Showing posts with label race relations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label race relations. Show all posts

Saturday, 20 March 2021

White Riot

You can’t switch on the telly, tune in the radio or click on a link today without being assailed by race. Colour colours every discussion, fuels every debate and informs every decision made by governments, corporations and media. In an effort to counter white bias – they tell themselves – it is necessary to inject as much non-white bias as possible, to the extent that every TV family is now mixed race, every voiceover is palpably non-native and every white commentator feels obliged to display his self-reviling inclinations.

And gathering pace in the UK, as it has been in the USA is the spread of fear over the rise of white supremacy. It is everywhere… yet where are they, these supreme white beings, these Klansmen, these insufferable racists? Where are the violent demonstrations for white power, where are the burning crosses, the assaults on mosques? Where are the lynch mobs and the strange fruit?

Because while I don’t see them and you don’t see them, according to the media they are everywhere. On the drive into work this morning, I listened to a World Service programme dedicated to the issue, and in the news a spate of killings of sex-workers in Atlanta by a self-confessed ‘sex addict’ (another made-up syndrome to excuse bad behaviour) was driving people insane because the motive had not been attributed to racism, as surely it must, given that these women were of an Asian background.

Black on black violence is just violence and it must be excused because these poor people have no alternative but to turn on each other, because, Whitey. Female genital mutilation, despite never being practised  by white nations, is Whitey’s fault, even as (in Kenya) some lawyers are arguing that the practice is a fundamental human right. Whites patronising black-owned business is a form of cultural appropriation, in a way that using electricity, transport, computers, etc, is somehow not. And don’t you dare talk about Pakistani muslim grooming gangs.

It all smacks of the old marital lament: “What’s hers is hers and what’s mine is ours.” This pick and choose approach to race relations is harmful, divisive and only ever goes in one direction. The soft bigotry of low expectations helpfully excuses every failing by individuals or entire communities to live by the codes of the host society; and the hard bigotry of critical race theory blames every failing on people who have little sense of any superiority.

In fact, if anything, it is white fear we should be addressing. It may be ignorant to blame your lack of a job on immigrants, but why has that perception been allowed to develop and what has, been done to counter it other than to pour on more blame a guilt? It may be true that white boys do poorly at school, but this never used to be the case, so what has happened in the last half a century to bring this about? And what kind of reaction do you expect when organisations like our national broadcaster openly announce that ‘whites need not apply’?

One of the fervid beliefs of the leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement is that of black supremacy. They preach the nobility of black skin, as if skin colour is the fundamental attribute to be judged by. They espouse the superiority of black culture, yet have departed in droves from the seats of those same cultures, to live in lands where they seem determined to be despised. But hey, if race is such an issue and if, as they insist, one drop of black blood can have so much influence over life outcomes, and culture is everything, did anybody stop to think that maybe Lewis Hamilton’s culturally unusual – nay, unique - supremacy in Formula 1 might actually be down to his white heritage?

Friday, 21 February 2020

Do We Understand Whiteness?

Some long years ago, Spike Milligan did an extended sketch, in the style of David Attenborough, describing the curious, primitive life of the ‘Cockanee’ tribe in East London. Today, all that has come to pass and the East End is no longer the ancestral home of the Pearly Kings, but an islamic enclave of ‘vibrant diversity’, the one unifying factor being the utter lack of a secure and confident English identity. To rub salt in the wounds, famous race baiter Afua Hirsch is presenting a new BBC series called ‘Whiteness’; no doubt a politico-anthropological analysis of the coming extinction, as ordained.

For there can be no doubt, surely, as we celebrate anything and everything not traditionally of these islands, that the whiff of victory is in the nostrils of those who would replace us. Yesterday is a great example of the kind of warped thinking the Blair Witch Project bestowed on the nation. At the first hint of the attack on shisha bars in Germany the media and official spokes-twats leapt with unseemly haste to label it as ‘far right hate crime’. Like the far right is even a thing you can easily define; but insofar as it is ever defined it means, exclusively, white men.

Meanwhile, when the police declare that the Regent’s Park mosque stabbing was muslim on muslim, the left is distraught. He must be a convert, not a ‘real’ muslim and they will leave no stone unturned in the search for an anti-islamic motive. Because when members of our treasured diverse communities (monocultural ghettoes) commit murder, behead innocents, throw gays off tall buildings, burn Christians alive, or stone women to death for not wearing a head covering (and the list goes on and on) we are urged to try to understand them. Condemn their actions, yes, but then go out of our way not to blame those involved.

Hate the sin, not the sinner, they piously opine. So, when are we going to listen to those the media label racist, far-right, xenophobic? They call them uneducated, backward, thuggish Untermenschen, yet in the same breath refer to them as ‘white supremacists’. How supreme do you think they feel when the establishment has abandoned them while bending backwards to accommodate people who call us kuffar, dirty as dogs, white pigs, unfit to even walk in the shadow of islam? And islam’s shadow is creeping across the developed world like a cancer.

