Sunday, November 30, 2008


Blogger tells me this will make 100 posts. I feel like I should write something ground breaking, or at least moderately interesting, to celebrate.
Instead, I will do the opposite and write probably the most boring post ever written. I don't have energy to write something interesting. The pressure to write something 100th post-caliber is too much to match, so I'll just concede defeat.

This was my last weekend before final exams start (Friday). After spending Wednesday and Thursday cooking, eating and cleaning, I just did work the rest of the time. In fact, this was the first weekend all semester that I (a) went to school and (b) did work on BOTH Saturday and Sunday [it might even be the first weekend I did work]. I feel pretty productive, which is motivating, but exhausted. This week is kind of a marathon for me because my finals are really squeezed together this semester (Friday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday). I still need to make some sort of outline for community property and admin law, finish my outlines for fed tax of business entities and bankruptcy... and then learn that stuff.

If it weren't for the Frank Sinatra holiday station on, I might not get through finals this year. But now I'm pretty sure I'll make it. 11 more days!!

Friday, November 28, 2008

36 Weeks

Woohoo, I made it to the 36 week mark! Isn't that some sort of milestone? I think every week, or possibly every day, for the rest of pregnancy is a milestone in a way... 4 weeks sounds much sooner than 5 weeks... "less than a month" sounds much sooner than "a little over a month." But obviously, it's still anybody's guess as to when Uno will make his debut.

I had my 36 week check-up on Wednesday. First they did all the normal appt. stuff. Turns out I have gained about 25 pounds, blood pressure is good, no real problems except being so damn uncomfortable all the time.

Then my doctor did an ultrasound to check on the baby. Surprisingly to me, he was in the head down position.* Also surprisingly, he is looking on track to be a normal-sized baby! Given that I am 5'10" and PJO is 6'2" we are expecting this kid to be large. That, and both of us and all of our siblings were relatively large babies. Don't get me wrong, Uno won't be SMALL. But our doctor estimated he will be about 7 1/2 pounds. (he's at 6lbs, 1oz now, according to the u/s). I know these could be way off, but it's still nice/weird to hear.

She took a culture for GBS and then we asked our burning questions relating to when we can expect to have this baby. There was no indication that he'll be early or late at this point. They don't check for dilation or effacement until weeks 37 or 38 because she says it's not really useful at this point and it just gives women false hopes. (they must have been thinking about me... I'm really glad they're not checking me yet).
Their policy is to not induce pre-due date unless there is a "medical" reason, but also not let me go past a week post-due date. When I told her that I start back at school January 12th, she looked at me like I was crazy, and then said that basically she would induce me at any time after my due date as long as I was at least 2 cm dilated. This was good news to hear... I really hope labor starts naturally and I don't need to complicate things by inducing. I would like to avoid a c-section if at all possible. But really, the sooner after Dec. 11th (my last final) this baby comes, the better.

So that's the update for now. Here's my "8 months pregnant" picture. As you can see, this belly is taking over my world. I can't get up from the couch or out of bed without doing some sort of rolling-maneuver. Even my maternity shirts are starting to show belly underneath. I basically can't wait to not be pregnant anymore, but I'm trying to be more patient.

* I could have sworn that I still feel him sitting sideways in my belly sometimes, but thinking about it later, maybe these are actually BH contractions and I just didn't realize it... Is that possible? It feels like two hard, round-ish things protruding from the side of my belly, but now that I think about it, maybe this is just the uterus becoming hard for a minute or two at a time? It doesn't hurt at all or even feel uncomfortable, so I just assumed it wasn't a BH contraction. The doctor said maybe it could be him shoving his butt out and arching his back, but that doesn't really explain why there are two things sticking out. Oh well, I was just happy and surprised that he was head down ... one less thing to worry about, for now at least.


