Showing posts with label Election 2008. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Election 2008. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Official Election Documents Prove The Greatest Election Fraud In History

The Democrat party was responsible for vetting Sen. Barack Hussein Obama and certifying his eligibility to hold the office of President of the United States under the provisions of the United States Constitution. However, since that was not possible they just changed\omitted the language.



(You don't have to take CBW's word on this. A copy of Document 2 can be found in the election commission files of all 50 state election commission offices as well as the Democratic National Committee Headquarters complete with date stamps and matching signatures.)

Notice that BOTH Documents are Signed and Sealed Same Day by Same People!!!!
Document 1 contains the clause "Certification That Democrat Party Candidates for President and Vice President of the United States are legally qualified to serve under the provisions of the United States Constitution."

Document 2 - Sent to 49 of the 50 States for Certification for Placement on the Ballot REMOVES Certification of ELIGIBILITY and provides NO certification that the Candidate is legally qualified to serve in office of President.

Constitutional Eligibility Nomination Certificates
PROVE The FACT of The Conspiracy
of The Greatest Election FRAUD in History
This isn't a conspiracy theory....this is a conspiracy FACT. But who cares because "We have a Black President", right?

The sad thing is that our Justice system all the way up to the Supreme Court don't have enough backbone to settle this matter. 

Friday, May 1, 2009

100 Days Of Change.....

A fellow Christian blogger DJ Black Adam has asked me on several occasions if I think Jesus would have been more pleased with McCain than Obama. My first instinct is to give a resounding heck yeah, but that would be awfully sophomoric and provincial of me because who really knows what is in the heart of a man? The best you can do is make a decision based on their respective voting records and stump speeches. Based on that alone, I am having an awfully difficult time reconciling how a person of faith (in the Lord Jesus Christ that is) could have cast a vote for Barack Obama.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Barackalypse Is Here.....

Roger Cotton aka The American Patriot wrote the following article entitled Obama and the Four Horseman of the Barackalypse:

Why do I get the feeling that Obama sold his political career to the Chicago Political Machine in order to serve as a Manchurian Candidate for Socialist/Communist special interests?

Since he has taken office, he has completely mind-screwed Americans with his misguided and poorly-implemented policies. Pelosi and Reid, flanked by Schumer and Frank, are the Four Horsemen of the Barackalypse. All five of them are behaving like hippies who have locked themselves in a head shop. Each is lighting up their personal stashes of ideological weed using every bong they see. They are lost in a haze of self-indulgence that obscures their criminality from passersby standing just outside the head shop window.

Barack and his posse of scorched earth politicans are up to something and this doesn’t portend well for this country.

What’s also worrisome are their claims that they have received a mandate from the masses to toss the cultural salad and throw it into disarray. This is untrue, of course, but Queen Pelosi has been chomping at the bit to have someone in office to manipulate in order to get far left Socialist (aka liberal) agenda pushed through.

Power. That’s what she wants. Power and control. Over you and me. Obama wants power, too. Especially over our youth. His Brownshirts Bill just passed in the House. If it passes in the Senate and is signed by the president, Obama and his henchman Emanual will also gain power over our children.

I don’t think I have ever felt as anxious and nauseous as I have since November of last year. Knowing that fellow Americans willingly chose a man who told us he was going to tax us (vis a vis corporations and small business owners, who will pass the costs along); establish a Civilian Security Force every bit as powerful, equipped, and funded as the military (o.0!); and “transform our nation,” makes me look askance at every person driving a car sporting an Obama sticker.

Since January 20th, my every fear about the man with no past has been realized. Every step of the way, Obama has performed badly as President. He has insulted a number of our allies, laughed openly at the plight of Americans his ideology doesn’t embrace, and has allowed Tim Geitner to throw billions away in order to purportedly fix the economy. The reality is, every Obama political supporter has received financial payback in these hackneyed stimulus bills. Yet the root causes for this financial debacle are still not addressed. And, the first Black President has effectively made slaves of us all.

Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Frank, and Schumer have lied time and again. They are absolutely untrustworthy. Their scurrilous actions and mendacious speeches are leading to the ruination of our country. Were it not for their allies and enablers in the MSM, we might have a fighting chance against Obama and his horsemen. But, sadly, they have formed an unfair, unspoken, and immoral conspiracy to deny citizens the Truth about Congressional exploits and acts of treason.

Now, it seems the only way to save our country is to literally fight these unrepresentatives. Perhaps it is time for everyday citizens to march on Washington, D.C. in such numbers that even the police there would be unable and unwilling to face the wrath of millions of furious Americans.

