Showing posts with label multiculturalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label multiculturalism. Show all posts

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Multicultural Mayhem

As sure as night follows day, we return to a subject which makes a depressingly regular appearance across all media. The following is a quote from this Breitbart article: "The contradictions in the public doctrine of multiculturalism are now recognised and openly discussed, from Trevor Philips through to David Cameron and (yes) Angela Merkel. It is no longer beyond the pale to believe that it has caused more problems than it has solved.” The true contradiction in that statement is that multiculturalism has never actually solved anything; employing a stock phrase such as ‘caused more problems than it has solved’ suggests that there was a time when multiculturalisation was a necessary undertaking.

Of course, Tony Blair’s government chose to impose it as a solution to a problem of their own warped imagination, which was the ‘problem’ of British identity. Too many people in Britain were British, with British ideas about fair play and while they were ready to do the decent thing they also had too great a sense of proportion; what New Labour wanted for EU Region 625B/32, formerly known as the United Kingdom, was simply going too far. So they chose to import confusion, sow discontent, muddle the social order, interfere with indigenous rights and generally show the population who was boss.

Social and Green policies, a nonsense ‘equalities’ programme, the creation of a whole new arena of ‘hate crime’ and distorting the labour market with a bewildering array of state bribes to stay at home and breed indiscriminately - nobody asked for any of this, or at least not to the extent they were ushered in. Such things are decided at a level beyond the influence of you and me; under the new socialism the will of the majority became at all times (except maybe elections) second to the will of any minority with the voice to yell out their grievance, or with deluded cheerleaders who would do it on their behalf.

We don’t live in a true democracy, thank goodness. The will of the people can be a capricious thing and a doubtful means of mass decision-making, so we supposedly have a representative democracy whereby elected officials (they are not supposed to be our rulers, merely our agents) administer the affairs of state for the benefit of all. But this can only works if those elected are truly representative and held to account for their actions, not allowed free reign to alter society beyond recognition or reason. Do have a read of this essay ‘Unmaking England’ which tackles the myth of the ‘mongrel nation’ trope used by New Labour and its willing dupes to prolong the suffering.

It also covers Robin Cook’s chicken tikka masala con trick, “the British are not a race” echoed later by Jack Straw with “the English as a race are not worth saving” and the constant drip-drip-drip attack on Little Englishness and the promotion, always, of diversity as superior to uniformity and order.

Perhaps the biggest lie is the pensions scam – “we need immigrants to pay for your pension” – recently, disastrously spouted by Angela Merkel as an excuse to multiculture Germany into civil war. The reality, given that the majority of immigrants are unskilled, working for minimum wage or lower, is that it is British pensioners who will have to work longer to shoulder the burden of tax credits and other benefits for the new wave of imported underclass.

The wave of violence sweeping Europe as a direct result of unchecked immigration was inevitable. It couldn’t have been unforeseen because ordinary people have been telling their governments for years. But ideas have a nasty habit of sticking, even in the face of contrary evidence. Soon the term will be discredited altogether but for now they will continue to call it multiculturalism because it sounds less alarming than selling your daughters into sex slavery...

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Pride didn't always mean Gay

Once upon a time there was a country to which the whole world looked for inspiration. While foreign natives rent their garments, shrieked in unstifled dismay at the smallest loss and wept uncontrollably for months in bereavement the stoic moustaches of the British Empire sat unquivering upon the stiffest of lips. There is a reason Rudyard Kipling’s ‘If’ is quoted to this day as the ultimate response to a world of uncertainty and doubt. “Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it, And - which is more - you’ll be a Man, my son!”

For many generations there was no finer sight than that of a man in a British military uniform, evoking passion and pride, nostalgia for the fray, memories of genuine camaraderie and most of all reassurance that the established order was being maintained and traditions observed. That man, those men, they stood for all that we did and furthermore they were prepared to place their own lives in peril that others may peacefully enjoy all that our long history had granted us.

It was a partnership and while some fretted about our dependence on Winston Churchill’s ‘rough men’ to keep us safe there was hardly a family in the land in which I grew up without connections in the armed forces. National service, simple tradition or just a yen to serve, a spell in ‘the mob’ was an experience that would stand out honourably in any curriculum vitae. As a rite of passage the experience was not only recognised but encouraged; army life sorted out many a wayward and aimless youth and thousands who served nought but their compulsory two years still regarded it as the making of them. In particular it made them British.

