Scenario 1: You experience a day of deeply meaningful bliss and then are annihilated.
Scenario 2: You experience a day of deeply meaningful bliss and then travel back in time, with memories reset, to restart that very same day of an internally looping life.
Scenario 3: You experience a day of deeply meaningful bliss, over and over infinitely many times, with memories reset.
Here are some initial intuitions I have:
Scenario 3 is much better than Scenario 1.
Scenario 3 is at most a little better than Scenario 2.
But the following can be argued for:
- Scenario 2 is no better than Scenario 1.
After all, you experience exactly the same period of bliss in Scenarios 1 and 2. Granted, in Scenario 1 you are annihilated, but (a) that doesn’t hurt, and (b) the only harm from the annihilation is that your existence is limited to a single day, which is also the case in Scenario 2. Time travel is admittedly cool, but because of the memory reset in Scenario 2, you don’t get the satisfaction of knowing you’re a time-traveler.
This is a paradox. How to get out of it? I see two options:
Deny the possibility of internal time loops.
Affirm that Scenario 3 is much better than Scenario 2.
Regarding 4, one would also have to deny the possibility of external time loops. After all, it wouldn’t be significantly all that different for you if everybody’s time looped together in the same way, and so external time loops can be used to construct a variant on Scenario 2.
I personally like both 4 and 5.
Objection: On psychological theories of personal identity, memory reset is death and hence in Scenario 3 you only live one day.
Response 1: Psychological theories of personal identity are false.
Response 2: Modify Scenario 3. Before that day of bliss, you have a completely neutral day. On each of the days of deeply meaningful bliss, you remember that neutral day, but then have amnesia with respect to the last 24-hour period once each blissful day ends. By psychological theories, there is identity between the person on each blissful day and the neutral day, and hence by symmetry and transitivity of identity, there is identity between the person over all the blissful days.
Note: Scenario 1 is inspired by a question by user “Red”.