We can dismount all of the horsemen in Washington and avert the impending Barackalypse. (Source)-emphasis added

I realize that Obama supporters will see this article as fear-mongering but I call it facing the facts.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Democracy Is The Road To Socialism - Who Knew? by JB Williams

This article by JB Williams is long but well worth the read so I have re-printed it here. It is an exhaustive analysis of what has taken place in this country and examines whether or not we have reached the point of no return.

"I once said, - "Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you," - and I got into trouble with it. Of course we will not bury you with a shovel. Your own working class will bury you." - Soviet Leader Nikita Khrushchev

Thomas Jefferson correctly warned against "democracy" as a form of self-governance, properly defining it as "nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine."

Marx's proletariat, the working class, organized by trade unions and trained to vote themselves gifts from the public trough, replacing the representative republic with a pure democracy via rewritten history and ideologically redefined words, will rule by simple majority mob, forcing its will upon the minority, the American taxpayer.

Once fully indoctrinated in entitlement mentality and taught to vote themselves access to the public trough, the proletariat could be counted upon to use their democratic power to install socialism, - (in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles.

And so it is, a brief 233 years after the birth of the greatest free nation ever known to mankind.

Khrushchev knew, and so did men like Stalin, Lenin and Marx. It's only the average American who was blind to what was happening to their nation by slow but steady process, or should I say, progress...

"The press is our chief ideological weapon." - Nikita Khrushchev

"The press should be not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer of the masses." - Vladimir Lenin

The leftist American press so wanted "change" that they turned their collective head from every reasonable query regarding a freshman senator with a blank résumé and a past so secret that he dare not even allow his birth or college records to become public. A man so surrounded by well-known evil doers, that the only thing on his résumé is a long list of ill-fated associations with terrorists, criminals and anti-American thugs.

Still, the American press went so far as to label this man a "messiah," a savior... who would forever change our nation, righting all the wrongs of freedom and capitalism. Never in history has a more unqualified candidate sought the Oval Office. And this guy won...

"There are no morals in politics; there is only expedience. A scoundrel may be of use to us just because he is a scoundrel." - "To rely upon conviction, devotion, and other excellent spiritual qualities; that is not to be taken seriously in politics." - Vladimir Lenin

And so, in 2006 and 2008, the people democratically selected what they perceive to be useful scoundrels. Politicians they believe to be of their ilk, serving the proletariat interest, pandering to their entitled desires. The press told them that Obama was the "messiah" who would free them from their mortgages, car payments and economic limitations.

"The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation." - Vladimir Lenin

It took congressional leftists almost a hundred years to dig the nation a trillion dollars in debt via an endless stream of social programs aimed at engineering the perfect society where anything goes and only the taxpayer is responsible.

It took the new "messiah" and an unbridled Democratic Socialist congress lead by the Congressional Progressive Caucus, only sixty days in power to quadruple that figure,
burying the entire nation in over $4 trillion in taxpayer debt and destroying what was left of the free market system that has fed the world for two hundred years.

The enormous spending spree will result in massive taxation; the printing of trillions in unsupported funny money will drive the US currency down to the value of a peso.

The bourgeoisie, (in Marxist theory) the class that, in contrast to the proletariat or wage-earning class, is primarily concerned with property values; will be crushed between the millstones of taxation and inflation, as the federal need for more private assets to keep pace with the skyrocketing cost of social engineering, strips away every last freedom from the only people in the nation capable of picking up the tab, the minority, the taxpayer.

"Politics begin where the masses are, not where there are thousands, but where there are millions, that is where serious politics begin." - Vladimir Lenin

Barack Obama is not president of the United States. He is to America, what Hugo Chavez is to Venezuela. He was elected as Chavez was elected, by a hungry proletariat class seeking free unfettered access to other people's assets. He was elected by "mob rule," and he is governing by "mob rule," just as Thomas Jefferson had warned against.

Elected by College Kids...

"Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted." - "Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever." - Vladimir Lenin

Yesterday's draft dodger, eco-nut, domestic terrorist, you get the picture, is now your son or daughters college professor in almost 100% of the college lecture halls. K thru 12 education is controlled by the teachers union and the ACLU, both of which are progressive operations within the Democratic Socialist movement.

Every national policy under the sun is controlled by CFR, the Council on Foreign Relations, with focus upon how US policies affect the balance of the world, instead of on how best to protect and preserve a constitutional representative republic.

The kids are no longer insulted by terms like "socialist" or "communist." They know nothing negative about these terms. They have been taught that only capitalism is evil, based upon greed.

As a result, they see people in search of other people's assets as "charitable" and those who only desire a right to what they earn, as "greedy." Their minds have been twisted inside out. They were so focused on "change" that they never stopped to ask what kinds of "change." They were so excited to elect the first "black" president that they never stopped to find a "black" candidate.

