Sunday, February 22, 2009

Candy and Popcorn

It's time to go see some movies.

Remember how I said that I don't really watch them and have no pop culture knowledge? Well, I haven't seen any of the movies nominated and that makes it kind of hard to get into the Oscars. But I watched anyway, and now I want to see all those movies. This might take a while since I either need a babysitter or a patient 2 month old, so does anyone have suggestions on which movies to start with? I'm thinking Milk...

I can count on one hand the movies I have seen in the theater over the past year: Juno, Burn After Reading, Sex and the City, and He's Just Not That Into You. Hmmm, not exactly intellectually stimulating...but entertaining nonetheless!

1 comment:

CP said...

go see slumdog millionaire!! the best movie i have ever seen (or close to it)! it's amazing - some sad parts (i HATE sad parts) but they were soooo worth it.

I thought Benjamin Button was horrible. It left me feeling depressed and the story line was so random. I didn't end up connecting to or caring about the characters.

I really want to see "he's just not that into you"!

As you can see, I'm passionate about film :)