Showing posts with label Obamalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obamalism. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hear Our Cry Obama? Deliver Us Obama?

These incredibly misdirected people are idiotically praying to their golden calf, their lord Barack Obama. Many of the Christians that I know who voted for President Obama would deny that they worship him and perhaps they don't. But the stupid fools in this video-- well, what else can you call this?


We are here for the healing of the Nation. Like the prophet Jeremiah we cry out...Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician?" Why then has the health of our people not been restored?

Hear our cry Obama

With the prophet Martin Luther King, Jr. we cry out against all the forms of inequality and injustice and health care is the most shocking and inhumane...

Hear our cry Obama

From heath care systems and industry that place profits over people...

Deliver us Obama

From lobbying efforts that block access to quality health care for all...

Deliver us Obama

From greed and fear that replace God's abundance and power of community with a mix of scarcity and isolation....

Deliver us Obama

From state ??? of immigrants, from blaming the poor, from sinful attitudes that deem health care as a right and a privilege rather than a basic human right...

Deliver us Obama

Protect all those who face illness without good heath insurance...."

This is wrong on so many levels. But the part about Obama delivering them from "fears that replace God's abundance"betrays the hypocrisy of environmentalism. Well isn't that what the whole green movement is about? It seems liberals believe that God only has abundance when it suits their issue and he lacks abundance when it doesn't. God is abundant enough to give health care to all inhabitants of this land legal or illegal without raising taxes or cutting medicaid but God doesn't have enough abundance to replenish the Earth that He created...only humans can do that through cap and trade (tax).

The liberal mind is utterly twisted and sick. Black Christians are equally twisted and sick -- because too many professing followers of Christ have thrown the Lord Jesus Christ under a bus trusting and believing that Barack Obama will "hear your cry and deliver you". Even if you don't believe that you still threw Christ under a bus it you voted for a candidate who stands in direct, undeniable, unquestionable opposition to those things you are called to uphold as a follower of Christ.

I'm not saying Barack Obama is the Anti-Christ, but he sure does have that "spirit" and so do the stupid fools praying to him in the video.

"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world."1 John 4:1-3

Monday, June 15, 2009

Obama's Government Health Plan Will Look Like Public Schools

Geoffrey P. Hunt's illustration of ObamaCare, posted on American Thinker this morning is the most accurate and intelligently deconstructed piece I've read on the subject. If only I could communicate these concepts as cogently to the willfully ignorant Obama sycophants in my world. He writes:

Much of the speculation around Obama's health care reform centers around a single payer government monstrosity resembling either a larger bankrupt Medicare platform or the discredited national health schemes in Canada or the UK. Yet it's just as likely Obama's inspiration is the failed public school model.

The government school monopoly, compulsory with mediocre results, unaffordable and ungovernable with beleaguered local taxpayers hopelessly unable to force accountability from teachers' unions co-dependent with democrat party legislators, is a perfect model for Obama to finance and ration health care for the masses.

Who can argue against the noble objectives of universal healthcare? Horace Mann's education reform exhortations in the late 1830's and 40's were eerily parallel to the pitch for Obama today: full inclusion, mandatory attendance, standardized pedagogy, along with coerced community participation by virtue of local taxes providing funding. It promised to eradicate illiteracy, violence and vice. For decades, the payoff was impressive. But one hundred years later, Mann's idealism would be corrupted by John Dewey's progressive advocacy of self esteem replacing subject matter mastery. Finally, any hope for high performance pedagogy was thoroughly crushed by President John F. Kennedy's executive order enabling collective bargaining and unionization of public school teachers. It is safe to expect none of Mann's idealism but all of today's public school abominations will shape Obama's health care system.

In a seductive overture to private health plan stalwarts, Obama says the government health care system will not be a mandatory substitute for private health care preferences, only an option. Of course those who remain in a private system will face double jeopardy -- covering their own private medical costs while suffering higher federal taxes to pay for somebody else's -- in the same manner that private school parents, opting out of horrible local public schools for far better independent alternatives, must pay private school tuition while still shouldering ever escalating property and state income taxes to educate those poor wretches who cannot escape the government's incompetence.