Barack Hussein Obama is half white and 7/16 Arab, being only 1/16 African. They knew he had ties to domestic terrorists like William Ayers. They knew he had spent twenty years as a member of the most racist church in America. They knew that despite his somewhat moderate sounding campaign rhetoric, his voting record was that of the most far left extreme member of the US Senate. They didn't care about any of it....

The Point of No Return

From a trillion in debt to $4 trillion in debt in a matter of six weeks in power.

From keeping international terrorists on the run to welcoming them to US streets and criminal courts; From recognizing the world's most dangerous regimes to begging for friendship with the world's most dangerous regimes; From ACORN voter and election fraud to ACORN partnership with the White House in an effort to manipulate the census and forever change national elections by way of redistricting.

From public outrage over blatant illegal immigration to full amnesty and voting rights for illegal invaders, who will then be signed to labor unions and DNC voter rolls by the millions, making certain that only Democrats can win national elections for the balance of this century, or until such time that the people revolt.

The election of Barack Obama marks the passing of the point of no return. There is no peaceful means of reversing the current daily assault on all things American. People who thought they could let the country fall into enemy hands only to regain control in 2010 or 2012, were complete fools.

They don't need you and they don't want you. They want you to shut up and take it in the shorts and learn to like it. They want you to go away. It's only your assets, they want.

"Democracy is indispensable to socialism." - Vladimir Lenin

The people have spoken and they have democratically chosen global secular socialism. In the "messiah" they believe. In government power they now trust.

"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism." - Vladimir Lenin

Capitalism, aka economic freedom, is something to be despised and destroyed. The individual is nothing. The greater communal good trumps every individual liberty. Freedom from religious expression trumps freedom of religious expression. The people's right to your stuff trumps your right to your own stuff.

The people now have "change." Whether or not it is the change they desired, or thought they were voting for, it is here now and there is no turning back.

Democratic Socialists don't need a single Republican vote in the House and they can buy the few they need in the Senate. Republicans are powerless to stop any of it. They are far too divided to work as a unit anyway.

The coming Revolt!

The people will one day revolt against these anti-American leaders. How soon? How violently? These are the only remaining questions...

How much must the people lose before they refuse to lose any more? How much can the left take away from the right before the right refuses to let them take any more? How much must they destroy before Americans gain the courage to take a united stand against them? How long will the people fund evil before they refuse to fund it any longer?

Nobody knows the answers to these questions. Only time will provide the answers.

But one thing is certain; although bullets are not yet flying, America is at war within. The full frontal assault on all things American is quickening. The left is in a rush to dismantle America before the people can wake up and react. Freedom, Liberty, speech, religion, guns, sovereignty and security are all under daily attack.

Freedom will one day reign again in America, but how soon and at what expense?

Karl Marx said "Democracy is the road to socialism." He was right. Now the people will have to learn what's wrong with socialism, the hard way.

If you can watch these two videos and still not be in the mood to take your nation back, you won't ever be in the mood to take your nation back! (Source) - Emphasis added

Video #1 - Glenn Beck deconstructs AIG scandal

Video #2 - We The People Stimulus Package

This could get ugly. What's unfortunate is that these are valid concerns but Obama acolytes will charge that voicing these concerns as fear-mongering and/racist rather than considering how this will effect a this country that they and their children call home. It's sad because the decisions that are being made for us today in the house and senate will have long-term ramifications that will negatively affect our children and grandchildren.

Friday, November 21, 2008

What Did Your Pastor Say on November 9th, 2008?

Hiscrivener posted a compelling blog yesterday entitled "Depoliticize the Pulpit:the church speaks out and shows it color" . The Sunday following the election Shirley Ceasar said the following:

""Too long we've been at the bottom of the totem pole, but he has vindicated us, hallelujah," she cried. "I don't know about you, but I don't have nothing to put my head down for, praise God. Because when I look toward Washington, D.C., we got a new family coming in. We got a new family coming in. And you know what? They look like us. Amen, amen. They look like us."" (Source)

I'll venture to say that Shirley Ceasar isn't the only person of the cloth who gave a sermon along those lines on November 9th. Hiscrivener, exposes the vapidness of the assertion that God has "vindicated" black folks because Barack Obama won the presidency when he writes:

