Monday, April 7, 2008

Law School?

I consider myself pretty good at being a student, if by "good" you mean terrible at studying but good at doing nothing and procrastination. My semester started January 8th and I had, for some reason, decided to take 4 required classes plus law review and M&A. It is now April 7th, the last class being April 23rd, and I have yet to start an outline. I have read for class on a few occasions, but really, I'm super far behind. I kind of like Wills and Trusts and have paid attention, but it's a 4 unit class, so I have a ton of rules to learn. Evidence doesn't seem like it will be too bad, but I could care less about the subject. I have absolutely no idea what's going on in Fed Tax or Corporate Ethics, and I have approximately 1 page of notes for 3 MONTHS of M&A.

The funny thing is, I haven't done anything remarkably fun or memorable with my time that I haven't been studying ... I have camped on facebook for hours at a time, I have read The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (which made it painfully obvious that I'm not that effective), I have planned a trip for the end of summer after I finish working, I started this blog, I made new friends, planned parties, looked up stuff for my summer wardrobe, wrote out many "catch-up" to-do lists, worked out more and made grocery lists. Really, anything BUT study. Each semester, I have done less work and been further behind right before finals, so I can't even imagine what I will be like next year.

Maybe tonight I'll start doing work ... right after helping P make Jambalaya and catching up on email/TV. Sigh, only 31 more days until I'm done with finals, and honestly, I don't care how I do this year.

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