So how far and how wide of the plot have we travelled that just one week after the Battle of Britain was commemorated across the nation a modern-day RAF sergeant attending hospital in uniform was hidden from sight  because hospital workers claimed they didn’t want to upset people as they “have lots of different cultures coming in”. This is just one in a series of such stories. Yesterday a caller to LBC told of his experience being abused on Britain’s streets for wearing his uniform. 

Uniform is a symbol of belonging to something; some cultures insist that 50% of the entire population dress the same – the burka is an aggressive symbol of subjugation. But now the symbol of belonging to the former pinnacle of western civilisation is seen as somehow provocative? The pursuit of the new political holy grail of multiculturalism trumps all attempts to retain monoculture, except where that culture is not indigenous. That is all sorts of fucked up, right there. But, you know what else is provocative? I’ll tell you:

British sensitivities being side-lined in favour of an invading force of productive islamic wombs. Ignoring the systematic gang rape and trafficking of white girls in Rotherham and elsewhere for fear of being branded racist. Tiptoeing around dangerous cults practising the mutilation of their own young girls because of a misguided ‘respect’ for culturally appropriate torture. Allowing unrestricted migration of unidentified, openly hostile hordes of African and Middle Eastern fighting-age men in Europe but criticising those who fear them. These things are truly provocative.

The hospital has, apparently apologised for its actions, but only because of the outrage it caused. Too little, too late in most books. But it won’t end there. Not content with attacking any form of debate around immigration as racist and attempting to criminalise any action or speech deemed ‘unhelpful’ to the political project of breaking down national identities, there is now a new potential crime of micro-aggression waiting in the wings to serve its warped masters. It was bad enough when anything you said could be taken down and used in evidence against you; now any reaction you have to any situation could be misconstrued as a form of assault. Attempt to avoid making a race gaffe? That’s racist. Ask how to pronounce a foreign name properly? Could be micro-aggression. Stare a fraction of a second at the only ‘different’ member of the group? Hate crime. It’s only a matter of time before somebody gets arrested for breathing inappropriately.

Pssst! She's racist... that blonde one.
Brownies? Even the name is racist!

So, while we still have time and before any form of jingoism becomes a crime in itself, set those top lips a-quiver and sing A Song of Patriotic Prejudice even as they drag you away to the re-education camp. “The English, the English, the English are best. I wouldn’t give tuppence for all of the rest!” You are going down, whitey!

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Save the Pale!

We go to great lengths to preserve wildlife habitats. Interfering with nature, we are told, is an abomination which must be avoided; we have no right to interfere with the way animals live their lives. I’ve always thought it a little odd that while we build tunnels for migrating toads and withhold planning consent to save some rare flower that nobody has ever heard of we have no such reservations when it comes to experimenting with our own species. I have long held the view that if you really want to understand humanity you need look no further than Sir David Attenborough’s life work.

In the main, animals only want to avoid conflict, to eat to survive, survive to breed and in breeding to pass on to their young the best chance of completing the full life cycle in their turn. Darwin’s genius insight into the driving principles of evolution manages to explain all urges, all instincts, all physical and mental attributes as the fundamental survival of traits which facilitate the replication of genes that inform the entire make-up of the successful entities. The theory of evolution by ‘survival of the fittest’ is simple, observably true and elegant, requiring none of the hypocritical complexity of ‘intelligent design’.

And so it must be seen that the ubiquitous and entirely normal concerns about mass immigration and enforced societal change are not the aberrations that the race industry would make them out to be. They are part of the same set of instincts which have allowed our survival and evolution. Just as in the simplicity of evolutionary theory, the simplicity of innate antipathy toward species difference is far more likely to be true than an acceptance of ‘multiculturalism’ that requires an entire new lexicon to be written and a set of punitive rules to be enforced.

But no. It is nearly fifty years since Enoch Powell’s erudite observations and clear warnings were shouted down as racism and in all that time we have achieved very little; certainly done nothing to address the very real issues. Reviled by the left and causing embarrassment to a Conservatism trying to be all things to all people, rather than uphold simple truths, Powell has been consigned to an altered history where he was the only nasty bigot saying such things. The simple truth? We were disturbing our own native habitat and the most affected people had no voice.

Our governments have, instead of listening, continued to pursue policies of division and tension and instead of tackling the problem have made talking about the problem a crime against society. Recently, Labour and the Tories have pretended to listen, but only because there are votes in listening. Then they reveal themselves when they utter such garbage as Miliband saying he will make ‘islamophobia’ a crime and Cameron suddenly floating the idea of a black Prime Minister. People can only be led for so long by foolish commanders and the lemming cliff of multiculturalism is a leap too far.