""Look here, Doc (with your uber-fake and completely honorary Ph.D.), a few notes for your high holy clarification:
God “vindicated” us the moment this tall Amish-looking dude looking all presidential stood up and
discussed his four score years in under four minutes. It’s egregious and shameful it took reiteration 100 years later from Dr. King and the giants of the civil rights movement.
God allows man the ability to choose, such as the men who chose to tell Texas slaves more than two years later about that very speech. (For the record, any fool who openly advocates
Juneteenth is embracing a generation of people just being duped. Good on ya!).
Man’s unadulterated and abysmal choices have caused more pain upon generations of mankind than any war, any plague, anything. Choices don’t require vindication. They demand a reckoning. Black folk TODAY weren’t vindicated. No one in my clique,
fraternity or family felt that, reckoning and shattering of stereotypes, but no vindication. That word implies guilt and 90 percent of this country’s white folk (because let’s be honest, that’s who this bigoted broad is targeting with her vitriol) had nothing to do with the atrocity of slavery 400 years ago. " (emphasis added)

He goes on to say:

"She is more focused on the hollow, half-baked promises of Barack Obama, than the grace-filled truth in the Word of God at this moment.
He is our (yes, even for those of you who can’t stand his policies or his skin tone) president and we should pray for him like crazy. But to extol him as the banner of righteousness over years of oppression is lunacy. It is a benchmark of how far this country has came… not just you, Shirley Caesar. (emphasis added)

I say this from a place of utter love for my people (I'm talking about my brothers and sisters in Christ--not just black folks)....WAKE UP PLEASE!!!! Stop falling for that which is nothing more than ear tickling. Study to show thy self approved and stop listened to preachers who are saying nothing substantive and/or biblical.

Black conservatives are often accused of being self-hating, and self-degradating but apparently we (black conservatives) weren't the ones waiting for white america to affirm or vindicate us. So will the real self-hater please stand up? Now Shirley Ceasar's statement about God's vindication of black people-- that's self-degradation! Is it really that difficult to recognize?

Hiscrivener then ended his post most appropriately with the following admonishment to Shirley Ceasar:

"MEMO to Shirley Caesar: You’re an idiot. Consider you have a global audience and although in your world, it’s black like your coffee… THE world is not. It’s more like… well, Obama. A melting pot of religion, race, creed and culture."

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Wow, These People Actually Voted.

Warning!!! The following post may contain information that Obama acolytes who are unwilling to acknowledge the facts may find disturbing. Please DO NOT WATCH THIS VIDEO if you can't handle the truth or if you feel that CBW's continued acknowledgement of the fact that the democratic party preys on the willful ignorance of the masses (code for black folks) will impede your ability to maintain a friendship with her.

To think that people died so that we would have the right to vote. Yet, we piss on their graves because we don't even bother to make informed decisions. Please don't confuse this with bitterness, it's not. It's unadulterated disgust!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Voice Calling From The Wilderness......

Congratulations to President Elect Barack Obama!!! Conservatives, Republicans, Right Wing Christians we have been put out to pasture and it's prayin' time. I am truly happy that America and Black America in particular is rejoicing in this. While it saddens me that we felt so downtrodden in the year of our Lord 2008 and I am thrilled that we have gotten the "collective" inspiration that we have so longed for until now. So where do we go from here since we have been so inspired? I pray that black men are inspired to marry the women they impregnate. I pray that black fathers are inspired to lead their families. I pray that black parents are inspired to demand excellence from their children. I pray that we are inspired rise, rise, rise from the bottom of every demographic in this country.
P.S. If you are already inspired and handling your business, then I am clearly not referring to you.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Quote From Audacity of Hope....

I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds change in an ugly direction”. BARACK OBAMA from The Audacity Of Hope which is titled in Indonesia “Assault Hope: From Jakarta To The Whitehouse”?. It is arguable that “Assault Hope” means “Jihad”.

But I guess this is of no consequence as long as we have a black president, right?

Monday, November 3, 2008

Will Barack Obama's Constituents At Grove Parc Support Him?

Sadly, I bet they will in spite of the utter squalor of their housing development. Barack Obama as a state senator coauthored an Illinois law creating a new pool of tax credits for developers. As a US senator, he pressed for increased federal subsidies. And as a presidential candidate, he has campaigned on a promise to create an Affordable Housing Trust Fund that could give developers an estimated $500 million a year. This is what his "Affordable Housing Trust Fund" and $500 million tax dollars yields for those looking for hope and change using your tax dollars:

This is a damn shame. Barack Obama is just a Chicago bureaucrat who doesn't give a tinker's damn about the needs of the people he has on the streets campaigning for him who have been trained in the art of "community organizing" put forth by Saul Arlinsky. These same developers who were recipients of the set aside just happen to be large contributors to his presidential campaign. I wonder why? What will it take for us to get wise to this "Obama-nation". Check out the full story Here.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Have You Vetted Barack Obama -- The DNC Certainly Has Not...

