Wilkinson Family Guestbook

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Name:   nidhi Date: 4/30/2013 5:06:29 AM
Email: nidhi.g.ag AT gmailcom  Referred: From a net search
Location:   delhi, india india   
i just read the post where everyone who plays the mind trick thinks of carrots....originally i thought it was some kinda psychometric evaluation...but anyways small fun ....:) cheers

Name:   uriah a. o'neil jr Date: 1/13/2013 9:05:14 PM
Email: uriaty11755 AT yahoo.com  Referred: Just Surfed On In!
Location:   syracuse, New York United States   
i really enjoyed it alot and will be stopping in again

Name:   Jessica Date: 1/3/2013 4:04:24 AM
Email: --  Referred: Other
Location:   SP, BKK Thailand   
Just visited your site and I just had to stop by and say that article, How To Keep a Healthy Level of Insanity, is so funny! And thanks so much for writing it! It's full of just awesome ideas that I'm dying to try out!

Name:   Commie Date: 11/14/2012 5:08:05 PM
Email: --  Referred:
Location:   Washington D.C., WI Cuba   
I BET YOU THOUGHT THAT MIND TRICK WAS REAL FUNNY, HUH? Some people are just down right sick and you happen to be one of the worst. I'll admit your website's aesthetics are impressive and the visual effects are stunning, but honestly, do you think that gives you the right to DEGRADE people and make them feel helpless to their own minds?? NO ASSHOLE. Get off your high horse already and take this site down NOW before it gets out of hand.
By the way Jeff: I HATE YOU
Webmaster's reply: Um, I don't know what the heck you're talking about. I can only guess you're talking about some other site. The only 'mind trick' thing on the site is this one in the *HUMOR* section and it's something that went around by email. I didn't write it... Not only is it *not* degrading to anyone, but you're the first to take it seriously in any way... Frankly nothing on my site has stunning visual effects, so you must be talking about some other site. Either way, sounds like you're on some messed-up drugs... certainly you're not anyone I know... or care to. If you're not just insane and care to explain your post, feel free to post here or email me.

Name:   Jennifer Date: 11/11/2012 9:39:57 PM
Email: --  Referred: From another website
Location:   West Orange, NJ USA   
Lots of funny stuff on a few of the posts I read so far.

Private Message Date:   9/14/2012 4:32:07 PM

Private Message Date:   9/14/2012 4:16:25 PM

Name:   Toni Date: 8/28/2012 12:09:40 AM
Email: --  Referred: Just Surfed On In!
Location:   Adelaide, SA Australia   
Love the humour... I was looking for the application for a night out and your page popped up. Thanks for the humour page... made my day

Private Message Date:   6/27/2012 5:23:07 PM

Name:   Keith Grieve Date: 6/24/2012 4:49:39 AM
Email: keithg1957 AT gmail.com  Referred: From a net search
Location:   Cape town, Western Cape South Africa   
Hello !. Don't know very much about my fathers family bar his parents and siblings. Any other info welcome (Father Edgar James Grieve).

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