Every semester, I make a finals study calendar -- it starts a few weeks before exams do, and it is color-coded by class, allotting days and half-days to study or attend review sessions before that particular exam. My favorite part is planning it all out, followed by crossing out days that I finish.
Every semester, I edit my finals study calendar almost every day... I have to adjust my expectations once I realize how far behind I am. I spent about 6 hours outlining one chapter of my Bankruptcy book today ... I was supposed to finish that whole outline by the end of today. Looks like Community Property can wait until Wednesday.
I could never become a complete recluse during finals like some of my fellow students ... instead I take on projects, host dinner parties and go shopping ... really, anything to avoid studying. Kind of weird, given my supreme satisfaction that comes from crossing out things from my to-do list.
Speaking of to-do list, I crossed off a few things from the "pretend like I'm ready and mentally prepared to have a child in a month" list:
1. We registered for classes. Well, I requested a few time slots... we'll see if they're open. We decided to forego "childbirth preparation" in favor of "infant CPR and safety" and "Baby Care." The dates are Dec. 6th and 13th, 3 and 4 hours respectively. If they're full, I guess we'll figure it out later or go to a class after the baby is born (obviously, just the CPR one by that time).
2. We bought the last few things from our registry we hadn't received and some diapers/wipes.
3. We have more baby clothes than we'll ever need (thanks to PJO's mom and sister (who has two little boys already). Today I started washing the ones he could wear early on.
4. I bought a breast pump. I decided to skip renting one, even though I have a feeling that would have been smart, because a one-month rental comes to about half the cost of buying one. Anyway, I bought the Medela Pump-In-Style Metro bag. (I hate the look of the bag, but I think they're all ugly, and this one at least can be removed from the bag). I went back and forth b/w this and the Avent Isis Duo-whatever-it's-called. That was only $200 on Amazon (new), but Medela seems to get slightly better reviews. I found this website, and they were selling either the 2007 or 2008 version for $240 (no tax, free shipping). The 2007 version came with a manual pump and a couple other things, so I opted for that (I'm pretty sure it's about $320 on Amazon. Anyway, I think it's a good option for anyone buying a new pump... I had mine a week later and everything was perfect.
5. That was a lot of preparation this weekend, assembly of gear can wait until a lot later.
Speaking of baby, it's so weird to think about how differently the next month or so will be depending on when and how he makes his appearance. I'm trying to distract myself and not think about it so much, but it's kind of amazing how many surprises are in store for me. I mean, I could be at home, celebrating the holidays with a baby or I could be hugely pregnant until sometime in 2009.
Holidays. We're hosting our third annual Thanksgiving this Thursday. My parents and two brothers come over, and PJO and I make Turkey and ham, Cranberry sauce, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes and green bean casserole. Last year, we tried to get creative and make the Lemon Turkey featured in Bon Appetit but this year we'll go back to traditional fare. Usually we all go for a walk by the beach after dinner. This year, the outdoor ice skating rink is open already and is just a few blocks away from our apartment. We're dorky Californians, and this is REALLY cool, so we might go there (and of course I'll be sidelined, again... wah, wah).
We have no plans for Christmas. We have no idea where we'll be, and more importantly, no idea what kind of mood I'll be in that day (only sliiiiiiiiightly exaggerating). New Years Eve, I will be drinking a glass of champagne, regardless of when Uno decides to be born. I'm still enjoying the holiday season though, outlining to Christmas music on our Cable music channel.
I ordered an embroidered stocking and engraved pewter stocking-holder for my cat, Furious George. Yeah. I know. I was given one for me, PJO and our other cat, Sweet Pea, 3 years ago as a gift. Poor Georgie was the outcast with his "Meow Meow" generic stocking the past 2 years. I decided that just because he was the younger pet didn't mean he should be treated differently and he OBVIOUSLY needed a matching stocking. So it has snowmen on it and says "George" ("Furious" didn't fit in the 10 letter allowance) and it will be here this week.
I wanted to order one for the baby, but there were two problems. One, we still don't have a name. Two, that HAS to be bad luck to order personalized things before he's even born. Oh, and three, even if we did have a name, what if we changed it? If he's born before Christmas, I hope he doesn't mind using the "Meow Meow" stocking for his first Christmas.
Well, if all of that doesn't demonstrate some kind of attention deficit disorder, probably nothing will. Now I'm going to bed so I can outline approximately 10 chapters of Bankruptcy tomorrow, none of which I have read or taken notes on.
The Medela pump is really good. But why do you care if you can take it out of the bag?
I love my Medela pump.
Also - where did you order the stockings?? I've been trying to find some...
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