This was the third year in a row that PJO and I have hosted my family for Thanksgiving dinner. My parents are divorced, but they get along pretty well (it's been 17 years since they split, but even then it was amicable), so both of them came and my two younger brothers came up. And of course, the cats joined in, as much as cats can.
The menu is pretty much the same every year, with one or two variations. This year, we had turkey and ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, cranberries, green bean casserole and pumpkin and apple pie. I realize that is a lot of food for 6 of us, but PJO and I eat leftover Thanksgiving food for about 3 days after and usually invite other people to join us.
The decorations are also the same every year. The same candles, tablecloth, napkins, etc... and I still love them all.
I love the tradition of doing the same thing every year, but I would be down for a vacation over Thanksgiving next year. It's exhausting cooking all that food. I started on Wednesday... I made both pies, cornbread for the stuffing, the cranberry sauce and prepped some of the vegetables. From preparation to clean-up, it probably took up 6 hours of my day. Then PJO and I started cooking around 10 am on Thursday and didn't finish cleaning up until 10:30pm. Granted, there was a lot of visiting with family, eating and watching tv after everyone left thrown in there, but that's a long day.

Just to show how dorky we are, here is a picture of us wearing our matching aprons while preparing our feast. You can't see it, but our names are embroidered on them too. They were gifts, but I can't deny that I love them. Pretty much anything embroidered with names or initials gets me. (although I'm slightly too practical to get monogrammed sheets or towels).

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Random Thoughts in My Head Today

Every semester, I make a finals study calendar -- it starts a few weeks before exams do, and it is color-coded by class, allotting days and half-days to study or attend review sessions before that particular exam. My favorite part is planning it all out, followed by crossing out days that I finish.
Every semester, I edit my finals study calendar almost every day... I have to adjust my expectations once I realize how far behind I am. I spent about 6 hours outlining one chapter of my Bankruptcy book today ... I was supposed to finish that whole outline by the end of today. Looks like Community Property can wait until Wednesday.

I could never become a complete recluse during finals like some of my fellow students ... instead I take on projects, host dinner parties and go shopping ... really, anything to avoid studying. Kind of weird, given my supreme satisfaction that comes from crossing out things from my to-do list.

Speaking of to-do list, I crossed off a few things from the "pretend like I'm ready and mentally prepared to have a child in a month" list:
1. We registered for classes. Well, I requested a few time slots... we'll see if they're open. We decided to forego "childbirth preparation" in favor of "infant CPR and safety" and "Baby Care." The dates are Dec. 6th and 13th, 3 and 4 hours respectively. If they're full, I guess we'll figure it out later or go to a class after the baby is born (obviously, just the CPR one by that time).
2. We bought the last few things from our registry we hadn't received and some diapers/wipes.
3. We have more baby clothes than we'll ever need (thanks to PJO's mom and sister (who has two little boys already). Today I started washing the ones he could wear early on.
4. I bought a breast pump. I decided to skip renting one, even though I have a feeling that would have been smart, because a one-month rental comes to about half the cost of buying one. Anyway, I bought the Medela Pump-In-Style Metro bag. (I hate the look of the bag, but I think they're all ugly, and this one at least can be removed from the bag). I went back and forth b/w this and the Avent Isis Duo-whatever-it's-called. That was only $200 on Amazon (new), but Medela seems to get slightly better reviews. I found this website, and they were selling either the 2007 or 2008 version for $240 (no tax, free shipping). The 2007 version came with a manual pump and a couple other things, so I opted for that (I'm pretty sure it's about $320 on Amazon. Anyway, I think it's a good option for anyone buying a new pump... I had mine a week later and everything was perfect.
5. That was a lot of preparation this weekend, assembly of gear can wait until a lot later.

Speaking of baby, it's so weird to think about how differently the next month or so will be depending on when and how he makes his appearance. I'm trying to distract myself and not think about it so much, but it's kind of amazing how many surprises are in store for me. I mean, I could be at home, celebrating the holidays with a baby or I could be hugely pregnant until sometime in 2009.