Those who cannot afford private health care, whose employers would rather pay higher taxes instead of underwriting actual medical claims, will also be victimized just as parents with no choice have to send their children to lousy government schools. Want to see what demotivated clock watchers -- doctors and nurses alike -I n a government run clinic would look like? Just spend a few hours in a typical public high school faculty lounge. Want to see what government hospital administrators consumed by micro-management of trivialities would look like? Just spend a few hours at a typical Public School Board or School Committee meeting.

And who would thwart the temptations for the government health care bureaucrats to regulate medical care provided by private institutions who accept federal grants for medical research? Check out the hostility towards home schoolers these days from State Boards of Education . And given the enthusiasm shown by Congressman Barney Frank and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner alike for government control over compensation of executives running government financed private companies, why wouldn't they have an equally big appetite to regulate pay and benefits for doctors wherever they practice? Tenure for marginal practitioners and those twelve step compensation tables embedded in nearly all teachers' contracts wouldn't be far behind.

Well at least one group of health care professionals might vote for the Obama health care public school model -- medical residents. Imagine trading off those legendary 36 hour shifts for three months vacation every summer. But such relief would be short lived as civil service exams, just like state mandated teacher certifications, would soon be more important than Medical Board exams. After all, isn't government run enterprise all about proving mediocrity can be delivered consistently to everybody while pretending to actually know something about anything.

Obama showed his hand in yanking the school vouchers in the DC school system. When private choice threatened to disinfect the stubborn bacteria in DC's public schools, choice was flushed. Expect more of the same under Obama's public school system look-alike for health care. (Source)-emphasis added

Monday, June 8, 2009

Since The Real God Is Not Welcome In America, It's Only Natural That He Would Be Replaced

The pathology of liberalism becomes more apparent daily. They despise anyone would professes deep and abiding love the the Lord Jesus Christ and regard people of faith as stupid, nonthinking, anti-intellectuals. Yet they abject themselves before an adulation seeker and bestow all manner of wisdom, experience, compassion and superhuman abilities upon him. Equally infuriating to liberals are men who aren't seeking adulation as these liberals want someone to adulate. It is very sick.

Evan Thomas says:
"Well, we were the good guys in 1984, it felt that way. It hasn't felt that way in recent years. So Obama’s had, really, a different task We're seen too often as the bad guys. And he – he has a very different job from – Reagan was all about America, and you talked about it. Obama is ‘we are above that now.’ We're not just parochial, we're not just chauvinistic, we're not just provincial."

Then Thomas elaborates on Obama as God, as he patronizingly says:

"He's going to bring all different sides together...Obama is trying to sort of tamper everything down. He doesn't even use the word terror. He uses extremism. He's all about let us reason together...He's the teacher. He is going to say, ‘now, children, stop fighting and quarreling with each other.’ And he has a kind of a moral authority that he – he can – he can do that.

HE HAS THE MORAL AUTHORITY? What???!!!! Authority given by whom? Well, Rush Limbaugh now calls the media "State-Run Media" and he couldn't be more correct. I guess the state run media along with Obama sycophants and various other Liberal-types have bestowed said authority upon The counterfeit One.

Further, what an arrogant airhead Evan Thomas is -- Who's he referring to when he says "children?" Oh, yes how could I have forgotten to the Modern Liberal Americans are children and so following their pathological logic the leaders of the world must be children as well and Obama the leader of the World not just America is the benevolent "Father" aka counterfeit "god the father" (can't bring myself to capitalize it but you get my point). Well, If Barack Obama is god then I AM AN ATHEIST!

I am reminded of a very scary book I read by C.S Lewis several years ago called The Heinous Strength. I can't help but think about the spiritual apostasy which abounds in this age and how the the spirit of anti-Christ can appear as light to those who are not spiritually discerning. I'm not saying that President Barack Obama is the Anti-Christ but if those who are called to be salt and light have no concerns about following and supporting this man, its going to be a veritable cake walk when the real Anti-Christ comes.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Andrew Thomas Asks: Do Liberals Crave A Master?

