In the jungle, the quiet jungle, the lion sleeps tonight.
Not Cecil though, he’s dead and dismembered, victim of another invasive species
which hunted him down and rendered him irrelevant. Nature, red in tooth and
claw... and bow and arrow. Daktari it wasn’t. You remember Daktari; the
nineteen-sixties African bush doctor show in which everybody and all the
animals lived happily ever after in peace and harmony... except when the evil
hunters appeared, at which point Clarence, the resident lion king, saw them off
with a cross-eyed glare. The natural order of things restored we all breathed again
and waited for next episode, reassured that all was right with the
That’s how it was when we were kids; the world had an
order. You would have to search long and hard and be heavily news-blind and
truth-deaf to find much order now. The lions no longer want to stay in Africa
and for some reason – maybe to avenge our exploitation of Clarence’s ocular shortcomings
– they all want to leave a vast land filled with potential to come and huddle
in poverty in a small, cold, damp, unhappy, overcrowded island, already full of
people who don’t belong here, with nowhere to live and nothing to live on, or
for. The remnants of the tribe called 'The English' pretty much all yearn to live
elsewhere and the invaders are slowly taking hold just like American crayfish,
grey squirrels, Japanese knotweed et al.
What do we do about Calais? Personally I favour letting
them through the tunnel on foot and then selling licenses to hunters who will
wait patiently in hides in the Kent countryside ready to bag a trophy or ten,
but I just know there will be a tiny but vocal minority of bleeding hearts who
won’t like that. At the other extreme is the Obama solution to illegal immigration:
give them a passport and sign them up for benefits. But that is clear madness;
already thousands want to make it to the Promised Land and making their
unrealistic dreams come true will multiply those numbers a hundred-fold. Maybe
we could organise a pan-African negative propaganda campaign to tell them what
a shithole Britain is and how racist we all are.
You say you’re not racist? Fuck off are you! A preference
for people you understand is the basis for all human society. Victory in the competition
for territorial rights defines successful civilisations and to deny it is simply
juvenile. If you define yourself as anti-racist I bet you are also one or more
of: anti-fascist, anti-sexist, anti-austerity, anti-bigot, anti-wealth, anti-monarchy,
anti-property, anti-*insert here*... a limitless list of things to rail against.
Vocal anti-anything flag-wavers are simply brooding misanthropes with a far
greater capacity for hatred than all who simply, quietly, avoid contact
with those with whom they differ. Confrontation –violent if necessary – is frequently
the calling card of those who believe they have no prejudices.
You looking at me?
Where is all this getting us? Not very far really, because
the extremes are unpalatable to most so we need a half-way house; something to
make the problem go away without anybody being hurt and without too many
sensitivities being upset. And I think I have it, turning once again to the genius
of Daktari. The show was inspired by the work of Dr. A. M. Harthoorn and his animal
orphanage in Nairobi who developed a gun to sedate animals and capture them
without injury. So here’s the plan: We let them all through the tunnel, sell
game licenses to rich American dentists who shoot them with tranquilliser darts.
Then we ship them out to the reserves in Zimbabwe and let the natural world do what
it does so well.