Wilkinson Family Guestbook

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Please feel free to sign our guestbook so we know you were here.

Name:   gary Date: 6/2/2000 8:12:00 AM
Email: garyp21 AT hotmail.com  Referred: NewsGroups
Location:   London, UK   
read your page in the daily mirror (london).from there i read some of your stuff on the internet. thoght it really good

Name:   paula bird Date: 6/2/2000 6:15:00 AM
Email: paula.bird AT ntlworld.com  Referred: NewsGroups
Location:   england   
really fab page one of the best i have seen. Now i have some brilliant pages to take to work to brighten up the office

Name:   ian smith Date: 6/2/2000 5:53:00 AM
Email: iansmith2 AT cableinet.co.uk  Referred:
Location:   sheffield, england   
see my other signing, only just noticed your a hitch hikers fan. I've got the origanal radio series on tape if your interested, I wont charge you, series one and two plus the exmas special linking them. IAN

Name:   John Hill Date: 5/17/2000 6:08:00 PM
Email: johnhill01 AT genie.co.uk  Referred:
Location:   London, UK   
one of the best sites i have visited -got you from the daily mirror and the time with you was well spent all the very best and keep up the good work.
joh hill

Name:   terri james Date: 5/14/2000 1:02:00 PM
Email: tubey AT free4internet.com  Referred: Just Surfed On In!
Location:   S. Wales   
just browsing, was interesting.im from Pontypridd, in Souith Wales, UK.(home of Tom Jones)!

Private Message Date:   5/12/2000 3:18:00 PM

Name:   Lynne Date: 5/8/2000 2:09:00 PM
Email: lynne AT moneypennyl.freeserve.co.uk  Referred:
Location:   Liverpool, UK   
What a brilliant site! My sister-in-law sent me here to read the pet jokes on your miscellaneous humour page. What a laugh!! As an owner of two dogs, and pet sitter to a friends cats, I feel as if they wrote these jokes themselves! Is it okay to use them in our Parish Magazine please? Thanks :)

Private Message Date:   3/26/2000 7:48:00 PM

Name:   peter brady Date: 3/15/2000 12:42:00 AM
Email: peter AT bradyp.fsnet.co.uk  Referred: From a friend
Location:   Lisburn, N Ireland   
Thoroughly enjoyed your humour page

Name:   Sue Thompson Date: 3/12/2000 7:00:00 AM
Email: thompson AT friend.ly.net  Referred: From our email
Location:   Chester, Md USA   
Hi Jeff and Caroline,
Jim and I really enjoyed your web site. I hope you don't mind, I intend to use a photo of your new house and the cute photo of Kevin with his Christmas tools in the next newsletter ("It's All Relative!"). Of course, I'll need to have a neat new photo of Kimberly to use too.
We think you've done a super job on your web site. I like the addition of the family newsletter too....Even though you had sent us a copy. I'm going to forward this site to Robin and Elissa and Erik.
Auntie sue

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