Wilkinson Family Guestbook

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Name:   Ronan Keane Date: 2/1/2011 5:18:33 PM
Email: --  Referred: From a net search
Location:   Dublin, Dublin Republic of Ireland   
The one liners are cracking!

Name:   Emerson Date: 12/10/2010 10:49:04 PM
Email: emelek AT tds.net  Referred: From a net search
Location:   Fort Payne, Alabama USA   
Nice humor... Like a lot of your one liners.

Name:   Enrique A. Stiglich - Grieve Date: 12/8/2010 4:56:03 PM
Email: enriquestiglich AT hotmail.com  Referred: Just Surfed On In!
Location:   San Isidro, Lima PERU   
I have a history from one George Grieve who is missing in our Genealogy Tree. I will send you by e-mail a photo of him who looks very much similar to the George Grieve photo you have on these pages.
Enrique A. Stiglich - Grieve

Name:   Paul in NJ Date: 12/8/2010 7:57:40 AM
Email: --  Referred: From a net search
Location:   North, NJ USA   
The only place I've found the complete Tao of Programming.

Say, how's that "Homesite editor support forum" working out? ;} (I should talk; my site is moribund too.)

Name:   Gary Date: 12/2/2010 1:41:05 PM
Email: gary AT gocek.org  Referred: Just Surfed On In!
Location:   Perinton, NY USA   
I often surf around for family web sites. Nice job. See my family and interests at www.gocek.org.

Name:   Sarah Date: 11/28/2010 9:23:11 PM
Email: --  Referred: From another website
Location:   Auburn, AL United States   
Hi! I came up with alternative solutions for some of the Classic Lateral Thinking Puzzles that I'd like to run by you:
For #4, Kerry and Terry were born on a non-leap year, Kerry on Feb 28 and Terry on March 1. The particular birthday celebration in question is a leap year.
And #6, the man didn't die from the poison because he threw up. He left the party early because he wasn't feeling well.

Name:   Simon Date: 11/26/2010 2:22:11 PM
Email: --  Referred: Just Surfed On In!
Location:   Derbyshire, England   
I Stumbled your lateral thinking page. For Q14 there is also "Christmas Eve, Christmas Day & Boxing Day"

Name:   Gregg Date: 10/24/2010 8:44:44 PM
Email: --  Referred: Just Surfed On In!
Location:   Waltham, MA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA   
You're "Healthy Level of Insanity", "Things to do in a walmart", "Office Dares", and "Annoying things to do in an elevator" are beyond hilarious. I love doing these things with friends and they help me to laugh a little bit each day. Thanks for keeping us laughing hard!

Name:   Nomie Date: 10/7/2010 6:57:21 PM
Email: nmeronuk AT yahoo.com  Referred: Just Surfed On In!
Location:   St. Andrews, Manitoba Canada   
Enjoyed looking up Grieve history.

Nomie (Grieve) Meronuk

Private Message Date:   9/7/2010 4:47:31 PM

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