This will make my 32nd post about Barack Obama, this blog journals my evolution from Obama skeptic to hopeful Obama kool-aid drinker to pragmatic informed McCain supporter. I had to use the power of the internet to get the real skinny on Obama because main stream media failed us during this election season. However you can not make an informed decision without information so I beseech you my brethren to follow this link entitled "Have You Vetted Barack Obama - We Have" you owe it to yourself to do so.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Obama's Own Speech Writer Is Voting For McCain....

Seriously if you are not convinced that Barack Obama is an empty suit spewing empty rhetoric by the fact that his own speech writer is voting for McCain then you are in serious denial. Wendy Button, who has written for Barack Obama, John Edward, Hillary Clinton and even Michelle Obama is done with the democratic party. Please read this "So Long, Democrats" as it is too long to post here in it's entirety. But here are a few noteworthy thoughts Wendy Button penned:

"This drift started on a personal level with the fall of former Senator John Edwards. It got stronger during the Democratic National Convention when I counted the substantive mentions of poverty on one hand and a whole bunch of bad canned partisan lines against Senator John McCain. Some faith was lifted after Senator Hillary Clinton’s grace during a difficult hour. But that faith was dashed when I saw that someone had raided the Caligula set and planted the old columns at Invesco Field."

"Our economy is in the tank for many complicated reasons, especially because people don’t have enough money. So let them keep it. Let businesses keep it so they can create jobs and stay here and weather this storm. And yet, the Democratic ideology remains the same. Our approach to problems—big government solutions paid for by taxing the rich and big and smaller companies—is just as tired and out of date as trickle down economics. How about a novel approach that simply finds a sane way to stop the bleeding?"

"Governor Palin and I don’t agree on a lot of things, mostly social issues. But I have grown to appreciate the Governor. I was one of those initial skeptics and would laugh at the pictures. Not anymore. When someone takes on a corrupt political machine and a sitting governor, that is not done by someone with a low I.Q. or a moral core made of tissue paper. When someone fights her way to get scholarships and work her way through college even in a jagged line, that shows determination and humility you can’t learn from reading Reinhold Niebuhr. When a mother brings her son with special needs onto the national stage with love, honesty, and pride, that gives hope to families like mine as my older brother lives with a mental disability. And when someone can sit on a stage during the Sarah Palin rap on Saturday Night Live, put her hands in the air and watch someone in a moose costume get shot—that’s a sign of both humor and humanity. Has she made mistakes? Of course, she’s human too. But the attention paid to her mistakes has been unprecedented compared to Senator Obama’s “57 states” remarks or Senator Biden using a version of the Samuel Johnson quote, “There’s nothing like a hanging in the morning to focus a man’s thoughts.”"

"I can no longer justify what this party has done and can’t dismiss the treatment of women and working people as just part of the new kind of politics. It’s wrong and someone has to say that. And also say that the Democratic Party’s talking points—that Senator John McCain is just four more years of the same and that he’s President Bush—are now just hooker lines that fit a very effective and perhaps wave-winning political argument…doesn’t mean they’re true. After all, he is the only one who’s worked in a bipartisan way on big challenges."

Let me reinterate this is Barack Obama's speech writer!!! She was totally entrenched in the Democratic party and she is telling us what the party has become. Wake the hell up people!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Penultimate Words on Barack Obama As Told By COBB

I just read this post by Cobb at what a brilliant assessment in my opinion:

"I am completely reconciled to the likelihood that Barack Obama will win the Presidency this fall. My campaigning against him continues and my disagreements with him, I will continue to make clear. While I cannot say with any certainty that I could be convincing on the broad variety of reasons I have to oppose his campaign I am very clear in the way I see him.
I think that a startling number of people who support Obama do so on the basis of his personal appeal with no regard or consideration of the history of the pedigree of his philosophy. They are ahistorical and show no intellectual curiosity when it comes to the principles underlying his promise of 'fundamental change'. They buy naively into narratives about the destruction of America that has no window beyond a twisted interpretation of what has transpired over the past 8 years. Whether the subject is war, diplomacy, tax policy, or the very capacity to build a public Ministry of Health - they are invested in the narrative of change which seeks to cast cynical shadows on the unique strengths of American institutions and an almost mystical belief in his ability to turn the ship of state on a dime.
Worse, supporters of this Democrat have completely ignored advice from the man who has become the grey eminence of their ticket, Joe Biden who said:
Mike Mansfield, a former leader of the Senate, said to me one day -- he -- I made a criticism of Jesse Helms. He said, "What would you do if I told you Jesse Helms and Dot Helms had adopted a child who had braces and was in real need?" I said, "I'd feel like a jerk."
He said, "Joe, understand one thing. Everyone's sent here for a reason, because there's something in them that their folks like. Don't question their motive."
I have never since that moment in my first year questioned the motive of another member of the Congress or Senate with whom I've disagreed. I've questioned their judgment.
I think that's why I have the respect I have and have been able to work as well as I've been able to have worked in the United States Senate. That's the fundamental change Barack Obama and I will be bring to this party, not questioning other people's motives.
They have injected the presumption of racial bigotry on their opponents.
It doesn't surprise me that the man who has raised the greatest amount of money in the history of presidential fundraising has been able to persuade masses of Americans. He has used television, radio, the internet, cell phones and even put billboards of himself inside of popular videogames. He has used skill and bravura to enhance his image not only in America but overseas as well. Photographic images of Obama in every possible flattering situation have flooded emails. Any unflattering image of the man is met with vehement charges of racism and deception.
Barack Obama is a man of the people who has appeared very suddenly onto the national scene and taken the country by storm at a time when people are insecure in their economic future, concerned about victory or failure at war and divided in their political loyalties as well as their fundamental beliefs in the proper direction for the nation. Obama has very cleverly situated himself as the conduit for change for an electorate which is frantic and agitated - not on the basis of fundamental philosophical agreement, but on faith in him as a change agent.
Very few people can say with any certitude what Barack Obama can or will do as President. He is very guarded and defensive, as are his supporters, about his background. And as a young man with less experience in national and world affairs than most any candidate in history, we have much more to learn about him.
Such difficulty I have with my perceptions of the Obama parade are typical of the kind of conservative I am. I don't expect that America will overnight or any time soon snap into a tight moral reasoning in their politics. I don't expect it on matters of racism, war and peace, job and family or education and religion. We have the public we have, and we have the political equilibrium that we do counting all the forces in this nation. It is not for me to suggest we have a better public, it is for me to deal with the public we have and to understand when they are motivated to do well or do otherwise - to ride the proper wave or to get out of the way and watch my back. It is eternally my hope that the strength and beauty of the system of justice we possess and the values underlying the defense of liberty are well understood, but that is a lifetime pursuit which is only marginally perturbed by popular elections.
As for the man himself, I very strongly believe that Barack Obama through his associations with radicals and socialists be they individuals or organizations has come to the realization of the very concrete limits of radical politics in America. After all, he left ineffective grass roots community organizing to attend Harvard Law. I think in that very specific and thoroughly Leftist and socialist way Obama shares a great deal in common with the politics of those his recent success has allowed him to leave behind. For a man as intelligent and ambitious as Barack Obama, there are no coincidences. Not in choice of political party, not in choice of backers, not in choice of churches, not in choice of legislative focus. There is a pattern and logic at work behind the rhetoric. These are details I think only his opponents wish to see clearly for the express purpose of situating Obama with his peers in world history. For it is America's place in world history that ought to be the ultimate concern of those who would be President. I am convinced that Barack Obama is not so concerned with America's role in the world so much as he is with the fate of the lower classes in America. This for me is the mightiest strike against him - not because I don't care for the fate of the lowly but because I recognize that the direction of the great is the most important factor in everyone's fate. Obama's solicitations to those, the least of his brothers at the expense of the great, gives me little confidence he will steer the ship of America in a way to insure its greatness.
A candidate with more seasoning and experience inside Washington would give someone like me less reason to be concerned. But I am particularly wary, in a way that I think I have learned the hard way with George W. Bush, of the particular influence of ideologues and partisans on the man in the Oval Office. Barack Obama, like no other candidate, seems to me to be the one who will depend most on Washington insiders to assist in crafting his agenda and enforcing his will. He will be a great prince in a warren of conniving viziers, not the least of whom is his running mate who has already rebuffed him in several dimensions. During this time of extraordinary and unprecedented change and chaos in financial markets, such concerns are hightened. I have no reason to believe that Obama will be more or less lucky or prescient than George W. Bush was on 9/12, but you can be sure that we will hear about it loudly should he win the Oval Office.
I have a great deal of confidence in this nation, and I expect that Obama would be an adequate president. But I don't forsee him doing a much better job of uniting the nation than Bush did. I believe that the presidency of Bill Clinton will be most instructive and will be the precedent for a President Obama. Nobody will simply 'move on'. Unity will come from events and from the bottom up, not from the top down as Obama's charismatic campaign seems to imagine. After the honeymoon is over and those young people energized by the war of campaigning go about their business, it will be as they said in Lawrence of Arabia: Young men make wars and the virtues of war are the virtues of young men: courage and hope for the future. Then old men make the peace, and the vices of peace are the vices of old men: mistrust and caution. I for one will be such an old man in the peace following election day whichever way it goes. I would of course rather have such an old man as John McCain who would share my mistrust and caution. But I'm ready for the alternative"
- Cobb (emphasis mine)

Well, I have not resolved the proposition that Barack Obama will win this election. It's possible but it isn't over until it's over despite what MSM would have you believe. Plus, I met a group of PUMA's (Party Unity My Ass) last night (shout out to Matt, Philip and MommaE on the My 2 Cents Blog Talk Radio Show) and they are so not voting for Obama.