Last night on BBC’s Question Time the renowned moustache-wearing luxury communist, Ash Sarkar, trotted out the particular lie about immigration being an overwhelming net benefit; a lie perpetuated by the media, politicians and other mouthpieces. (Other studies have drawn a contrary conclusion, at least on economic grounds.) But in the areas where all these so-called ‘white supremacists’ live, immigration has been an unremitting disaster and an enormous social and economic cost, and continually calling people racist for pointing this out does not change the blindingly obvious truth.

They all look the same to me

Why is nobody listening? Where is the outreach programme for the neglected working communities, the displaced, the replaced? Where is the compassion, the listening ear, the attempt to understand the outpourings of antipathy and revulsion? When fortunes are spent and reputations burnished by all the attention given to understanding the powerful ‘minority’ with all the special treatment they demand, but nothing but contempt is spent on those whose homelands they have stolen, is it any wonder that resentment ensues? Spike Milligan didn’t set out to be a prophet, but - peace be upon him - he was dead right.

Monday, 23 March 2015

Things we won’t say, but are true...

I’ve been watching the debate unfold since Trevor Philips’ documentary on race relations in Britain, which was shown last Thursday night on Channel 4. He told us what we always knew, that his team thought – as did Ingsoc – that if you can prevent people from expressing ideas, they will stop thinking them. Oh, I well remember the New Labour days and saw 1984 being played out in front of my eyes on the telescreen daily, but as hard as I shouted out, the party faithful shouted me down. I thought then that it was only a matter of time before the book-burning began.

Phillips says now that he and his cohorts were wrong, but the book-burning has been underway for some time now, or it may as well have been. If you don’t have the attention span for in-depth analysis in print, where you can ruminate, cogitate, challenge, write in the margins and develop an understanding in your own time, how can you rear responsible adults with a real understanding of the world we live in? The Internet, for all its fabulous content, is largely used to disseminate information in pre-packaged, pre-digested, spat-out chunks of polemic and propaganda. That, porn, poker and pictures of kittens, natch.

One thing that Trevor Phillips said was that – shock horror – stereotypes are often largely true. He then went on to say some things that a white presenter would still have to couch in the most cautious of terms; basic stereotypical facts about race, nationality, socio-economic background – all the new-taboos. And while he disagreed with much of what Nigel Farage had to say he nonetheless recognised Farage’s charge that many on the left of politics had helped bring about the current shitty state we find ourselves in. Actually, I have some sympathy for Philips’ crusading because, compared to the seventies, we are in an undeniably more harmonious balance now, with young people far less likely to hold hideously racist feelings.

Unless, of course, that racism is turned on their own. There is a peculiar urge in the soundbite-attuned young to rebel against what wiser heads have organised; the very society that has raised them thus far. And such knee-jerk urges should debar them from a say in proceedings until their heads have levelled out and they have seen the true contradictions of human nature. The internet and social media of course, manages to maintain those child-like urges well beyond the age of majority nowadays, with yesterday’s attack on Nigel Farage and his family a typical example of a political agenda driven by sheer ignorance and none of the maturity of Phillips' stance.

Predominantly juvenile white protesters said: "We will not succumb to Farage's prejudice. We will create the world we want to live in. A world beyond UKIP.” Marvellous, kiddies. And do you have any idea what such a world would look like? A world where the expression of opinions with which you disagree are prohibited and such prohibition enforced by the threat of violence? You may have thought you were having a bit of fun and attacking ‘the Nazi’, but your own actions were far more Hitler Youth than anything Ukip has ever inspired.

All it takes is for good people to do nothing...
It's happening again...

Things we won’t say but are true? Some people are stupid. Some people are ugly. Some people are idle. Some people work harder than others. Some people steal. Some people succeed and some shouldn’t breed. Some people are black, white, brown and yes – some people in Ukip (as in any party) are afraid of a world changing too quickly for those changes to be assimilated. But some people are too ignorant of anything that matters to deserve to live in a tolerant world that decent people have built and want to preserve. 

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Colour me Bigot!

Well who would have thought, when I woke up yesterday morning, that I would have received a semi-literate email from Twitter support to inform me that they had received a complaint from an individual that your account is in violation of the Twitter Rules and specifically our rules regarding targeted harassment and abuse. Golly, I thought, Old Holborn eat your heart out! ‘Targeted harassment and abuse’? I had no idea that Ed Miliband’s Twintern actually read my regular replies to his tweeted inanities. But then I remembered a minor irritant the previous day, who stalked me, called me a vile racist and proceeded, unsolicited, to berate me for a while. I guess it could have been her; she did seem a bit of a sanctimonious twat.