Holidays. We're hosting our third annual Thanksgiving this Thursday. My parents and two brothers come over, and PJO and I make Turkey and ham, Cranberry sauce, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes and green bean casserole. Last year, we tried to get creative and make the Lemon Turkey featured in Bon Appetit but this year we'll go back to traditional fare. Usually we all go for a walk by the beach after dinner. This year, the outdoor ice skating rink is open already and is just a few blocks away from our apartment. We're dorky Californians, and this is REALLY cool, so we might go there (and of course I'll be sidelined, again... wah, wah).

We have no plans for Christmas. We have no idea where we'll be, and more importantly, no idea what kind of mood I'll be in that day (only sliiiiiiiiightly exaggerating). New Years Eve, I will be drinking a glass of champagne, regardless of when Uno decides to be born. I'm still enjoying the holiday season though, outlining to Christmas music on our Cable music channel.

I ordered an embroidered stocking and engraved pewter stocking-holder for my cat, Furious George. Yeah. I know. I was given one for me, PJO and our other cat, Sweet Pea, 3 years ago as a gift. Poor Georgie was the outcast with his "Meow Meow" generic stocking the past 2 years. I decided that just because he was the younger pet didn't mean he should be treated differently and he OBVIOUSLY needed a matching stocking. So it has snowmen on it and says "George" ("Furious" didn't fit in the 10 letter allowance) and it will be here this week.

I wanted to order one for the baby, but there were two problems. One, we still don't have a name. Two, that HAS to be bad luck to order personalized things before he's even born. Oh, and three, even if we did have a name, what if we changed it? If he's born before Christmas, I hope he doesn't mind using the "Meow Meow" stocking for his first Christmas.

Well, if all of that doesn't demonstrate some kind of attention deficit disorder, probably nothing will. Now I'm going to bed so I can outline approximately 10 chapters of Bankruptcy tomorrow, none of which I have read or taken notes on.

Friday, November 21, 2008


unable. to. sleep.

woke up at 4:15. wide awake.

and so uncomfortable.

Death. To. Pregnancy.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What They Didn't Tell Me at Law School Orientation

I don't really find law school to be hard. Even 1L year was fine. Finals are never fun, but they're definitely not as traumatic as some students make them out to be. When I got pregnant, I knew I would be taking finals near the end of pregnancy, but I figured it wouldn't be any harder than working near the end of pregnancy, so I didn't worry too much.

Well now I know why the end of the semester is made more complicated by being pregnant.
1. I'm SOOO F*&$#ing uncomfortable. Not just when I'm sleeping anymore. I can't sit down for more than 10 minutes at a time without wanting to have my ribs surgically removed. That and possibly my pelvis. Oh, and now my back has joined the party... I feel like I need to crack it about every 5 minutes, which of course has become impossible.
There's just not enough room for this baby in there, and it's 3x as bad when I sit. I have not yet mastered the ability to study while standing unfortunately. Which brings me to number 2.
2. I'm tired. Not like I always need to sleep, just like if nothing super interesting is going on, I have a hard time finding the motivation to stay awake. So while it might be possible to study lying down, I can't because I would definitely fall asleep.
3. Being so uncomfortable has made me OBSESSED with wondering when this will all be over. My brain won't accept the fact that every pregnancy is different and there's no real way to tell when the baby will decide he's ready to be born. Therefore, I read a gazillion message boards about women who have had their babies early, women who were late, women who induced, women who had elective c-sections, women who swear they know the trick to triggering labor, etc... I have calculated all sorts of things in my head... My last final is Dec. 11th, therefore I need to make it to 38 weeks exactly before Uno comes. If he appears then, I'll have 30 days until school starts in the Spring. If he comes on his due date (Dec. 26th), I'll have 16 days. If he is a week late (OMG, PLEASE GOD NOT 6 MORE WEEKS), I'll have 9 days. At what point is more time post-birth better than waiting for labor to start naturally?

The one thing I am sure you need to get through final exams is the ability to focus for more than 20 minutes at a time on what you are studying. This is where I fail. Of course, I would be failing at work too, but that's another story.