One Last Rant From ZO before 11/4

Here is the latest rant ala Zo and I implore you please pass this video along. Zo breaks these issues down like fractions -- one would have to have an IQ just slightly above plant life not to understand these issues the way he presents them. So, for those of you who have drunk the Obama Kool-aid please take 10 mins (if you haven't already voted) and give serious consideration to the possiblity that you may be mistaken in your assumptions about this election.

P.S. for my sensitive readers I'm not saying you have a low I.Q. if you are a democrat with an informed opinion. However if you are a democrat and not quite sure why -- then I think the shoe fits and I'm pretty much assailing your intelligence quotient.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Will The Real Racist Please Stand Up

More wisdom from my brother from another mother (that's code for white people I agree with) at TSF Protests :

"The phony racist charges from the liberal Black leaders are ludicrous. The liberal Black leaders are the exhibitors of racism today. They are the separatists today. They are the community that simply refuses to assimilate into America. They are the ones who do not want to engage this system. They thumb their noses at whites that by and large are bending over backwards for them and it is never enough and never accepted. It appears that Liberal Blacks want to be miserable. What else can explain supporting blood suckers like Jesse Jackson, Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan? These people would not exist if the Black community succeeds. And Black politicians like Maxine Waters and a host of others exalt in their hatred of white people and all of the community cheers them on. And why are 70% of abortion clinics in Black communities? You know darn sure the Republicans did not put them there. Why do Blacks want to kill Blacks? We, of the racist conservative communities don't want to kill Black people. We actually want them to succeed.Even Colin Powell accuses conservatives falsely. He also did the same thing at the Republican convention in 2000. He basically called the Republican Party racist in his speech. I couldn't believe what I heard. I thought he was a Democrat plant then. Now I am wondering if he was in reality a Black Nationalist but kept it hidden, until a Barack Obama appeared on the scene. Now he has cover.But the charges are ridiculous. Hate between races is nothing new. Mankind of all colors and all people are sinners, and haters. The first son, Cain, killed his own brother, Abel. Hate is nothing new. And it shouldn't be elevated to special status when Blacks are involved. They hate just as much as the rest of the human race. They are still enslaving each other in Africa today. Whites have stopped that horrid practice. Or listen to the language in any Black family. Listen to how they speak to each other. It is just as nasty and just as nice as white families. Whites hate their own and Blacks hate their own and we all hate our neighbors. Blacks are not special people and should get over their elitism. The whining is suffocating us.We will not remove sin from ourselves, much less from each other, until Christ returns. But we can serve each other as sinners, giving forgiveness to each other and ourselves, since Christ died for us, to forgive sins. As far as the Scriptures are concerned, Christ died for sinners, not good people, much less victims. Christians should know this. Obama does claim to be a Christian.Obama has nothing to offer the country at this time. He simply must mature and stop blaming others for the sin that clings to all of us. Therefore, we will never have perfect leaders, but must choose intelligently seeking to preserve the American system we were given. If Obama does not like the American system he should move. He speaks in un-American terms so we should fight and vote against him."

I know racism exists and the low-rent, inbred, meth-addicted skinheads who planned to assassinate Obama and and behead 88 black people are reminders of that -- but I think it's clear that America is on the mend as evidenced by the "transformative" Barack Obama's meteoric political ascension.

Monday, October 27, 2008

I Am Perplexed...

I am perplexed by my people (black folks) as I keep hearing parents on television repeating a mantra which in effect says that because of Barack Obama's very likely Presidency that they can tell their children that they can be what ever they want to be and can achieve anything. This makes me want to scream!!!!! It's 2008 Jim Crow laws have been abolished. We have punked and guilted white people into "lowering the bar" (yeah, I'm talking about affirmative action) to let us into colleges, grad schools, corporations etc. etc. and you still didn't believe that your children could achieve great heights in their chosen career paths? What the hell?

I feel sorry for the children of these simple-azz people who get on television and repeat that "step and fetch it" mantra. You mean that you haven't been encouraging your children until Barack Obama came on to the scene? Until then you have been serving them healthy portions of "victim stew" with a side of "woe is me" is that what you are saying? Perhaps that's why we are at the bottom of every single demographic, because we don't believe in ourselves or our children apparently. Well, if that's the case then thank God for Barack Obama the great "Black Hope". Shameful......

Friday, October 24, 2008

Even More Hope-O-Crisy Revealed...

Remember the Sen. Obama's campaign ad accusing Sen. McCain of not supporting equal pay for equal work for women? Well guess who has a disparity in salaries between male and females staffers in favor of males? You guess it --Sen. Obama....

