Wilkinson Family Guestbook

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Name:   Charity Faith Hope Date: 3/19/2010 11:18:43 AM
Email: chrtyfaithhope AT yahoo.com  Referred: Just Surfed On In!
Location:   Loveland, CO USA   
The Application to Date My Daughter has been available in paper form since the late 70's when jokes were 'copied' and passed around at work (anybody recall those times?). I do not know who the original author is. I am glad to see it available online for viewing as it is so very funny! I do not recall seeing Daddy's rules so I cannot address the origins of that or how long it has been available - however I would suspect ALL fathers of daughters are the responsible authors. Thanks for sharing and allowing me to contribute as well!

Name:   Suzanne Grieve Christian Date: 3/8/2010 9:59:40 AM
Email: sue.christian722GMAIL.COM  Referred: Just Surfed On In!
Location:   Lancaster, Ohio USA   
My father is(Charles Henry Grieve) His father was James Arthur Grieve. I saw a James in your photo album. Maybe............

Name:   Dave Glover Date: 2/11/2010 5:13:59 PM
Email: davedglover AT googlemail.com  Referred: Just Surfed On In!
Location:   Pontypridd, UK   
I found your site when I was looking for a stupid joke I vaguely remembered seeing somewhere, sometime. Google led me to it and I followed my nose to .../humor to find every corny joke I'd ever seen. Thanks for keeping all those little critters corralled in one place. Don't let too many out at any one time - they'll overrun the world.

Private Message Date:   2/8/2010 10:49:18 PM

Name:   Jimmie Long Date: 2/1/2010 7:17:53 PM
Email: curbid49 AT yahoo.com  Referred: From another website
Location:   Shreveport,, LA United States   
Arrived here with the Stumble Application attached to Google Chrome, probably because of my interest in Humor. Enjoyed my visit no end, so I'll leave a plug. Stumble is proving to be an entertaining way to wander from one interesting subject to the next. Might be worth a look. Y'all come visit, any time.

Name:   ST Date: 1/15/2010 3:50:39 PM
Email: st AT pic.ca  Referred: Other
Location:   Acton, Ontario Canada   
Interesting... to say the least

Private Message Date:   1/5/2010 9:37:23 AM

Name:   Gilbert Grieve Date: 1/4/2010 1:58:44 AM
Email: gilbo2112 AT gmail.com  Referred: -not entered-
Location:   Larkhall, ML9 1HU Scotland   
Hi just found your site. AM just starting to trace my grieve line.

Name:   DConnor Date: 1/3/2010 11:32:15 PM
Email: --  Referred: Other
Location:   Pburgh, PA United States   
I found you through stumble. I have an ex-girlfriend with the last name wilkinson and she went to towson university....weird coincidence right?

Anyway, I came to your site through stumble because of the odd little think of 6 then you think of a carrot routine.

Private Message Date:   12/30/2009 9:15:37 AM

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