In 1973, without consulting the country, Ted Heath signed
us up to what was always intended as a grand federal project. In 1975 Harold Wilson
honoured an election pledge to hold a referendum on our continued membership of
what was then the EEC. Two thirds of those who voted did as they were told by
the well-funded campaign to stay in and driven by a heavily propagandised fear
of isolation and hardship, opted to remain. Since then those who have openly
questioned the project have been derided as Little Englanders and worse.
We’ve had our ups and downs with the EU over the last 41
years, not least because of the lack of transparency of a system of government
which has become increasingly unaccountable to those who pay for it. True or
not we feel we are ruled by shadowy, unelected bureaucrats, detached from the
often hard reality of those they impose on. To almost everybody in Britain the
EU represents a clear loss of sovereignty but those born under EU rule appear to
accept this as a benign thing, a necessary price. Propaganda works, you see. Overall
a referendum will be a close-fought thing but even those who are very pro EU are
still unhappy with the way this racket is run.
Yet even today, when it is clear that of those who voted
- even after the smears and the backstabbing, the racist, homophobic, sexist labelling
- a majority mobilised, braved the demonstrators at some polling stations and
endorsed a party with zero presence in Westminster, the so-called ‘mainstream’
parties are demonstrating that they are anything but mainstream: The UKIP vote
was a protest; we will try harder to get OUR message across; we’re sorry, we
got it wrong (this from Labour); we hope that our supporters will return to us
next year in the general election. It's still all about them - they still don’t get it, do they?
For now, at least, we like to imagine we live in a western
democracy and in a democracy the government is supposed to do what the
electorate want, not the other way around. For several decades now, however, successive
governments have sought to tell the people how they should behave and what they
should think. And much of that diktat emanates squarely from a central
politburo that has no accountability to the people it likes to pretend it is there to
serve. The people of Europe are treated like squabbling children by the
European institutions and comfortable commentariat alike. That is what yesterday’s result
is about.
The EU Hokey-Cokey
Forget about pushing Toryism, Labourism, or whatever it is the
LibDems support. It’s not that you are not getting your message across chaps –
far from it – it’s that your messages have been roundly rejected. And given
that we know there is almost nothing you can do to take back powers from Brussels
while we remain in the EU, all your bluster about reform is just so much hot
air. The British people want their country back. Find a way to do that and they
might, just might, start to trust you again.