"The most recent statistics are for the half-year from Oct. 1, 2007 to March 31, 2008, excluding interns and focusing on full-time personnel. For someone who worked only until, say, last Feb. 29, extrapolating up to six months' service simplifies this analysis. Doubling these half-year figures illustrates how a year's worth of Senate employees' paychecks should look.
Based on these calculations, Obama's 28 male staffers divided among themselves total payroll expenditures of $1,523,120. Thus, Obama's average male employee earned $54,397.
Obama's 30 female employees split $1,354,580 among themselves, or $45,152, on average."

Whoa, that means that Obama's female staffers earn .83 for every $1.00 male staffers earn!

How does Sen. McCain stack up?

"McCain's 17 male staffers split $916,914, thus averaging $53,936. His 25 female employees divided $1,396,958 and averaged $55,878.
On average, according to these data, women in John McCain's office make $1.04 for every dollar a man makes. In fact, all other things being equal, a typical female staffer could earn 21 cents more per dollar paid to her male counterpart -- while adding $10,726 to her annual income -- by leaving Barack Obama's office and going to work for John McCain."Source

So Sen. McCain female staffers earn $1.04 for every $1.00 male staffers earn.

But none of this really matters to Obama acolytes who can't be bothered with the facts as it interferes with their "high". In-frikin-credible!!!!

No, You Can't Legislate Morality - Neither Can You Legislate Utopia

Check out this video entitled "The Winds Of Change: Our Fight For Economic Freedom" produced by "The MouthPeace":

This goes quickly steady your finger on the pause key...

Powerful isn't it?

Joe The Plumber Figures It Out...When Will You?

I just received this Spotlight(email) from written by Scott Wheeler Executive Director of the National Republican Trust PAC there was more to it but here is the gist:

"Obama Lie No. 1 — I will tax just the rich.
There is no such thing as a tax on just the rich. Taxes on wealthy people affect everyone.
Remember, Obama defines anyone making over $90,000 a year as "rich."
Joe the plumber discovered that Obama thinks Joe's rich too. Under Obama, he won't be able to hire new employees and grow his business.
Joe's not alone. Obama says he'll strip away the FICA cap at $90,000 for every worker. That means every dollar you earn over that amount, you'll pay 7 percent!

Obama Lie No. 2 — I want to give a tax cut to the middle class.
Obama says he will let the Bush tax cuts expire. That's an automatic 5 percent (maximum) tax increase on almost all taxpayers.
Plus middle class folks pay capital gains taxes. Obama has said he wants to almost double them from a low of 15 percent to almost 30 percent.
He wants to hike the dividend tax, and he also has promised taxes on gas and energy.
Obama also wants to dramatically increase the estate tax, which had almost disappeared. There goes your idea of sharing your wealth with your kids in the future.

Obama Lie No. 3 — I want to make America more secure.
Another outright lie.
In an age when crazies like Iran 's Ahmadinejad are building ballistic missiles and promise to "destroy" the United States and Israel , Obama has promised to gut the missile defense program created by President Reagan.
"I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems," Obama said.
He has promised to cut "tens of billions" of dollars from the Defense Department. In an effort to make us more "secure," Obama plans to disarm us.
In the age of 9/11 can we afford such a radical Leftist in the White House?
No, we can't. "

He goes on to say that:

"Obama is not just a danger to our economy, with his plans to raise taxes and spend $800 billion in new programs.
He is a radical out to reshape America beyond recognition.
He is so radical he even backed driver's licenses for illegal aliens — even though such a move would help future terrorists move freely in the United States .
Even Hillary Clinton opposed his radical plan.
But Obama not only touted such a plan running for president, he pushed for giving illegals driver's licenses as a state senator in Illinois .
He is also the most pro-abortion candidate in the history of the country. In 2001, as a state legislator in Illinois , he opposed a bill to protect live-born children — children actually born alive! He was the only Illinois senator to speak out against the bill. "

If you are thinking that you still don't give a rat's azz about any of this because you don't make anywhere near $90,000 per year and you are happy to get a tax credit, tax cut who cares what it's called as long as you get a check during tax season -- be forewarned all that glitters isn't gold. Is an extra $300-$500 really worth the layoffs, hiring freezes, and higher prices which will extend well beyond the tax season? Leona Hemsley (the billionairist) once said "Wealthy people don't pay taxes" she's right -- the proletariats (working class folks- aka YOU) do. As for those of you who surmise that the economy is already in the toilet and think that it can't getting any worse -- I submit that it can and will get much, much worse!!! Check out
to see for yourself just how bad inflation and unemployment can get when we have a democratic POTUS.