Showing posts with label MSM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MSM. Show all posts

Thursday, March 19, 2009

"I Am Responsible. The Buck Stops With Me"

PSBO's teleprompter prompted him to say last night "I am responsible. The buck stops with me" and CNN's Roland Martin said this morning on The Tom Joyner Morning Show (I have no choice as a morning drive passenger) finds a way to impune the Bush Administration by saying and I'm paraphrasing....President Bush and Cheney would never have been classy or noble enough to admit culpability." Incredible!!!

I also learned this morning from the TJMS that PSBO acolytes are on a mission to correct anyone who doesn't show appropriate "respect" for him by calling him President Obama whenever referring to him. Apparently, it is an act of racism if a white person doesn't say President Barack Obama every single time they utter his name and if a person of color neglects to do so well then it's extreme insolence and needs to be nipped immediately. I wish people who perpetuate this type of bull crap would show more care not to expose the smallness of their minds and concentrate on the multiplicity of substantive issues as they pertain to President Barack Obama.

Friday, February 13, 2009

The PRESS Banned From The NATIONAL PRESS CLUB On Yesterday......What the Plouffe?

Considering that the press aren't my favorite group of people right now I think it's hilarious that PSBO's former campaign manager David Plouffe banned the press from the National Press Club on yesterday!!!! ROFLMBAO!!!!!!!! Well, how's that for transparency so oft touted by PSBO.

"Transition 2009," sponsored by Georgetown University and Politico. The
public was invited to the event -- students free of charge and everybody else
for a fee. But at the last minute, Georgetown announced that Plouffe's speech
would be "closed press," even though the speech was being given in the National
Press Club ballroom, described on a plaque at the door as "the sanctum sanctorum
of American journalists." (Source)

I have to give it to PSBO and his crew -- they steel cajones. How do you justify banning the press from a public event at the National Press Club? Blame it on someone else. Yes, the preferred modis operandi of the liberal elite. Plouffe blamed Georgetown University -- GTU says they were enforcing his wishes.

These next 4 or 8 years are going to be so much fun.