I am probably just being a huge, whiney baby because I don't have anything unusual to complain about. I haven't had any Braxton-Hicks contractions, I haven't felt nauseous, I can sleep sort of ok (not comfortably, but I still get probably 7 hours a night), I don't have to pee more than usual, I don't have any swelling (in fact my rings are looser than usual) and my bout with heartburn ended about a month ago after persisting for a measly week.
But I don't care, I will complain because I feel entitled. I hate pregnancy. HATE HATE HATE.

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Big Apple ... and lots of other food

PJO and I got back from NYC last night, and it was a GREAT trip! I'm so glad I listened to all of you and not my doctor.
I flew out Wednesday. My flight was early and fairly empty. Not only did I have a bulkhead aisle seat, the middle seat was empty, so I was able to outline almost the whole trip. When I got to New York, it was a beautiful, clear night. That amazing skyline view of the city from the NJ entrance to the Lincoln tunnel looked even more beautiful than normal. PJO and I felt like kids on a school trip, it was so fun to be together in the city with no real obligations and a few days to enjoy.
Thursday we went out to breakfast (for some delicious bagels) and then later got lunch at my very favorite salad place.

I did work the rest of the afternoon. Thursday night, we went to one of my favorite Mexican restaurants, Dos Caminos, and then met up with some of PJO's cousins at a bar on the upper east side to watch the Patriots-Jets game.

Friday I met up with a friend for lunch, then went up to Columbia to meet another friend for coffee. That was the first time I had been back in... well, I don't even know how long. It looked just the way it always did, but it still surprises me how pretty it is. The Christmas lights on the trees lining college walk were already up, but I wasn't there at dark to see if they're already lit.

After coffee, I made my way down to the village, where PJO's family has a store (which his grandfather established after coming over from Italy). We enjoyed the best cannolis and hot chocolate at Rocco's pastry shop and caught up with PJO's brother. Then we said hello to his uncles working at the store. We capped the night off with a delicious Italian dinner with our friends (who are expecting a boy about 2 weeks after us). We walked home to our hotel on a beautiful, clear and mild night.

Saturday we met friends for brunch in the meatpacking district before heading to NJ to see PJO's family. We had fun playing with our niece and nephews and chatting with his family over a huge meal ("our mini-Christmas dinner" since we won't be back there this year). Our flight back to LA was delayed and not nearly as comfortable as the flight to NY, but overall it was not bad at all.

I thoroughly enjoyed my last pre-baby trip. At the same time, I'm glad I won't be traveling again for a while. We have a lot of stuff to do before we're ready for a baby to be here, which is slightly worrisome because I only have 8 more days of class and then 4 final exams and a paper.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Today I tripped (but didn't fall) walking on the sidewalk. It happened to be right in front of a busy bus stop. Everyone looked at me, held their breath and cringed. I was almost THAT pregnant lady. It was embarrassing.
Also, slightly scary... I'm going to need to work on my walking skills.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Final Hurrah

I registered for classes for my last semester of law school ... ever. As of now, I am neither excited for these classes nor sentimental about it being my last semester of school. Maybe it doesn't seem real yet: I have really enjoyed school for the most part (especially when I compare it to how much I hated working post-college). While I LOVED working this summer, I know it won't be quite the same when I am working there for real, but I still look forward to starting my career. OMG, not just a job, an actual, bona fide, career! Of course, starting at the firm seems like light years away because a whole semester of classes, graduation, the bar exam and post-bar recuperating/fun will intervene. Oh ya, and I still have to give birth to and start raising a CHILD before I become a full-fledged lawyer.

Anyway, here's the plan:

Business Planning (will be my 5th class with my very favorite professor, and basically a combination of other classes I've had with him: securities regulation, corporations, tax of business entities)
Bioethics Seminar (it fit into my schedule, but it also sounds interesting)
Law Review

I will be at school Mondays (10:20AM-12:30PM), Wednesdays (8:40AM-12:30PM) and Fridays (8:40AM-12:30PM).
Squeezing 10 units into this schedule means I have class straight through these times, with only 10 minute breaks to switch rooms and books, etc... This could present some problems given the fact that I plan on breastfeeding, but I'm sure I'll figure it out. Worst case, I miss some class here and there...I'm sure I won't be caring any less about school than the vast majority of all the other 3Ls!

