Showing posts with label G20. Show all posts
Showing posts with label G20. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

PSBO's Gift To The World

PSBO has given away an ungodly sum of your money to the International Monetary Fund. The IMF in turn is free to pass along this money to whomever it pleases, including our adversaries! But, soon we will no longer have adversaries because PSBO worked his magic at the G-20 summit last week and those he didn't win over at that time will benefit from his charms as he will come to any one's negotiating table without pre-conditions. But giving away Americans' money is par for his radical course I suppose. Well, let's resolve that since "he won" we the banal, right-wing radicals should just settle in and realize that PSBO knows what's best for us. Yes, we should be thanking PSBO for taxing the hell out of us for driving SUV instead of Prius's (not sure how to make that plural) ; eating twinkies instead of Granola bars; and setting our thermostats to 72 degree instead of 58 degrees. Actually PSBO's giveaways to the IMF can be viewed as reparations for all our sinful ways. What were we thinking as we liberated whole continents and protected them with our might? What on earth were we thinking holding terrorist nations in check? What unmitigated gall we had for acting as the economic engine of the world, exporting democracy and freedom! Thank God PSBO made the rounds last week and apologized for our past transgressions.

This Wall Street Journal article pointed out some problems with Obama's gift to the world:

The U.S. and Europe were widely expected to clash at the G-20 summit in London last month over how to address the global financial crisis. Voila, in just two days the problem was solved with a joint promise to increase International Monetary Fund resources by $750 billion to a total of $1 trillion.

The U.S. portion of this new commitment is more than $140 billion. Yet Congress has debated neither the amount nor the proposed use of the funds. Instead, President Obama and his fellow leaders simply waved their hands, like a Star Trek captain, and said make it so.

Now Mr. Obama has overruled Congress and blessed an [Special Drawing Right] SDR increase - not twice the existing number, but eight times. As Juergen Stark, a member of the European Central Bank Executive Board, told the German daily Handelsblatt, "It was never examined whether there indeed is a global need for additional liquidity," adding that "one used to take a lot of time to check something like

The upshot for U.S. taxpayers is that neither the $40 billion-plus in new SDRs nor the $100 billion for the NAB will get much democratic scrutiny. Yet they amount to a massive expansion in U.S. foreign aid. (Source)

Sigh........Wake up people.

Friday, April 10, 2009

UK Columnist Gerald Warner:Barack Obama: President Pantywaist - New Surrender Monkey on the Block

If one were to listen to the MSM they would believe that the PSBO has captured the hearts and minds of the international community but thanks to Al Gore's amazing internet (sarcasm, in case you are slow) we can get the real skinny. Warner writes:

"President Barack Obama has recently completed the most successful foreign policy tour since Napoleon's retreat from Moscow. You name it, he blew it. What was his big deal economic programme that he was determined to drive through the G20 summit? Another massive stimulus package, globally funded and co-ordinated. Did he achieve it? Not so as you'd notice. Barack is not the first New World ingenue to discover that European leaders will load him with praise, struggle sycophantically to be photographed with him and outdo him in Utopian rhetoric. But when it comes to the critical moment of opening their wallets - suddenly it is flag-day in Aberdeen. Okay, put the G20 down to inexperience, beginner's nerves, what you will."

He continues:

"Then came the dramatic bit, the authentic West Wing script, with the President wakened in the middle of the night in Prague to be told that Kim Jong-il had just launched a Taepodong-2 missile. America had Aegis destroyers tracking the missile and could have shot it down. But Uncle Sam had a sterner reprisal in store for l'il ole Kim (as Dame Edna might call him): a multi-megaton strike of Obama hot air.
"Rules must be binding," declared Obama, referring to the fact that Kim had just breached UN Resolutions 1695 and 1718. "Violations must be punished." (Sounds ominous.) "Words must mean something." (Why, Barack? They never did before, for you - as a cursory glance at your many speeches will show.)
President Pantywaist is hopping mad and he has a strategy to cut Kim down to size: he is going to slice $1.4bn off America's missile defence programme, presumably on the calculation that Kim would feel it unsporting to hit a sitting duck, so that will spoil his fun." - Gerald Warner

I'd say he pretty much nailed it. He didn't mince words either -- he called our POTUS a monkey! So he either doesn't have a clue that our esteem racism chasers (with low self-esteem) consider it quite offensive to use the word monkey to describe a black man or he doesn't give a flying fig about political correctness. But he really needn't worry because our esteemed racism chaser will never know because the MSM will not tell them.

Even more interesting than this article are the comments. Apparently, these folks understand that our national security has been compromised. These are so rich I simply must share:

The Obamas are looking more and more like Blair clones where everything is an act, a sound-bite performance optimised for the meedja.No doubt their impact on America will be as disastrous as the Blair years were for us.See ya! Chav Dad & Minger Mam
April 10, 2009 11:42 AM GMT

Oh, for the good old days of George Bush. If only he was around to blast Korean missiles, nuke the Iranians, and alienate all the allies. The Dubya policy of bomb first and don't even think about the consequences worked so well. Gerald has not realised that the USA is no longer a super power. The days when it could wage medium sized wars all over the world whenever it wanted to have gone. It is now totally dependent on both its allies and its enemies. It can neither: dare to upset the Chinese, the Russians, or the oil rich Arabs; nor can it go into another war without support of its allies. Patrick
April 10, 2009 12:32 PM GMT

Obama has yet to realise that our European "allies" consider British, Canadian and American troops as cannon fodder. Should Britain be foolish enough to subscribe to an EU army guess who would be put into the front line? The Germans have the capability, but not the will, the French prefer to send the Foreign Legion into sticky situations, and the Italians are just that, the Italians. Anthony Bootle
April 10, 2009 12:39 PM GMT

Got to be so careful these days Gerald, using "monkey" on the same page - in the same sentence no less - as a reference to the black U.S. president ... I recall a cartoonist who did that in the New York Post a short while ago, referring to a recently deceased (shot by police) New Jersey chimpanzee ... a furore erupted shortly thereafter.Can't believe there won't be someone, somewhere that isn't going to get upset ... Littlewoods UK My Opinion
April 10, 2009 12:50 PM GMT

Actually they will not be angry with the Author Gerald they will give me the beatdown for reprinting here...ask me if I care. Ok two more I these are my favorites:

Even one as stupid as Obama must realise that he would be literally signing his death warrant if he screws with Mossad.When he cosies up to Iran's Ahmadenijad and lectures the world about how much the Islamic Republic is within its rights to develop its own power sources, then the Israeli trigger-fingers will start to itch.Nothing is surer. But has he any brains? DeLyon

President Pantywaist says it all!! Obummer is a weak, tough-talking, non-delivering bag of hot air and it didn't take long for our enemies to discover it. Putin must be rubbing his hands together in glee. Obummer will be a disaster for this country, on the other hand, he is the right color for the left and doesn't his wife dress well!! Dynah Moe Humm
April 10, 2009 12:58 PM GMT

If only Obama supporters had this type of critical thinking and insight as it pertains to their Idol-In-Chief.