Imagine being stupid and actually knowing it. Going through life trying
to live up to ideals you can’t possibly attain? Looking in the mirror every day
and seeing a great, big dummy; how stupid is that? Of course, people who think themselves
stupid have at least the sense to limit their exposure to opportunities to
display it... which probably makes them not so stupid after all. Isn’t it all
relative anyhow? Compared to, say, Einstein or Steven Hawking we’re all a bit intellectually
Then again there are those of enormous intellect who
would easily pass as stupid were they to try and mingle among those dreadful
denizens, ordinary people. Being able to imagine all the atoms in the universe
while simultaneously memorising Pi to ten thousand decimal places might be a
neat trick at a Royal Society soirĂ©e but it’s not going to earn you much kudos
at the Dog and Duck during happy hour. There’s book smarts and there’s street
smarts, as they say.
But if you want next-best-thing-to-a-vegetable stupid, so
stupid you don’t even know you’re stupid, all you have to do is find a
Brexiteer. Why, even the daft appellation they’ve claimed for themselves sounds
like a dyslexic child’s version of Alexander Dumas’ swashbuckling heroes. A
Brexiteer could change his name to Adolf Hitler, have a swastika tattooed on
his forehead, collect Nazi memorabilia, join a Hitler Appreciation Society,
paint yellow stars on the front doors of Jewish businesses and homes and still
not understand why his neighbours call him a Nazi. Actually, strike that, his
neighbours are likely to be equally as stupid.
You see they, that white underclass of Nazi sympathisers,
don’t integrate with the rest of society. Born in Britain – England, most
likely – they nevertheless refuse to become full members of the enlightened multicultural
melting pot which marks the British out as the most European of all European
peoples. And despite the atrocities committed in their name, you never see a
member of the Brexit community standing up for British values, do you? Oh, they
SAY they are moderate Brexiteers, but we all know here is no such thing.
If there is such a thing as moderate Brexiteers, why don’t
we see them demonstrating against the violence, the ignorance, the small-minded
bigotry and all those afore-mentioned atrocities? But we should maintain our tolerance because these people are too inbred and stupid to know better. They are stupid enough to believe everything they are told; as
Graham Norton says, we should feel sorry for them, because they were taken in
by lies. And as her holiness, Saint Diane knows, they are all just racists anyway.
That is how the media want to portray Brexiteers. Every
single, stubborn, intransigent one of them is too stupid to understand what
they have done and they must be protected from their own dangerous lack of
moral responsibility. In all stories relating to Neanderthal, petrol-hoarding, dangerous
dog-owning siege-mounters the phrase ‘post-Brexit’ must be inserted so that we
can see the damage they have done. Every attempt must be made to portray them
as ‘the other’ and deny them a voice.
Is this what you want?
Meanwhile, the rest of Britain, the doctors and lawyers
and scientist and politicians and ‘community’ leaders and emergency services
employees and charities and university students and the brave, brave children
who are the future, must stand up for Europe and demand that the process voted
for by the hateful majority be voted down. Don’t listen to the propaganda spun
out by the Leavers. You are far too intelligent to be taken in by nonsense like that. There
are no grey areas. Remember: Europe good, Brexit bad... or are you too stupid
to realise?