Meanwhile, Europe wants to prolong the death throes of decent, civilised society by insisting we import more machete wielding cultural enrichment from all over North Africa. Where the holy grail for many naturalists is to find sufficient difference to claim and name a new species to protect, our social engineers steadfastly overlook the glaringly obvious in order to claim humans are of one clan-mankind. But I’m with the animalists. We have stood silently by and watched, even connived in, the steady destruction of our own expensively constructed ecosystems. Isn’t it about time we stood up and began to preserve our own unique species?

Monday, 9 June 2014

A whiter shade of pale

It was really only a matter of time. When you examine how Britain has been deliberately changed over the last few decades it can come as little surprise that in the very week we are remembering the sacrifices made for freedom seventy years ago the Daily Mail reports that a school in Devon has been downgraded by Ofsted for being too white. I would just LOVE to be a fly on the wall when the same inspectorate tells an exclusively Pakistani state school in Birmingham that they are ‘too brown’. Fuck me, but there’d be some lefty liberal outrage to behold.

Diane Abbott and Lee Jasper rail against whitey, while simultaneously contending that blacks can’t be racist, and the astonishing Ugandan agitator Yasmin Alibhai Brown openly longs for the death of the white race yet frequently also denigrates those with darker skin than hers - so what is the correct shade, Yasmin? Must we mingle until we are all mocha?

And what is the response to the Trojan Horse affair and the sense that finally, too little too late, the authorities are opening their eyes to the threat of a deliberate infiltration and islamification of our institutions, long warned about by ordinary ‘bigots’? Why, it’s a call to 'do more for ethnic minorities'. That, by the way, is code for making white people feel ever more ashamed of their heritage. In future history lessons will Winston Churchill be a Jamaican and Michael Faraday a Moor, or will all our past achievements simply be overwritten by a multicultural mélange of mediocrity?

On the Sunday Politics yesterday Maajid Nawaz co-founder of Quilliam pulled no punches in confirming the truth of the islamic mission in Europe and the French warned us long ago that all this would come to pass. The liberty and tolerance that we enjoy thanks to men like Bernard Jordan has been systematically used against us for years as calls for integration into British society fell on deaf ears; no, they said, it is we who must accommodate them. Even David Cameron, to his shame, recently called for greater and greater insertion of islam into Britain’s governing structures.

So, what are the Devon schoolchildren going to learn? How will they be made to feel? Inferior for their skin colour, is that the plan? Intolerant for a lack of ‘diversity’ they have had no hand in bringing about? Will they return ‘enriched’ by the vibrant cultural heritage of islamic civilisation and the many colourful shades of grey it wears? Will the girls be made to don burkas and will they all be ‘invited’ to learn koranic verses and bow to the bingo hall, so they can debase their kafir origins?  None of this would surprise me.

Black faces all round
The ideal school?

While I am a reasonably gregarious person and have no great difficulty in meeting new people I have always resisted being forced to do so. Unless you have common interests, values, views, etc, it can be a great chore. It’s one thing gritting your teeth and doing it as an adult, but it’s quite another – and quite a trial – to be a child shoved into an alien environment. I hope they learn from this visit and adopt the practices of their host school, returning home with all their natural prejudices reinforced and resolving to keep Devon as monocultural as they possibly can.

Racist? Hell yes; who wouldn't be in the black face of all this?

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

White Riot!

It’s surprising how quickly the moderate view can be drowned out by those with a more radical agenda. Radical, of course is code for progressive, which is code for something that may have been radical in the mid-nineteenth century, since when it has been directly and indirectly responsible for millions of deaths, internments, and painful 're-education'. Communism, Marxism, Leninism, Stalinism, Trotskyism, Maoism… Socialism; call it what you will, the notion (ONE Notion, note.) of forcing the sheep to tend the herd is at best a misunderstanding of human nature, at worst a murderous ideology for ill-defined purpose.

That’s not to say that people cannot live and prosper in harmony and some form of stratified equality where they have small numbers such as the old supposed sub-150 member tribal population, but where almost any large-scale version of socialism has been tried it has failed, largely due to bringing about economic ruin, resulting in misery for almost everybody.

One of the original Communist Party Manifesto aims was to bring about proletariat control via the breakdown of the bourgeois society, whose principle expression found itself in the nuclear family. Promote difference, attack familial norms, debase traditional marriage and criminalise dissent. Most of all drown out the free speech of the many with the strident and authoritarian shrieking of the ‘enlightened’ few.