Two finals (eight days apart) and one paper are all I will have to finish to graduate. Say it with me, Yes we can!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Is THIS what I got myself into?!?!

I started my 33rd week of pregnancy on Friday, so I was reading this in class.*
I was blown away, and borderline horrified, by the references to mesh panties, hospital-grade pads and poise undergarments. She was talking about packing the hospital bag, and I felt like I had at least a vague idea of what would be on that list. I obviously am not prepared AT ALL! It never crossed my mind that I might not want to bring my own clothes to the hospital because I might destroy them. I didn't think about the fact that super-strength maxi-pads might ever be inadequate. I didn't know that mesh-panties, provided by the hospital, even existed.
So what's the deal?! What do people pack for the hospital, and what advice do any of you out there have for a first-timer? Should I buy some cheap granny panties and pajamas and plan on throwing them away at the hospital? Should I plan on not wearing anything I own until I leave the hospital? Do women actually wear poise undergarments post-labor or was that an extreme proposal? Is it too late to avoid having to do all this? ;)

This might be a good time to just complain about pregnancy in general. I swear, this week I got about 10x more uncomfortable. Sitting, standing, lying down... it all sucks. There isn't room for the baby AND my vital organs anymore. I'm more tired. All of the sudden, that pregnant woman feel-like-I-have-to-pee-every-five-minutes syndrome has kicked in. 7 more weeks to go... good thing the heinousness of final exams can preoccupy me from the heinousness of the 3rd trimester.

*Thank you for whoever told me about and the zero-to-forty countdown (I can't remember who it was now). I love reading everything she writes!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Maternity Wardrobe - on a budget

We're well into the November, but I'm still wearing my maternity shorts from Gap that I bought this summer for $14.95. It's been warm and sunny, virtually indistinguishable from summer, since, well ... summer. Today it was 83 degrees, sunny and clear (CLEAR, in LOS ANGELES!!!) by the beach.

This is why I love living in southern California and why I can't imagine living anywhere else. There just is no better place for someone who hates cold and hates rain.

p.s. Happy Birthday to PJO! My wonderful husband is sitting on a plane to London right now... poor guy! But we'll be celebrating in NYC in a few short days! :-D

Thursday, November 6, 2008

And we thought they were dumb...

My cats figured out how to open doors last week. Well, the dumb one did.*

When PJO got home the other day, Furious George had opened the door to the nursery, jumped into the crib and was playing with the mobile. Every other door in our apartment was also open. He really loves playing in the closet, and drinking out of the toilet, so the closet and bathroom doors were really holding him back.

Instead of child-proofing our apartment in a year or so, looks like we'll be cat-proofing our apartment in the next few months. Round door knobs it is!

* we're not sure if he is the dumb one of the two cats, or if he's so smart that he makes Sweet Pea (the smart one) do his bidding while he sits back and eats and cuddles with us. The two of them kind of remind me of Pinky and the Brain...we're just trying to figure out which one is which.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

One Last Post on this Election

*This is a little late to really be relevant, but I wanted to get my thoughts out on this election today so I have it to look back on*

I didn't anticipate how excited I would be on this election day... it's not that I'm an "apathetic voter." I have loved politics since I can remember, but over the past few years I have become more and more disillusioned by our political system and the people in it. I consider myself a Libertarian, although I'm registered independent. I know Libertarians are viewed as crazy, and maybe that's because the party happens to capture a bunch of the right-wing wackos in South Dakota who evoke images of the uni bomber... but I think what the party stands for is not crazy at all. In fact, I think history and the Constitution support the idea of limited federal government, stronger local / state government and emphasis on individual rights. Basically, I'm one of those socially liberal, fiscally conservative people.