Umm, yes. But here is what Andrew Thomas had to say over at American Thinker this morning (You know the drill my comments in red):

Everybody's looking for something...
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused
Sweet dreams are made of these
Who am I to disagree?
- Eurythmics

Contemporary liberals, having abandoned the belief in God-given inalienable rights, masochistically crave a worldly master. This master is a sadistic god-substitute who will provide the stern discipline needed to force economic equality and "fairness" by requiring painful sacrifices and bestowing government-created rights onto obedient and acquiescent groups of left-leaning masochists. (Flashback--yesterday's press-conference (although I'm not sure you could call it that since Pres. Obama didn't field any questions) where he tells us we will be required to "sacrifice".)

Of course, I am not referring to the sexual variety of masochism, but rather the recognized psychosis of moral masochism. Large segments of the population, and even entire nations can suffer from this illness as described in Daniel Rancour-Laferriere's book, "The Slave Soul of Russia: Moral Masochism and the Cult of Suffering". (Yes, black folks have begun to display framed pictures of the Obama's on the wall of their foyers. Just like the old folks used to display pictures of MLK, JFK and Jesus)

First, some re-definitions: In the same derogatory fashion liberals refer to contemporary Conservatives as "neocons", I will label this group as "neolibs" going forward. I feel this is appropriate, as the Liberal movement has taken a decidedly leftward leap and become more radicalized in their outward behavior in the last few years, and is therefore a new phenomenon.

In most conservative writing (Thomas Sowell, Ayn Rand, and more recently Mark Levin) the common theme is the sanctity of individual freedom and liberty. The conservative is an individualist and an independent thinker, as opposed to those who primarily identify themselves as members of a group. The term "conservative" is a misnomer for this philosophy, as it connotes a preservation of the status quo, or even a "regressive" yin to the "Progressive" yang. This is why I believe a more appropriate label for conservative philosophy is "individualist", and I will refer to it in this manner for the remainder of this article. (Somehow being an individualist and looking out for the concerns of yourself and your family has fallen out of vogue. It's more noble somehow to gleefully accept the Federal Government's extractions of your money in order to care for the needs of the collective.)

Next, a pop-psychology primer: individualists gravitate toward existential thinking, or a view of the world where individuals have complete freedom of choice and take full responsibility for the results of those choices. This mandates that choices must be made with a logical evaluation to determine the potential consequences. The impartial evaluation of phenomena to determine the truth is an offshoot of existentialism known as phenomenology. The phenomenologist is rational and emotionally detached from the subject of analysis, eliminating judgment and perception. Once the perceptions of reality are stripped away as much as possible, the phenomenologist then attempts to perform an insightful analysis of the object to determine what is real or "true". I believe that many individualists tend to be effective phenomenologists due to their ability to separate themselves from group-think and emotional judgment. Therefore, let's use the phenomenological process to analyze the "Neolib as masochist" theory. (Fancy that, a new word to describe conservative thought -- phenomenology. Henceforth I shall refer to myself as an phenomenologist.)

In our first analysis, we will impartially examine Neolib behavior. Objectively listen to Janeane Garofalo in the Youtube video linked to her name. In listening to neolibs such as Janeane speak, it is evident that they appear to be driven predominantly by emotion rather than logic. Just reviewing an alphabetical list of emotions, as extracted from a list in Wikipedia, lends itself to describing neolib behavior:


(Wow, I'm wondering if Mr. Thomas has been reading my blog comments and using UptownSteve, etal as the prototype for the Neolib)

Anyone who views the world through these emotions would naturally feel threatened when interpreting individualists' behavior. The neolib typically projects hatred, bigotry, selfishness, and greed onto the individualist when there is no physical evidence to support the interpretation. The strong passions exhibited by neolibs, coupled with delusions of persecution, foster these masochistic tendencies. (Delusions of persecution? Well, slavery wasn't an illusion but some are choosing to be "persecuted" by it in 2009 and taking the term "never forget" to a whole different dimension)

Now let's objectively review the initiatives in the neolib agenda: Environmentalism, global passivism, overpopulation, socialized healthcare, and promoting government intervention into all aspects of life. All of these priorities require individuals to sacrifice their lifestyles, their income, and/or their basic comforts. (I'm thinking that Obama supporters just don't see it that way....although I'm not sure how they rationalize it because the discourse never seems to advance beyond racism and the presumed "buck dancing" of the black conservative...ahem, I mean the black phenomenologist)

