Friday, December 20, 2024
31 Questions for Barking Alien - Question 14
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Too Many Ideas Syndrome
Saturday, September 7, 2024
Wild Blue Yonder
Inspired by a comment on my previous post by the illustrious Lord Blacksteel, I am not only adjusting and further expanding my Smurfs RPG setting but also changing the original scenario I was planning to what amounts to a prequel to itself. The result would make an excellent catalyst to a full campaign but that's me getting ahead of myself.
Smurf this out...
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
Blue Sky Thinking
As I mentioned not long ago, Maestro Media is coming out with an official Smurfs Tabletop Roleplaying Game and I don't think I've been this excited about a game in a very long time.
I've been so inspired by the announcement and my reading of the rules in the Quickstart Guide that I've asked one of my gaming groups if I could run them through a scenario and for some insane reason they said yes.
I immediately started putting together an adventure, some setting material, and generating some illustrations for the occasion. I will definitely be reusing and/or repurposing some concepts I came up with back in 2011 for my first Smurfs campaign [which I ran using a homebrew system]. I have expanded upon that earlier work a bit but not overly so as I only intend to run this one adventure (probably two or three sessions tops) for the time being. If I were to run a full on campaign I'd definitely go through both the old and new ideas more thoroughly.
For now...
The end result is three original Smurf characters with rather odd Motivations and Specialties that fit perfectly with what I have in mind. The strange combination of Medieval Fantasy and humorous anachronism should provide for a very entertaining adventure. In addition to the three PCs, I recreated my assisting NPC 'Spacey Smurf' from my the previous game to help them get accustomed to the game world.
Scale is not really a concern so much as direction and placement of the different important locations. It was necessary to place larger waterways and how they might feasibly connect in order to work in one of the characters having a nautical theme. That and two of my favorite old Smurf stories involve our little blue heroes traveling by river.
Sunday, August 18, 2024
A Bolt From The Blue
As you can all plainly see, I am running pretty far behind on the RPGaDay 2024 Challenge. The main reason for this is I've been distracted by RPG ideas I am currently finding much more inspiring and engaging.
One of these is the upcoming Smurfs Tabletop RPG by Maestro Media. I've received the Quick-Start Guide which contains the basic rules and an adventure.
My initial thoughts...
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Blue World
Obviously I am very interested. I'm pretty sure this will be a very different game from the one I made. This seems more aimed at kids and closer to classic comic strips and animated series. I definitely like the dice depicted in the image above.
Smurf you next time!
*Post title a reference to 'Blue World' by who else? The Moody Blues.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
In A Darker Age
Now I am more than certain that, as Zak S. might put it, I run this game badwrong (or is it wrongbad? I can never get that straight). I focus considerably less on history and historical accuracy in favor of a 'timeless, folklore quality', as a friend of mine once put it.
I quite enjoy keeping the trappings of the region and culture I am using in mind as veracious to the time and place my campaign is set in as I can, but it is only to reinforce the atmosphere of the game. Political, social and economic elements of the medieval period (usually the late 12th or early 13th centuries for me) serve largely as background.
That said, I would like to set the campaign in a region that has interesting goings on and is thick with folklore.
I have run most of my previous Ars Magica campaigns in either England or France. For England I have primary focused on Wales and the South Western coast. For France, I prefer the regions of Brittany, Normandy and Flanders.
The research I did for my Smurfs game, strangely enough, would excellent source material for use in a campaign that revisits Flanders and the areas that make up what is now modern day Belgium.
Roman-Germany, Black Forest and all, would also be an excellent location.
Any ideas or recommendations? Any one run or play Ars Magica who'd like to offer up some input?
Looking forward to the mythic past,
Barking Alien
Friday, July 27, 2012
The Foreseeable Future
OK, in truth, that too is a need and I think I've been holding off on it for one reason or another. Well no more! Time to get down to the working on the game I like the most...can you guess? Go on guess! Right! You guessed it...
When I started this blog I had intended on writing a lot more about science fiction gaming in general and Star Trek gaming specifically, yet somewhere along the line I migrated to more entries about Superheroes, Comedy and Ideas-Too-Crazy-To-Work-But-Do, like my Muppets and Smurfs RPGs.
Star Trek and Star Trek gaming, are, like Superhero Comic Books, something I've loved since before I ever saw an RPG book or funny shaped dice. While many kids played cops and robbers, my friends and I, plastic Phasers and Tricorders in hand, knock off Starfleet Uniform T-Shirts on our backs, pretended to explore strange new worlds and seek out new life forms.