Socially liberal because I don't want the government or other people to impose their beliefs on my lifestyle or anyone elses... How can we live in a democracy and not agree to disagree? Fiscally conservative because I think the huge, bureaucratic monstrosity that is our federal government has proven completely incapable of managing money. I think it's unfair at some level to tax certain people much more than others, but more importantly, I think waste, inefficient programs, and poor government decisions on how to spend the money make it all the more disheartening.

Then there is the issue of the two-party system: I feel kind of cheated by it because I'm almost guaranteed to never have a viable candidate who represents my beliefs...the choice is always between a Republican and Democrat, and it seems like the gap between the parties narrows more and more every year. With all of the important issues at stake in national elections, how can two parties adequately represent what the people think is important? Republicans nominally stand for "small government" but there is absolutely nothing small about the Republican party today. Democrats usually stand for civil rights, but that also generally corresponds to fiscally liberal positions. Foreign policy issues could be the sole motivating factor for a particular vote, but neither party has a clear stance on those today. Independent and other third-party candidates are often labeled as radical and out of touch with the American electorate, but if anyone thought they had a chance of winning a national election I think more people would pay attention to what those candidates really stood for.

This is why I couldn't bring myself to vote for a Presidential candidate. I don't like McCain's foreign policy, but I also don't love Obama's. I hate McCain's stances on social issues and get an icky-Bush-feeling when I see him and hear him speak. Let's not even speak about Sarah Palin. But I am absolutely terrified of Obama's economic ideas and plans for an even bigger federal government. I think his tax plans are going to drive more business out of the country, and generate less revenue overall, yet the government's payroll is going to increase exponentially.

So ya, I didn't think I was going to be that excited. I was so wrong! Today was my first time voting at a polling place... I've only voted absentee before. I got in line at 7am and waited almost 2 hours to vote. CA-OF COURSE-screwed up my registration and re-registration forms, so I had to fill out a provisional ballot. I got that coveted sticker. I felt really proud and patriotic and all that. I wish it had been because I was excited about a presidential candidate, but that's ok. The only reason I voted at all today was because of the propositions. I have to admit I didn't care too much about most of them, but Proposition 8 was enough to get me to the polls. I voted no (which means I don't think we should amend our Constitution to allow the State to discriminate and restrict marriage to just heterosexual partners) and I don't know if I've ever felt this emotionally invested in an issue. I think it's something about how much misinformation is out there and how some people can deny others basic rights and dignity with such impunity. The other day, I drove through Beverly Hills and West Hollywood. Mobs of "No on Prop. 8" supporters lined the streets for miles, waving signs, prompting honking horns and showing unbelievable enthusiasm. I absolutely loved it. Living in a liberal, major metropolis makes it easy to forget that there are so many people who disagree with what I think. Going to a super conservative school makes it hard to keep hope.
This was one of the street corners I passed on Santa Monica Blvd...

This election turned into something more than getting my views represented in my government; it became more about renewing my faith in our country. I still have huge issues with our system, but seeing how excited the American population is gives me hope. Los Angeles County set a record for voter turnout today. I know that voter turnout in some states was incredibly high. That is something to celebrate, regardless of who won. Watching the election coverage, I have to admit I even got excited watching the Obama party in Chicago. He had an enormous public gathering open to everyone, filled with people truly inspired and dedicated to what he stands for. McCain's invitation-only, somber gathering seemed to reflect the reason he lost in such a landslide ... he couldn't reach out past the people who will vote Republican no matter who runs on the ticket. While I don't support Obama's positions, I have to respect the fact that he has generated such enthusiasm and dedication among new voters and voters who traditionally wouldn't have voted for a Democrat. Obviously there are things I do not look forward to when his Presidency begins, but I am excited that the electorate has reacted so strongly to President Bush and has said in a loud voice that they want change.

So now it's over... election day is almost gone, the results are in. I'm ready to give the new president a chance and stand behind him, hoping that our country will move in a positive direction. I will still hold my own beliefs and values above what any party tells me to think, but there is an intangible benefit to having the country more united and motivated to participate in our democracy.