Wilkinson Family Guestbook

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Name:   Willa Jabir Date: 6/28/2008 12:09:27 AM
Email: --  Referred: Just Surfed On In!
Location:   ALABAMA USA   
Stumbled on. Nice site....

Name:   Alan Ward Date: 6/26/2008 9:02:06 AM
Email: info AT siberpaws.com  Referred: From a net search
Location:   Grays, Essex U.K.   
I came across your site by accident as I was looking for a piece of Humour called, "why dogs are better than children" I found one version here. I have had a good look through your site and would like to say it has been a pleasure to look through your pages

Name:   Cindy Kaiser Date: 6/7/2008 5:44:53 PM
Email: --  Referred: I am family
Location:   Greencastle, PA usa   
My Husband passed in Feb,1999.Leaving me to raise our three sons. (Randy lee Kaiser Jr, Robert Lee Kaiser & Ryan Patrick Kaiser, I) The youngest of the three is readying himself to go to Iraq. And as un-thinkable it may be he may never return. I want his Son (Ryan Patrick II) to know his family heritage and where he came from. This is upmost importance to me.
Reply from Jeff: Cindy, hi cous. If you see this, email me and I'll give you the details and passwords for the more detailed family tree stuff that is kept private to family. I hope what I have will help you teach Ryan Jr. about the family. Our prayers will certainly be with you and Ryan and his family. ~jeff

Name:   Jamy Watson Date: 5/21/2008 11:04:12 AM
Email: --  Referred: Just Surfed On In!
Location:   Westchester, IL USA   
I went to a wedding a couple of years back and they used quotes from kids about love as one of their readings. I have another friend getting married this year and they were interested in doing the same thing so I googled and your page popped up! It's perfect - what a great site! Thanks!

Name:   Phillip Kaiser Date: 5/1/2008 5:12:47 PM
Email: PKaiser1 AT roadrunner.com  Referred: Other
Location:   kingston, ohio pickway   
thank you

Name:   Lea Kaiser Date: 4/18/2008 8:27:22 AM
Email: LeaDANielle AT msn.com  Referred: Other
Location:   Naples, Fl U.S.A   
i just was looking up my own family tree and your site popped up haha

Name:   t i Date: 4/1/2008 2:37:12 AM
Email: --  Referred: From a net search
Location:   mesa, az USA   
(I originally received an email about "Maintaining a healthy level of Insanity.)

Maybe this will fit in well with the same:

When you are amongst a group of friends and acquaintances, in close proximity, you find it impossible to avoid breaking wind. Quite audibly. Immediately, someone replies "Pardon" before you can even think of excusing yourself. So you forget about saying "Excuse me," and instead, refer to the old Loretta Lynn song, "Rose Garden." You answer back in a tone of voice which resembles singing, "I beg your pardon."

Private Message Date:   3/26/2008 4:55:00 PM

Name:   Victor Wilkinson (no relation to you. lol) Date: 3/25/2008 6:45:08 PM
Email: victor.wilkinson1 AT us.army.mil  Referred: From a friend
Location:   Queens, NY USA   
My girlfriend took me to her Dad yesterday and he gave me the dating rules and the form to fill out. ha ha. It was so funny. I was actually planning to do something like this to my daughter's boyfriend someday. Thanks for doing the hard part for me. You're the best.

Private Message Date:   3/19/2008 8:09:40 PM

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