This past week, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi exhorted, "Every aspect of our lives must be subjected to an inventory..." in order to sacrifice ourselves to the gods of global warming. As presidential candidate Obama said, "We can't drive our SUVs and, you know, eat as much as we want and keep our homes on, you know, 72 degrees at all times..." He seems to indicate that he wants us to starve and freeze. (Well 72 degrees is hardly freezing but when it's 13 degrees outside I should be free to turn my thermostat to 82 degrees if I want to and as long as I'm paying the utility bill. It's very sad and rather astounding how many really smart people have bought into this global warming scam. I guess all it takes to convince the masses is a movie.)

Most of these initiatives involve the inflicting of pain and misery. Tom Daschle, in his book "Critical: What We Can Do About The Health Care Crisis" says health-care reform "will not be pain free" and that seniors should be more accepting of the conditions that come with age instead of having them treated. In other words, you will suffer a slow agonizing death under government mandate. (I think it's fascinating that the black quasi-socialist fundamentalist progressive racism chasers aren't all over this. I guess they think that as long as we have a black POTUS that black senior citizens will get preferential treatment under ObamaCare)

As a final phenomenological exercise, impassively observe the level of neolib support for this agenda. It has not appeared to wane. In fact, neolib fervor continues to increase as the promised level of suffering increases. (I fully expect Neolibs to lie about the level of suffering they either have or will experience. Over the Memorial day weekend I was in conversation with Neolib, racism chasing friends who declared that the quality of life was better for them under the Clinton administration than the Bush administration. Because I was in mixed company I fought with every fiber of my being not to call them liars but they were lying through their teeth! These fools purchased cars,boats, furs, Rolexes and more as the pulled equity out of their homes and lived LARGE. Now that the loans have reset and the mortgage payments have increased they are blaming George Bush. I guess these well educated black professionals of PG county were duped. It's couldn't be they made bad decisions based on greed or a desire to keep up with the Joneses or in their cases the "Washington's" - lol)

According to Rancour-Laferriere, increasing Russian masochism coincided with the rise of the Soviet Union and Communism, although it was pervasive in the soul of Russia prior to that. The conclusion to this analysis is that as neolib moral masochism increases, so does the emotional need for an all-powerful master to govern them. As the governing master becomes more dominant and disciplinarian, the masochism is reinforced and the spiral continues.
(Well, I know nothing about Russians but I do know that as long as those who identify as Christians adopt the basic tenets of liberalism and fail to confront and openly admonish behaviors that lead to failure over behaviors that lead to success in the name of "tolerance" then we will continue to "need" government assistance. So that there is no confusion I'll just say what I mean -- as long as we accept our daughter dressing up like little (or big) harlots; and accept and sometimes encourage our sons to have several girlfriends; as long as we allow our sons to impregnate women without marrying them; or as long as we take our daughter's to get birth control pills instead of instilling in them as early as possible to abstain until marriage; as long as we allow our sons to turn a buck by any means necessary rather than study and excel in school in order to go to college or the military then all manner socially undesirable manifestations will ensue which ultimately lead to dependence of the government either in the form of welfare or the prison system.)

Is there a cure? Self-destructive behavior is very difficult to overcome. Many years ago in an Abnormal Psychology class, I studied the case of a group of young adults who would continually pound their heads against a wall until they became bloody pulps. Psychologists found that the only thing that would interrupt their behavior was a 9,000 volt shock from a cattle prod. (I hope my little space in the blogosphere can serve as a ideological cattle prod)

This is probably an impractical solution. Since 45% of the nation thinks we are going in the right direction, there are too many neolibs and too few cattle prods.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

American Imperialism, Obama Style

James Lewis wrote the following article on American Thinker today:

The thing about imperialism is that it never looks like imperialism to the well-intentioned imperialists themselves. Most Soviet Russians were convinced they were just spreading peace and love to Eastern Europe and China, even with all their massed artillery and tanks. They knew in their hearts that the KGB State was just a temporary thing, until all the subject peoples could be educated enough to bring true Communism to earth.