The question now, which I previously never bothered to ask myself, is how shall I go about going where no one has gone before? With no official Star Trek RPG on the markets or even in the works it seems, what system and approach shall I take to develop a Star Trek campaign for when next I am given the opportunity to run one?
How you played Star Trek but not used an 'official' system? What do you use? Do you play in the canon Star Trek universe or a variant? Do you explore completely different Trek-like universe (as in Starships and Spacemen)?
I may just dedicate all of August to various posts on Star Trek gaming. Anyone interested?
Let me know. Hailing frequencies are open...
Barking Alien
Sunday, October 9, 2011
I Need A Recess After RECESS
As has been my experience at past RECESS gaming events, today's rocked my socks out of the box! It was also phenomenally exhausting.
It was, in a word, THE AWESOME! (Technically two words but at 2:30 am who's really going to notice?)
The Muppet Show/Muppets RPG session went over really, really well once again. In some ways even better or at least more smoothly then the first time. I will go into a detailed recap and some session notes I think you might find interesting (I know I do) tomorrow or Monday.
Played in a game of BrickQuest that was oh so fun. It was like old school D&D, simplified and with LEGO. Fantastic.
Not really bad per se but my Smurfs RPG game was cancelled. No one signed up. While I was disappointed, I was also exhausted from running the Muppet Show game earlier in the day. I am surprised I didn't get even one or two people interested but there were less attendees in the afternoon/evening segment.
The truth is I did have one or two people interested but one didn't end up coming to RECESS for whatever reason while the other opted to play another RPG he'd been waiting to get into for a while now.
I think running something in the morning and playing in the afternoon is the way to go for me from now on but you never know...
Many requests to run the Muppets RPG at the next RECESS, with a large number of people wanting to play the Sesame Street variation instead of The Muppet Show.
Need sleep.
Barking Alien
Monday, October 3, 2011
Monday Funday Late Night Double Feature
In the early part of the event I will be running 'The Muppet Show' with my homebrewed Muppets RPG. It went over really well last time and I hope to top it with some October inspired craziness.
Who will the Special Guest Star be? You'll just have to wait and see...In the latter part of the event I will be running....wait for it...The Smurfs!
That's right my little Smurfs! I will be smurfing the smurfiest RPG that has been smurfed at RECESS. Assuming I get all my smurfs in order.
I am so excited to be doing this. I hope anyone viewing this who lives in the New York area, loves games and have a free Saturday will come by. In addition to my wacky antics there will be a number of other RPGs and Board Games being played. Please check the linked websites above for more information.
I heard there will even be people running some kind of game about underground jails and flying lizards or some such. It could be a hoot.
Expect a session report on each sometime next week!
Barking Alien
Thursday, September 22, 2011
The Big Smurf - Part 3
I don't like the way I recap.
It's too long winded and much more like telling a story than really recapping an adventure. Granted, my adventures are more cooperative, interactive storytelling type sessions than they are traditional games but still. I don't think I really convey the games as I should and as I want to.
Also, so much happens in even a relatively short session of a humorous game that I end up getting bored retelling the adventure when I'd rather talk about something new. My brain doesn't like or do well with staying on the same subject for too long.
So...Reader's Digest version:
The Smurf party of Expert, Detective, Insano, Spacey and Snarky head off into the wilderness to locate the mysteriously sleeping animals found by Papa Smurf and Spacey the night before. The group is carrying with them a potion that may wake them*.
Before finding the animals, they come upon a hunter/trapper in the forest and decide (completely without me) that Smurfs are 'Guardians of the Forests' and its creatures and they don't appreciate a hunter hunting so close to their village. As the Smurfs plan a way to use Detective's Magnifying Glass and a crosshair made of twigs to improve Spacey's aim with his Ray Gun (hoping to damage the hunter's bow), Snarky walks right up to the fellow and goes into a long speech about whether or not the hunter has the correct permits, if he is licensed to use a bow and arrow in part of the country, etc.
The others realize what he is doing and while they can't believe he walked off to engage the Human directly, they are kind of impressed. They suggest he be renamed Bureaucrat Smurf or Litigious Smurf. Meanwhile, Snarky walks around the hunter as he talks, causing the hunter to turn to follow him. Snarky therefore ends up setting up the shot, which Spacey takes with his newly built Targeting Smurf (Scope). Zap-Poof-Cracked and the hunter gets a crispy bow.