In the news this week is the well-established phenomenon of ‘white flight’, a reality I have witnessed at first hand and which is brought about by entirely natural fears and aspirations. When even the sainted Trevor Phillips warns about it you know that concerns must be taken seriously. And there’s your first problem. As Lee Jasper and Diane Abbott both assert, only white people can be racist, so any discussion raised from the ranks of the dispossessed must be nullified by cries of ‘racism’. Attempts to be reasonable about what racism actually is are once again stamped upon.

On Sunday I saw this tweet from Laurie Penny:

To which I replied:

Laurie, to her credit, declined to comment. I hope that’s because she actually believes in free speech. But various other righteous leftie types were more vociferous and waded in to have a go. Teeth slightly bared, their guttural ejaculations mostly impugned my intelligence, effectively holding the Abbott/Jasper line and saying in effect – almost certainly without knowing his stance - that Trevor Phillips was wrong. I do like a bit of black-on-black attack, or is that racist?

Those who will brook no debate are either blind or stupid. Labour deliberately encouraged mass immigration at a level it knew would exacerbate the problem, A belated  craven apology from Ed Miliband is far too little, far too late. While Hitler herded his hated populations into ghettoes, our governments have allowed certain communities, invited here, to build their own ghettoes and effectively eject the indigenous population. There are places in the UK where the formation of walled, guarded citadels, self-governing caliphates in all but name, seems almost inevitable. So much for multiculturalism – few people were ever as tolerant as the good old Brits who are now a dying race.

Still, at least there's a new game for the inner-city school playground: 

Playtime at St Cuthbert's... But Where's Whitey?

Sunday, 22 April 2012

In the heat of the night

She lay in the dark, barely breathing. His breath was harsh and ragged and stank of drink. She was terrified, but if she stayed still, she reasoned, if she made no fuss, maybe he wouldn’t hurt her. She shut her eyes and concentrated on fighting the fear, controlling the tremors that threatened to engulf her body. She did not even sob.

He was drunk. Of course he was. Wasn’t that always the way? It wasn’t right, he knew that. He knew if he was caught he’d end up in prison. And worse; he would lose his reputation, his job. Everything would come crashing down in one enormous shit storm.

But that wouldn’t happen, would it? Not with this one. He picked his victims with care, knowing that his enforced attentions would be a mere blip in her life’s emotional journey. Tonight would hardly register, compared to what she had experienced.

Because Jamelia had undergone genital mutilation as a child. This abhorrent practice is utterly alien to British sensibilities yet is regarded as normal by an unacceptably large portion of our unnaturally diverse population. But, according to the doctrine of multiculturalism, it is entirely wrong to expect people who dwell in these isles to abide by our laws.

We’re not talking about just the provision of halal chapatti facilities or allowing people wearing masks to take driving tests here. We’re talking about the intimate physical mutilation of terrified young girls, Girls who will later go on to be effectively sold into sexual slavery as brides of men literally ten times their age.

There is no such thing as successful multiculturalism. Monoculturalism is what makes a nation. That and tolerance for a certain amount of diversity and difference and recognition of other cultural norms. But, if you go to parts of Birmingham, Bradford, Leicester or London, it's like taking a trip back in time. In MY country, certain cultures have been allowed to create third-world shitholes with no civilised rules at all. It's tribal, it's stone-age, it's primitive and it has no place in what used to be the most enlightened country in the world.

From the Islamification of Britain, to the adoption of crippling EU constraints on our freedom, we appear to have lost the very simple battle to keep Britain British. Becry the plethora of anti-British claptrap we have to put up with and we are branded racist.

Well, fuck right off with your knee-jerk labels, you fucking lefty idiots. You're the racists for wanting to deny me any rights in my own birthplace. Whilst I’m wary of the motives of any group appropriating the precious flag of my country, today is St George’s Day and groups such as the EDL are absolutely entitled to hold their peaceful March for England, as they did yesterday in Brighton. Of course it would have been peaceful, except for the blatant provocation of the Union Against Fascism, doing their best to provoke violence and turn the event into a hate-fest.

So, what do you want? A common national identity, with allowance for differences, as espoused by all right-thinking people, some of whom revere our flag? Or the multiculturalist agenda for total control over your thoughts and deeds, who would criminalise you for being afraid of a black man, but would turn a blind eye to the routine mutilation of his sisters?

 Be fucking careful what you wish for, you traitors.