They had that belief in common with the Roman legions, who conquered the world around the Mediterranean, and with Victorian missionaries in the Africa and India, who were also convinced they were just spreading civilization to the backward peoples of the earth.

It's always that way.

The funny thing about Barack Obama's victory lap to his buds in Trinidad and Tobago is that they are all under the sway of one Karl Marx, who just happened to be a classical European Imperialist. Real Marxists don't make any bones about it. Nor did the Soviets.

(And Karl Marx was a raging racist to boot).

The breakdown of the USSR and Maoist China after 1989 turned out to be a stroke of luck for Western Marxists. It allowed them to dissociate themselves from visibly bloody Communist Imperialism. Traveling from West to East Berlin, and seeing Western luxury turn into Stalinist poverty was just a little bit too much. After Gorbachev and Reagan they could pretend they were never on the side of evil.

What we are seeing today with Barack Obama is a triumph of Leftist Faith over the brute facts of history. The Left has managed to swallow its own bloody past in a capacious Black Hole. Instead, college kids are brought up today on Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States, a totally one-sided tale of all the bad things done in America in the last four hundred years. Zinn's very title tells us that traditional American history was never about the real people. When our airhead Hollywood celebrities slam the United States, it's because they've been brought up on reams and reams of such self-hating stuff. They think they know the truth, when in fact their brains are just on the rinse and spin cycle.

True Leftists collect other people's injustices, one after the other, and rehearse them in their minds for years. That's how they define themselves mentally as The Good People and those who disagree with them as The Evil Ones. That's why they are so ready to demonize those who disagree. Like Barack and Michelle, they are utterly convinced of their own righteousness. But they end up pushing Marxist Imperialism.

So... Barack Obama is turning out to be a Socialist Imperialist -- all for highly moral reasons, needless to say. Those loving encounters with Chavez and Ortega mean that they are now alike in spirit. Listening to their standard rantings is not news for BO, because he can recite their story from memory.

Which means that they are all the indoctrinated victims of an amazingly angry, white German ideologue of the early 19th century, whose idea of the perfect society was a world-conquering Bismarckian Reich, where everything was dictated top-down by the self-appointed Ruling Class.

(Note: The word "Reich" = "Empire," as in "Imperialism." Bismarck didn't care who knew it.)

And now the world is told that the election of a black man in America is a great victory for Progress -- which always means Marxist progress by those who use that word. That's what Obama keeps telling the whole world, time and time again. Look at me, world! I'm Progress!

Imperialism anybody?

Guess what all the post-colonial regimes did in the Third World when the European colonists finally went back home? Post-colonial rulers were mostly Marxists of one kind or another, because they went to elite schools in London, Paris and Moscow where Europe's Ruling Class receives its basic indoctrination.

So they tried Marxism back home.

Jawaharlal Nehru tried to impose British Fabian Imperialism on India, with disastrous results. Kwame Nkrumah tried it with Ghana, Jomo Kenyatta in Kenya. In the Arab world, Gamal Abdel Nasser tried to impose secular Arab Nationalism with a socialist bent on Egypt, Syria and Libya. Robert Mugabe is still practicing post-colonial socialism in the former Zimbabwe, now locked in miserable regime-imposed racial scapegoating, poverty, and famine.

But all the post-colonial tyrants were beyond criticism by the Left, because they were black or brown, or just tanned. Even today the Left can't bring itself to denounce Mugabe and the Sudanese genociders, no matter what they do. That's why 100 nations in Durban this week denounced Israel for being racists. Africans, Arabs, Chinese, Indians can't be racists even if they are. That's why Obama can't even bring himself to denounce black slavery in Africa and the Middle East. Just the opposite. King Abdullah the desert camel raider received a deep and respectful bow from our President, an absolute first in American history.

So all over the world, post-colonial rulers took the European Imperialism of Marx and tried to slap it on top of the underdeveloped world. Pol Pot was trained in France by the French Communist Party, and decided to be really revolutionary back in Cambodia by killing a couple of million ordinary folk, especially the dangerous intellectuals -- those who wore glasses. Mao Zedong learned his craft in Moscow, the old Imperial capital of the Czars.