Snarky tells the Hunter to be gone as he (Snarky) did that with his magic and he can do it again. At some point in his conversation with the hunter, Snarky lets out that he is a Smurf. The hunter tries to grab him in a sack, suddenly spurred on instead of frightened by Snarky's 'magic powers'. Snarky threatens to do it again and than snaps his fingers for effect. Spacey takes a second shot at the sack which immediately receives a burning hole. The hunter panics for real this time and runs off.
Expert confers with a wood nymph after hearing Spacey recount that at one point in their journey the day before Papa Smurf, 'Stopped to talk to a tree'. Being an expert on Smurf, Expert is well aware of the close relationship between Smurfs and other fee (faeries) of the woods. The wood nymph warns the Smurfs of a strange patch of shadowy fog she witnessed near her tree(s) and an additional group of sleeping animals the party was not aware of.
Eventually the Smurfs find the magically hidden animals as well as the new batch. A very light dusting of some golden powder is discovered by Insano, especially in the eyes of the larger sleeping beasts. Insano tries to use Papa's potion to awaken one of the smaller critters. It works but the poor little creature almost asphyxiates, trying to breathe in several days of air as quickly as possible.
Insano is able to calm the creature down a bit which helps but he believes a better solution is taking some of the golden dust and mixing it into the waking potion. He tests his theory on another animal and it seems to work. Rather than risking it failing to help one of the larger beasties (a deer), Insano and the gang decide on returning to the village and conveying their findings to Papa Smurf.
That's all for now. We'll find out what happens in a month.
Barking Alien
*The waking potion was described as having the odor of tea made from smelling salts, ginger, and the scent of burnt cola**. It was jokingly described as strong enough to 'wake the dead'. Insano took a drop or two into his own personal vial and said, "Hmmm. Wake the dead, eh? I'll have to try that some time..."
**I have smelled burnt cola. Nasty.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
The Big Smurf - Part 2
I ask the Players what their PCs are up to and where they are in the village.
Detective Smurf is at Brainy's, repaying a Boon by helping Brainy move heavy piles of books from one bookcase to another. Brainy gave Detective a magnifying glass so Detective owed him. Lots of funny banter, role playing and I got to do my mediocre but not terrible Brainy impression.
Insano is trying to invent something that will make a flash of light and thunder sound every time the front door of his house is opened. Apparently he borrowed Handy's saw to do it. When Handy arrives to get his saw back he discovered Isano is not using the saw to saw anything but shaking it vigorously in various ways to produce the thunder sound (classic radio sound effect trick).
Handy almost has a smurf attack and passes out and the use of his saw for un-saw-like purposes. Lots of funny banter, role playing and Insano reveals his campaign long build a giant robot! By giant he him. Thirty apples tall! Muhuwahaha! So...almost to Gargamel's knee. We're thinking about the size of the old Shogun Warrior toys.
Snarky is walking through mocking those Smurfs who don't have distinct identities yet. He visits with the few Smurfs who can stand him like Jokey and Grouchy (Weird right?).
Expert is home making notes on various Smurf traditions, foods, holidays and other bits of Smurf cultural knowledge. He then places the notes into his hat and his hat on his head. These notes will be saved for later use.
Eventually, Spacey Smurf (NPC) approaches each PC Smurf (except Snarky) and tells them that Papa Smurf wants to see them. He doesn't recall why. Honestly, he wasn't paying attention.
Eventually the PCs gather at Papa Smurf's crib and proceed to act like kids in a candy store. Insano is looking at the potions and books on alchemy, Expert is noting anything of value on Smurf lore and Detective, being 'Curious' is looking at EVERYTHING! With some effort Papa calms them down long enough to let them know why they were summoned...
While gathering herbs and other ingredients late the night before, Papa and Spacey (there as a guard and guide since he has a magic Ray Gun and can navigate by the stars) came across a number of animals asleep in the woods. This was no ordinary sleep and the Smurfs could not awaken them. Papa returned to the village to brew up a potion he thinks may save the animals who will surely starve and wither away. He needs the PC Smurfs to travel to the spot where the animals are because...
Detective may find clues as to the cause that Papa didn't see.
Insano will know if it was Science and not Magic and he is kind of a Doctor.
Expert is a jack of all trades type with ability to help his fellow Smurfs.
