the other side of town amongst other places that we've been looking)

Monday 26 September 2011

NYOU, Eilat, Israel

Images Courtesy and Copyright Ira Simonov

We've recently been sent some images by the very kind Ira Simonov at the NYOU store in Eilat, Israel, of her latest installation for this brand.  We weren't familiar with this store prior to receiving these images, however, it is so incredibly exciting that we are able to share what is happening around the world in Visual Merchandising.   The scheme which consists mainly of Black, Red and White is promoting their latest winter collection of merchandise.  The theme of the windows is based on Rock Bands and Music is the Answer.  In addition to this Ira has  used Black and White Geometric lines to give her scheme the illusion of depth in conjunction with vinyl placed on the fenestration and mannequins in a Chrome finish.  Since installing her scheme at the store which sells brands such as Replay, Steve Madden, Adidas, Diadora, Converse and so on, sales have risen by 25%.  How wonderful is this, and we are very pleased that we are able to share with everyone what is happening around the world, so please do keep them coming.

Sunday 25 September 2011

Clarks, London

Wow, you turn your back for just one minute and even Clarks looks  hot.  We've never seen this brand looking so good.  Gold leafed backdrops, fabulous bust forms with articulated arms in a repetition format and manipulated paper outfits - how cool do these guys look, hey?  Please keep them coming guys, you're looking so good right now and upping the ante on the high street.

Saturday 24 September 2011

B Store, London

The guys are B store (at the Miyake end of Saville Row) are clearly way ahead of the forthcoming trends for 2012.  With their use of 'old' Liberty fabrics to create these giant Teddy bears we can see the trend towards Nostalgia and Comfort beginning to creep in.  We may just see some of the multiples on the high street pick up on these trends but possibly not until well into next year.

On the streets, London

Friday 23 September 2011

100% Design, London

We're a little show'd-out at the moment, having been from East to West and everywhere in between.  From Westfield East London to Tent London and on to 100% Design, what a week....!!! We have gathered in the latest in trends and design scanned from what is happening on the streets in order to share these with you, we also have a  few highlights that brought a smile to our face.


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