(Note: Czar = Emperor, as in Kaiser and Caesar. Imperialism.).

The star students of Europe's elite institutions spread their neo-Imperialist faith to the Third World. But none of it worked, except to keep the post-colonial tyrannies in luxury and power. That is why radical Islam has made a comeback -- because post-colonial socialism broke down. Islamist rage is a reaction to the secular Marxist Imperialism preached by post-colonial governments. But guess what? Radical Islam is just Imperialism under another color. The flags change, the slogans change, Imperialism doesn't.

Today's United Nations marches under the banner of Saving Planet Earth, a Green slogan pioneered in ... lily-white Europe. The global warming fraud is a classic imperialist propaganda campaign, designed to empower Green Imperialism. It's hardly a secret. Ask Maurice Strong and Gyorgyi Soros.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, some of the underdeveloped regions discovered their own free market dynamism -- since trade and individual initiative are pretty universal human traits. Eastern Europe, parts of China, and some Latin American and African countries began to rise from poverty. They discovered their own strengths.

And then the Marxist Imperialists regrouped and took one-party power again -- in Venezuela, in Nicaragua, maybe in Brazil.

Those are Barack Obama's good buds, because Obama is basically a post-colonial racial socialist. That's why Dreams from My Father celebrates his Kenyan Socialist dad, and not his white Kansas mother. President O is a Socialist Imperialist by ideology, but one who never quite grokked why Jomo Kenyatta's Socialism just brought misery to Kenya.

But we're not supposed to call their ideology Socialist Imperialism. According to Lenin, Socialists can't be Imperialists. On the Left, Lenin's opinion on that issue is considered to be final.

So ... the President of the United States is on an anti-Imperialist apology tour to Europe, Trinidad and Tobago, and soon, the Middle East. But since deep down he's a Marxist Imperialist, this is really an anti-Imperialist US Imperialist tour.

Got that?

The question is which countries have grown enough political wisdom to see through the layers and layers of bull. If they get suckered by the latest (racialist) version of Marxism, it will come back to haunt them. Ideology doesn't feed children, as even the Fidelistas now know. It ends up squeezing people dry.

Ultimately, decent government requires an involved and thinking population. That is, if we believe Lincoln's words that you can't fool all the people all of the time.
Come to think of it, that's the real question for American voters, too.

I wonder when they'll stop being fooled? (Source)-emphasis added

Mr. Lewis, I fear that as long as PSBO's lips are moving his supporters will not awaken. Although I hesitate to use this perjorative but a large majority of Obama acolytes are just plain stupid and it is easy to dupe stupid people. There is no other explanation for their continued support of him! PSBO is a congenial liar. He said he was going to post every piece of legislation on line for five days for public scrutiny before signing anything into law. He was going to take his red pen and line out earmarks from every piece of legislation yet he signs an 1,100 page, $850 billion stimulus bill, with 8,500 earmarks within 24 hours of it's delivery without even reading it. He promised that there would be no lobbyists in his administration. Well, I guess that depends on what the definition of “no” is. He campaigned in Florida, assuring Jewish voters of his commitment to Israel yet he sent millions in aid to Hamas and he wants to "be nice" to Iran whose leadership is dedicated to the destruction of Israel. He was proud to be an American while campaigning, yet he is now so embarrassed and ashamed of his country as President and feels the need to apologize for America to the likes of Hugo Chavez and bow from the waist to the King of Saudi Arabia! He releases CIA information gathering techniques which does not exactly make us more secure does it? He says that he isn't going to pursue prosecution of the Bush Administration yet Eric Holder is bring charges against those higher ups in the Bush administration and saying that the US tortured political prisoners. BTW, this is torture:

Yet, his supports say "give him a chance". How long will it be before this nation changes the words of the pledge of allegiance from "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America" to "I pledge allegiance to Barack Obama". We may as well change it because it has already taken place in the hearts of stupid Obama acolytes.