But I’m not one to ignore or wave away harsh criticism, so I embarked on a day-long navel contemplation and realised that yes, I do indeed harbour a certain snooty disdain for those who are not like me. I know it’s wrong but I do tend to look down on them: they don’t look like me, they don’t talk like me and they share almost nothing culturally with me. I see them all around and wonder why there are so many of them here. I listen to them speak, can’t understand a word and I instinctively sympathise with those who say they should be forced to learn English. I am also somewhat repulsed by the rate at which they breed; if they keep it up we will be swamped before long, if we aren’t already.

It is so difficult these days; you don’t know who you are allowed to criticise. When I was a child such people would have been the butt of many jokes on account of their customs and traditions. We would have poked fun at the way they lived and the way they refused to adopt the superior culture of the country in which they currently live. Their ridiculous hair! Their stupid clothes totally unsuited to these climes! And how they live! Most of them are on benefits and they tend to huddle and teem together in ghettoes where police are feared to tread and the rest of us are warned not to go. Illegal trading is rife, they ignore many social conventions and customs and some of their social and sexual practices are not those of civilised peoples.

But I will not be made to feel ashamed of my partiality. These people are without doubt inferior to me and I absolutely reserve the right to prefer - and state that I prefer - to be among people more like me. Why should they be afforded all the protections in law and be excused transgressions that, were I to imitate them, would probably end in my arrest on trumped-up charges of aggravated intolerance? Where is the tolerance for me, a middle-aged, white, working, educated, tax-paying, British born citizen?

They walk among us!

But a change is coming. I sense a turning tide and an underswell of resistance. I see a time when attempts to silence our feelings, our dissent will be met with firm opposition. Who will lead the charge, I say? Who will be the first to challenge the timid acceptance of the super-imposed ideological prohibition of telling the truth? Let me stand up, step forward and say out loud, enough is enough. They are not like us, they are lesser humans and if they are allowed to keep increasing their numbers they will be the ruin of this country. I see rivers of blood... There, I said it, call me a bigot but I’ve just about had enough of these stupid Labour voters.

Monday, 9 June 2014

A whiter shade of pale

It was really only a matter of time. When you examine how Britain has been deliberately changed over the last few decades it can come as little surprise that in the very week we are remembering the sacrifices made for freedom seventy years ago the Daily Mail reports that a school in Devon has been downgraded by Ofsted for being too white. I would just LOVE to be a fly on the wall when the same inspectorate tells an exclusively Pakistani state school in Birmingham that they are ‘too brown’. Fuck me, but there’d be some lefty liberal outrage to behold.

Diane Abbott and Lee Jasper rail against whitey, while simultaneously contending that blacks can’t be racist, and the astonishing Ugandan agitator Yasmin Alibhai Brown openly longs for the death of the white race yet frequently also denigrates those with darker skin than hers - so what is the correct shade, Yasmin? Must we mingle until we are all mocha?

And what is the response to the Trojan Horse affair and the sense that finally, too little too late, the authorities are opening their eyes to the threat of a deliberate infiltration and islamification of our institutions, long warned about by ordinary ‘bigots’? Why, it’s a call to 'do more for ethnic minorities'. That, by the way, is code for making white people feel ever more ashamed of their heritage. In future history lessons will Winston Churchill be a Jamaican and Michael Faraday a Moor, or will all our past achievements simply be overwritten by a multicultural mélange of mediocrity?

On the Sunday Politics yesterday Maajid Nawaz co-founder of Quilliam pulled no punches in confirming the truth of the islamic mission in Europe and the French warned us long ago that all this would come to pass. The liberty and tolerance that we enjoy thanks to men like Bernard Jordan has been systematically used against us for years as calls for integration into British society fell on deaf ears; no, they said, it is we who must accommodate them. Even David Cameron, to his shame, recently called for greater and greater insertion of islam into Britain’s governing structures.

So, what are the Devon schoolchildren going to learn? How will they be made to feel? Inferior for their skin colour, is that the plan? Intolerant for a lack of ‘diversity’ they have had no hand in bringing about? Will they return ‘enriched’ by the vibrant cultural heritage of islamic civilisation and the many colourful shades of grey it wears? Will the girls be made to don burkas and will they all be ‘invited’ to learn koranic verses and bow to the bingo hall, so they can debase their kafir origins?  None of this would surprise me.

Black faces all round
The ideal school?

While I am a reasonably gregarious person and have no great difficulty in meeting new people I have always resisted being forced to do so. Unless you have common interests, values, views, etc, it can be a great chore. It’s one thing gritting your teeth and doing it as an adult, but it’s quite another – and quite a trial – to be a child shoved into an alien environment. I hope they learn from this visit and adopt the practices of their host school, returning home with all their natural prejudices reinforced and resolving to keep Devon as monocultural as they possibly can.

Racist? Hell yes; who wouldn't be in the black face of all this?