Showing posts with label Fascist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fascist. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Green Is Becoming The New Red And Blacks Are Being Bamboozled In The Process

I had a little exchange yesterday with "progressive" blogger Rippa who blogs at The Intersection of Madness and Reality. Now although Rippa and I are on polar opposites of the political spectrum, I appreciate that he at least engages in honest debate and challenges my points of view intellectually rather attacking me for said views. Rippa said the following:

"I think your assumption that the Green Movement will increase energy cost is false. To be honest, it's economics 101 - something I majored inwhile at Indiana University. You see, the problem is that there are not enough alternative sources of energy, and we have become dependent on oil hence the "crackhead" analogy that came from Van Jones. I know this requires a shift in paradigm, but it is not a stretch that the green economy can have a positive impact by way of jobs in our budding urban centers."

See, the problem here is not that Rippa is unreasonable. If I accepted that premise then I wouldn't be seeing "red" (pun intended) as I read Van Jones The Green Collar Economy: How One Solution Can Fix Our Two Biggest Problems. Rippa, and many other well-intentioned "progressives" believe the premises put forth by Van Jones. I presume they so desperately want a redemptive solution for the problems with in these "urban centers" that they naively believe that pumping money into these communities via green jobs will restore them. Nope, there is already lots of money in these communities. "Pookie & Em' " are making tons of cash and these communities are still rife with violence and hopelessness. See, in many cases it's not that "Pookie" can't get a job, the problem is that "Pookie" can make more money with his "hustle" than he can in the mail room downtown, driving a bus, installing cable, or installing SOLAR PANELS. What Rippa and most progressives are in denial about is the systemic problems that exists within "Pookie's" paradigm. Getting "Pookie" all riled up about social injustices does not motivate "Pookie"to become a contributing member of society but it does motivate him to feel victimized, then offended. Therefore he goes on the offensive to take what he can from society by whatever means necessary. Well, black progressives haven't yet made this mental leap but radical communist leaders understand this perfectly well and exploitation of this is part of the strategy they forge.

David Horowitz writes the following on page 310 of Leftist Illusions:

“Even as its own inhumanity and inefficiency consume revolutionary socialism in the East, however, a specter can be seen rising from its ashes in the West. The colors are no longer red but green, the accents are those of Malthus rather than Marx, but the missionary project is remarkably intact. The planet is still threatened, redemption through radical politics still presses: Better Green than Dead. In environmentalism, radicals have found a new paradigm for the paradigm lost.”

Progressives regard the charge of communism, socialism and/or fascism as new euphemisms of hatred for President Obama and shadow government of Czars. Personally, I wish it were that simple because it would then be worthless, powerless hyperbole. However I fear that far worst than racially inspired name calling by extreme kooks --there is truth to these claims and this great Country will be far worst for it in the years to come.