Today I have a serious case of the Mondays. What started as a tickle in my throat Friday night became a full-fledged sinus infection Saturday afternoon, which morphed into debilitating congestion/weakness/chest pain on Sunday. My asthma manifests itself in my adult life by turning every cold I get into a bronchial infection or sinusitis. I also seem to suffer from pregnancy rhinitis, as I figured out last pregnancy, which could explain why this is my 4th sinus infection of this pregnancy.
Thus considering myself a sinus infection expert, I went to urgent care yesterday to get myself some antibiotics and nasal spray, bypassing the 2 or 3 days of misery where I try to get by with claritin, my inhaler and neti pot. The doctor agreed with my self-diagnosis (congested sinus cavity, ear infection left ear, inflamed throat, slight wheezing) and quickly gave me what I came for.
Somehow I managed to get through the 9 hours of work I had to do yesterday even though my computer kept trying to sabotage my efforts. I dragged myself into the office today even though I wanted nothing more than to stay in bed. There are 4 more work days until the weekend.
So, it's Monday. That's the bad news.
The good news is, I have been looking at baby items to personalize today because we actually decided on a name for baby Airplane! I never in a million years would have thought that we would pick one before the baby was born, but we decided on one this weekend. We still won't tell people the name until she's here, but I am going to buy something with her name on it so PJO can't back down and change his mind. She may come home from the hospital to no nursery or crib, but at least she'll have something frivolous with her name on it.
Yuck, hope you feel better!
I just put the baby's name on the wall, so it's official around here too. No backing down now!
Genius. I'm buying something personalized so that B can't back down! Sammie B already calls the baby by our first choice name right now, so I say can't change it now, and I'm 100% settled on it.
For me, not having a name was making me uneasy, particularly through the bed rest/pre-term labor woes. I need this little person to have a name & an identity while I was crying my eyes out in the doctor's office when he said it looked like pre-term labor again . . . so for me, I needed a name for her now. And, I say we have one!
So many baby girl names getting all official!
Momttorney - Did B agree on the name you and Sammie are using? If so, I agree, write it on a wall or buy something personalized to seal the deal. I just know that if I bought something with the name before PJO officially agreed, he would refuse to pick that name just to torment me ;)
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