Spacey will guide them to the spot which is currently hidden by a spell from Papa so no Humans or other animals come upon the sleeping creatures by mistake.
Meanwhile, Papa Smurf's house is surrounded by all the village's other Smurfs trying to peak in and see what's up (just like in the cartoon). One such Smurf is Snarky who decides he is definitely needed on this mission as these Smurfs are all wack jobs who'll probably get themselves smurfed before they can do a lick of good.
We'll be right back after these messages...
Barking Alien
Monday, September 19, 2011
The Big Smurf* - Part 1
One day, while...OOF! OW! Clumsy?! Please be careful! You interrupted me in the middle of my introduction to the first adventure."
"Oh, gee, sorry Narrator Smurf. Papa wanted me to come over and tell you we're not starting in the Smurf Village. We're starting in The Kingdom."
"Yeah, um, here...these are the new pages."
(Flips through the pages and quickly tries to organize them).
"I see. Thank you Clumsy. I'll start again..."
(Clumsy stumbles off, knocking over another pile of papers, and a spare microphone).
"Once upon a time, in a far off place known as 'The Cursed Lands', there was a Kingdom of poor resources but happy people. Though conditions were tough and the castle had seen better days, it's inhabitants were kind and just and worked hard to improve their lot.
Just outside the castle were several villages, each poorer and less happy than the next. In one of these villages, a terrible fate had befallen a young peasant boy..."
With that, our story began.
As it turns out, a Knight (Sir Bellerive), his Paige (Johan), the Paige's best friend the court jester (Pirlouit or PeeWee, whom we settled on calling Peewit) and a small entourage of men from The Kingdom, enter a small dwelling in a village on the outskirts of The Lands. There, they find a family whose young son has been asleep for three days and can not be woken up. The parents have tried everything (loud noise, water on the face, smelling salt type approach, etc.) but to no avail.
Word has it this is the seventh such child to be find this way. Four in this town and three in the adjacent one. Villagers are worried, fearing plague, faeries or worse. And there's nothing worse than worse I assure you.
A knock at the dwelling's door turns all eyes toward it. As the lady of the house/shack opens it, in walks a slightly stooped, thin, balding fellow in a tattered black robe over red-brown tights and soft leather shoes. He introduces himself as a herbalist, potion maker and wise man by trade. His name is Gargamel.
One or two members of the crowd have heard of him. They toss out words like Charlatan!, Hoax! and Dark Sorcerer but Gargamel plays the part of concerned citizen of the Kingdom meerly trying to help. He looks at the child, pull out a small vile and after proving it is not a poison or the cause of the malady (by putting some on his own tongue), he passes the vapors of the concoction under the child's nose. The vapor is silvery grey (jokes are tossed back and forth about it being Vicks Vapor Rub - "Didn't you know his first name was Victor? Vick Gargamel.").
Gargamel, nods, steps back and shakes his head in sadness.
"Oh this is just as I feared", the old alchemist says. "This is the work of a dark fairy. A Chaucer. It steals the breath of those who sleep, especially children. Luckily, there is a cure but it is difficult to obtain."
The villagers beg Gargamel for the answer to what will save their children. Even the King's men hang on his every word now. He smiles.
"Why, Essence of Smurf of course..."
Barking Alien
*Each of the adventures in this campaign are going to be named after the title of a movie. In this case there is a double meaning in that the title refers to 'The Big Sleep' which in turn means death. It also refers to Insano's goal of building a 'giant' mecha smurf.
Smurfs, Actually
*The image of Insano Smurf is apparently a modified image of actor Neil Patrick Harris' twitter avatar since he is Dr. Horrible and in the Smurfs movie. Tee hee.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Labor (Day) of Love
I am waaay behind schedule. For largely enjoyable reasons I have been extremely busy of late. Real time intrudes upon fun time once more, although these days it brings in own kind of fun as well. In addition, I've been getting the chance to game so often that writing about gaming and sending to the blogosphere has taken a backseat.
Too many good ideas can be just as much of a pain as too few I'm sure, though I rarely have too few so I'll just have to take your word for it. *WinK*. More often then not it's like there's an avalanche of cool concepts in my mind, I'm a terrible skier and there's not a Saint Bernard to be found.
If this Labor Day weekend was any indication of what being buried under awesome game ideas is like, hold your shovels, as it rocks on toast! I got to run two very different games and play another and all were amazing.
