Sod the EU and its open borders. In fact sod the EU, full
stop. But, say the yessers, the EU has kept the peace in Europe for half a
century. Has it bollocks, we chorus, Germany was beaten then hobbled, France
never recovered from its collaborationist episode and the eastern countries
were kept in check (Czech, geddit?) by Mother Russia. In fact if anything it
was the cold war, tight border controls, the lack of internet and the looming
threat of over-hyped nuclear Armageddon wot done it. It kept the busybodies
busy protesting, creating putative Jeremy Corbyns, and it kept the centre-right
on their toes; a healthy mistrust of your neighbour is a far better defence
than all this multi-culti-all-in-it-together-joining-hands nonsense.
Back when we all knew our place we also had a far better
idea of how things would turn out. Secure in the knowledge that mighty militaries
flexed their muscles and sneaky intelligence services snooped about on our
behalf we mostly just got on with life and tried to make the most of what we’d
got. Now we have ridiculous notions of enforced ‘fairness’ and ‘equality’ (both
of which we had in spades long before it got enshrined in law) neither of which
is fair or equal to those who have it inflicted upon them. Diversity breeds
resentment and the ridiculous funding of various forms of ‘research’ and ‘outreach’
is just another way of making the blameless pay for their own punishment.
Outside the lofty enclaves of the wilfully blind ‘liberal
intelligentsia’, who show scant evidence of either, Britain is fed up to the
back teeth of not only being forced to endure what is, by any measure, an
unwanted infestation of undesirables, but also of being branded bigots if we
dare utter a syllable in opposition to the socialist doctrines of ‘bend over
and take it like you are in the British care system’. And as if to rub our face still further in the
helplessness of it all, Songs of Praise does its own bit of outreach and seeks
to humanise the wretched Calais ‘Jungle’ by visiting the makeshift chapel that
is representative of a tiny minority of this ‘tiny’ minority of several
thousand mostly muslim mobsters. Onward Christian Soldiers?
Meantime Kos is getting lively with their unwelcome
visitors outliving any last vestige of welcome that yet remained. And riots and
‘civil unrest’ by African immigrants beset Barcelona; what message do they think they send about their future integration into civilisation? Were I a refugee I’d
like to think I’d behave with the dignity and gratitude befitting
somebody throwing themselves on the mercy of an unprepared and nervous populace; a quiet acceptance
that this is charity and resettlement takes time... and that machetes are not
the best way of displaying an aptitude for western living. It is little wonder, then, that the Germans want to
reintroduce border controls. It is hard to suppress a frisson of I-told-you-so: Sieg-Halle-Lujah! Time for the machine gun posts also? You haff ze papers, jah?
The ugly truth about 20th Century migration.
This picture cannot be shown too widely.
Europe is under siege and under threat. It is the avowed
intent of islam, having fucked Africa and the Middle East, to move up to the
big leagues and fuck all of civilisation. It is the avowed intent of the displaced to make homes in the west, whatever the cost to their hosts. And what do western governments do?
They preach about tolerance and integration and turning the other cheek,
but it’s not their arse that gets spanked, it’s ours. You want a solution to
the migration ‘crisis’? Then forget the human rights bollocks, call it what it is - an
invasion - and get repelling. Because until we treat this threat to civilisation as
seriously as the war it will inevitably become, we might as well just paint targets on each and every one of