Showing posts with label Embryonic Stem Cell Research. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Embryonic Stem Cell Research. Show all posts

Friday, May 1, 2009

100 Days Of Change.....

A fellow Christian blogger DJ Black Adam has asked me on several occasions if I think Jesus would have been more pleased with McCain than Obama. My first instinct is to give a resounding heck yeah, but that would be awfully sophomoric and provincial of me because who really knows what is in the heart of a man? The best you can do is make a decision based on their respective voting records and stump speeches. Based on that alone, I am having an awfully difficult time reconciling how a person of faith (in the Lord Jesus Christ that is) could have cast a vote for Barack Obama.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dr. Mehment Oz Squashes The Embryonic Stem Cell Debate On Oprah Show Yesterday

Yesterday on Oprah Dr. Oz explains to Oprah and Michael J. Fox why embryonic stem cell research is dangerous and won't cure Parkinson's, but Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell research will!

But of course Oprah being uber liberal summarizes Dr. Oz’s argument for adult stem cells with two short paragraphs, hidden 11 pages deep in a 13 page summary of the show found on

Thanks to recent scientific discoveries, Dr. Oz says stem cells aren’t the only solution. ‘We went to a place we never thought we would go. I can take a little bit of your skin, take those cells and get them to go back in time so they’re like they were when you were first made.’”

“Dr. Oz says these skin cells, which contain your genes and are less prone to cancer, will be the ones that are ultimately used to cure Parkinson’s. ‘I think we’re single digit years away from making a big impact in the lives of [people with] Parkinson’s disease, but also diabetics and heart attack victims,’” not only avoided quoting Oz as saying “the stem cell debate is dead,” but carefully avoided the words “stem cell” and “embryonic’ when quoting or summarizing his remarks.

Oz did in fact say stem cells were the solution, but instead of backing ESCR, he advocated adult stem cells as the future of medical breakthroughs. (Source)