On Sunday I ran a game for the Learning Center I mentioned in some of my previous posts. Our original 'campaign' ended and I decided to run a sort of generic Sci-Fi/Star Trek thing based on a super-duper-simplified Starships & Spacemen. I tried to be inspired by E.T. Smith's awesome RECESS game, while at the same time modifying it for use with a younger player unfamiliar with old school game or Star Trek. Not only did it go over really, really well (this time) but the kids (mostly 5-7th graders) were great at it. They had more team work, more effective decision making approaches and more knowledge of the setting then I expected. I was very impressed. We explored two planets, battled an alien monster on one, fought an enemy starship in orbit and then prevented a volcano from wiping out all the animal life on another world. So fun!
Sunday night was the Legend of the Five Rings game run by Erin Palette on Skype. Very cool. I have really good camaraderie with one of the other players and our adventures and misadventures remind me a lot of the Booster Gold and Blue Beetle team of the ol' early 90's Justice League comic (and the later 'I Can't Believe It's Not The Justice League' mini-series).
Finally, the Labor Day session of my Champions game was...I don't have the words. Me. I don't have words. It was that good. I tried explaining part of what happened to Erin Palette and I think I mostly just confused her.
It was an 8-hour session, three players and myself and we covered a lot of ground. This was our 9th or 10th session/issue and it dealt with subplots (both major and minor) from earlier sessions including (but not strictly limited to):
The whole team finally unites (sorta), as Jeff/Syphon Zero decides to ally with the other heroes in hopes of capturing the villainous Dr. Helix who he's been after since issue 4 I think.
Marcus/The Power comes up with a pretty clever plan to call out either Dr. Helix, his lackeys or an another major villain who may be working with Helix. While preparations for the sting operation are underway...
The PCs all find themselves in an alternate timeline due to deal Syphon Zero made with a time travelling weapons collector back in issue 5. Actions by the time traveller (one of my ol' NPCs 'The Weaponaire', not really a hero or villain) create an alternate history in which a more controlling and militant approach to handling superheroes creates a Wildstorm-y Authority/Stormwatch feeling version of the campaign world. Only Night Knight knows the original timelines history (a high Presence score but otherwise it's a mystery why he remembers and not others), although Syphon Zero and a few NPCs remember fading bits and pieces.
With the help of an NPC scientist specializing in temporal and dimensional travel, Night Knight is able to uncover what caused the timeline to change but in the process reveals the truth behind one of the settings major mystery/conspiracy situations. The revelation is big but higger is the question, 'what happened after the event that, once altered, created a divergent timeline'?
Meanwhile... (ah, Meanwhile. Don't you just love a good Meanwhile...) the heroes are attacked by Dr. Helix who has under his control Integral (aka Integra), Primal and a psionic powerhouse called Ego. In the correct/original timeline Integra and Primal have been freed of Helix's influence and are allies of Syphon Zero. Here and now, Integra's first move is to try and kill Syphon.
The Power and a few NPCs (Pulse and Overload specifically) try to engage Primal while Omni (Super Psionic NPC and leader of the primary Superhero team) faces off against Ego. Brutal and wild battle. Lots of TK, teleporting and psychic wrestling.
Finally, Omni gets super-pissed when the actions of the villains endanger lives to the point where the heroes need to take capital action against them (Power, Syphon and Silver Sun* kill Primal and Ego using Integra's Intrinsic Field Energy attack using a plan brillantly choreographed by The Power). Just before Ego dies, Omni does the forced mind meld type move with his telepathy that he would never, EVER do in the main timeline. By doing so he discovers Dr. Helix's whereabouts. He telepathically broadcasts it to the team (including the PC heroes).
That's when Night Knight finds the Weaponaire and convinces him to fix the timeline. It takes some fancy wordplay but Night Knight is successful and within moments of Weaponaire's departure into the timestream things return to the previous pre-mishap status quo (at least it seems that way).
Night Knight remembers everything and tell Omni to read his mind to verify. Omni is in shock because of the revelation of the conspiracy I mentioned above as well as his own actions in the alternate timeline.
That is just the tip of the iceberg as far as consequences from this one guys and gals! Crazy stuff went down and even crazier stuff is coming. I can hardly wait.
OK, off to work. Next up, back on target for D&D and Smurfs...
Barking Alien
*In some scenes my pal Dave switched to another PC alt he is using from time to time called Silver Sun.