I think I should explain what I feel is the difference between "the stupid" and "the liberal". The liberal will look at the facts, in fact he will stared down the barrel of reality and deny it as truth--that's not stupid--that's pretty crafty actually. Those that I am calling stupid refuse to even hear much less consider the facts because it gets in the way of their perception of the "One".

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Definition Of Fascism....Are We There Yet?

Fascism is such a strong word and scary too. For me it conjures images of corrupt, totalitarian dictatorships. I purchased Jonah Goldberg's Liberal Fascism this summer but didn't feel compelled to read it just yet. I confess that prior to reading this article posted by 23rd Eagle on his blog "I Saw Right" that even I would have thought the notion of fascism in America was just too far fetched, but 23rd Eagle has compelled me to rethink that supposition. He writes:

"The definition of fascism from The Holocaust Dictionary:

(Fascism) was a type of original, modern thought that reflected change and the need for something new and different amongst the young people of Europe, who disdained their parents’ middle class values.

There is no disdain for middle class values in America, right? And the young people didn’t like Barack Obama at all. And “change”? That wasn’t even in the official language of the presidential campaign.

Fascism tries to create a new civilization, based on the total community, in which all sectors and classes of the population will find their niche. As a result, the nation will be revitalized and strengthened, and each individual will be nothing more than a cell in the communal organism.

There is no attempt in the current administration to make a “total community” where “all sectors of the population will find their niche”. And this administration certainly doesn’t publicly ridicule and threaten the lives or incomes of specific individual citizens who disagree, ask too many questions, or don’t fall in line.

Fascism even poses as a type of spiritual revolution.

Spiritual revolution?! Nah. It’s not like schoolchildren are singing hymns to him or anything.

Fascism came up with two tools that would help maintain “the unity of the nation”—corporatism and totalitarianism. In a corporative state, a country’s political, social, and economic power is held by a group of corporations, made up both of employers and employees. This group of corporations plans the economy and settles differences between social classes. In a totalitarian state, the government has total control over and can intervene in every aspect of an individual’s life. Using these two instruments, the nation would easily be maintained as the highest ideal.

There’s no move in our country for the government to have that much control over a few corporations who are too big to fail. UPDATE: WOW.

According to Fascist ideology, the nation will not become a completed unit as long as the working class is not assimilated into it, and until a way is found to harness each individual in a joint effort to achieve the common good. Fascism is also a reflection of certain values of the time: namely, emotions and spontaneity as opposed to reason—reason being the basis of democratic thought. In Fascism, the idea that emotions and the subconscious are more important in politics than reason is totally acceptable.

We’re a way too rational, civilized and mature society to fall for that bull.

Even if it's happening right before our faces, it can't happen here, right? "(Source)

Well, obviously the last question is rhetorical. I fear that all of this time I have been missing the forest for the trees, PSBO & Company aren't socialist...they are fascist. Thanks 23 Eagle for breaking this down for us like a fraction. How can anyone not see that fascism is ever so swiftly gaining a foothold in the good old USA. The saddest part of all is that Obama's supporter will not care because anything "The One" does is for all practical purposes "annointed" in their minds.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Green The Ghetto, Give Pookie A Job, Obama To Save The Whole Wide World

Well now I have heard it all. As I watched and twittered the State of The Black Union this evening Van Jones (idiot of the highest order) proclaimed that "The genius of Barack Obama is that he is not just the first black president he is the first green president. He is not going to just save you he is going to save THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD" and the crowd roared.

Personally I think the global warming talk is a crock of putrid steaming hot fecal matter. A synthesized issue which profiteers such as Mr. Jones and Mr. Gore are exploiting so obviously PSBO the radical leftist that he is will be all about all things green. I can understand the SOBU attendees getting excited at the prospect of "Pookie" getting a job. But Van Jones took it too far with his Barack saving you and the whole wide world comment. Yet, these same negroes standing, whistling and applauding will swear up and down that Barack is not their Messiah.

I'm going to have to file this post under "black pathology". We will fall for just about anything said if the delivery is right. Mr. Jones with all of his neck rolling and rousing verbiage convinced an auditorium full of black folks that Barack Obama was not only their personal savior but the saviour of the whole, wide world. I need to go vomit now.