Showing posts with label Imigration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Imigration. Show all posts

Monday, 25 March 2013

Super Diversity

You have to hand it to Twitter, I mean you really do. There I was, idling away my Sunday, vaguely wondering what I would blog about, given the overly-rich diet of bad news right now, when all of a sudden an unbidden inspiration emerged from the gloom. An untermensch of Merseyside origin decided to challenge me on the content of somebody else’s tweet. I had clicked on the re-tweet link several hours earlier, but fair enough; if you don’t get out of bed in the morning it can be hard to keep up to speed. 

Where, he wanted to know, had I sourced my figures for potential Bulgarian immigration to Britain? The fact that I had sourced no such figures and that the words were not my words didn’t seem to satisfy the intrepid inquisitor, who then proceeded to alternately harangue and plead and guess and insult and generally make himself unwelcome for a couple of hours or so. Such is the playground mentality of ‘social’ media, a few others gathered to watch the scrap, occasionally interjecting the odd catcall or ‘helpful’ piece of advice. 

He was right about one thing, however, I am genuinely concerned about future immigration and unhappy about levels of past immigration. The fact that the Labour Party, responsible for the massive unbalanced recent surge is finally admitting some culpability should be concern for everybody; politicians don’t admit to anything unless the wall is well and truly covered in already unshiftable shit. 

Even yesterday, Boris Johnson was trotting out the tri-party line that immigration is an overall positive thing for Britain, as if immigration ITSELF was a solution, not the problem - politically and socially - it very clearly is. Immigration as an end is not a good thing and surely if it is about the economy, immigration should always be a second choice solution, not the first. 

Maybe it’s me who has it all wrong, but can somebody please explain the logic in simultaneously creating an underclass of welfare dependent, unemployables whilst importing a new underclass of unskilled sub-minimum wage workers? Can somebody persuade me that despite massive investment in expensive technical gewgaws our non-academic kids are not leaving school without the basic tools for a working life? Can somebody find me a single, non-brainwashed, non-Toynbeed, moderate British citizen, who is not gravely concerned about all this? 

My Twitter interrogator sounded at first like he might be just such an example, but then he launched into the default mindless Thatcher-hate credo that blights that particular part of the country, long ago lost to an ethnic entity separate from the mainstream. But they’ve been assimilated into the population in their own unique way - it’s a pretty much unchallenged national view that it’s acceptable to scorn a Scouser. So I did. Soz. 

For years, concerns about immigration en-masse have been dismissed as racist. For years, our cognitive dissonance about the mutually exclusive goals of both equality and diversity have been derided by the chattering classes whose doublethink gives them no such nausea, dreaming up ever more outlandish phrases rather than address and tackle the problem. Only this morning I stumbled on the term ‘super-diverse’ as a euphemism for conquest. 

This essay by David Goodhart, a self-confessed dupe of political correctness and the belief that liberal socialism had all the answers is a too-late confession of the intentions of a hopelessly out of touch ruling class. Dismissing the decades of concerns of those who have to live with their meddling as regrettable, I hardly think an essay cuts it. Nor does this follow-up piece in which he argues for, yes, more social engineering to create a sense of British identity. (He is, of course, plugging his semi-confessional, yet not really repentant book.) 

I say, Johnny Foreigner, do fuck orf!

What you may have failed to notice, dear boy, is that until the unwanted interventions of the chattering classes, we already had a centuries strong British identity. You may have heard of Chaucer, Shakespeare, Dickens, Kipling and Churchill. I suggest you fucking read them.