Showing posts with label National Debt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label National Debt. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Is This The End of America?

Answer: As we know it, yep. But it doesn't have to be. We just need to wake up spread the word (Spread the Word as in the  John 3:16 Word), pay attention, and lastly get smart people!!!! Watch this video, challenge this video, just start thinking about what's happening and ask yourself, why?

Below is just a teaser\trailer click here for the full documentary

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

PSBO's Gift To The World

PSBO has given away an ungodly sum of your money to the International Monetary Fund. The IMF in turn is free to pass along this money to whomever it pleases, including our adversaries! But, soon we will no longer have adversaries because PSBO worked his magic at the G-20 summit last week and those he didn't win over at that time will benefit from his charms as he will come to any one's negotiating table without pre-conditions. But giving away Americans' money is par for his radical course I suppose. Well, let's resolve that since "he won" we the banal, right-wing radicals should just settle in and realize that PSBO knows what's best for us. Yes, we should be thanking PSBO for taxing the hell out of us for driving SUV instead of Prius's (not sure how to make that plural) ; eating twinkies instead of Granola bars; and setting our thermostats to 72 degree instead of 58 degrees. Actually PSBO's giveaways to the IMF can be viewed as reparations for all our sinful ways. What were we thinking as we liberated whole continents and protected them with our might? What on earth were we thinking holding terrorist nations in check? What unmitigated gall we had for acting as the economic engine of the world, exporting democracy and freedom! Thank God PSBO made the rounds last week and apologized for our past transgressions.

This Wall Street Journal article pointed out some problems with Obama's gift to the world:

The U.S. and Europe were widely expected to clash at the G-20 summit in London last month over how to address the global financial crisis. Voila, in just two days the problem was solved with a joint promise to increase International Monetary Fund resources by $750 billion to a total of $1 trillion.

The U.S. portion of this new commitment is more than $140 billion. Yet Congress has debated neither the amount nor the proposed use of the funds. Instead, President Obama and his fellow leaders simply waved their hands, like a Star Trek captain, and said make it so.

Now Mr. Obama has overruled Congress and blessed an [Special Drawing Right] SDR increase - not twice the existing number, but eight times. As Juergen Stark, a member of the European Central Bank Executive Board, told the German daily Handelsblatt, "It was never examined whether there indeed is a global need for additional liquidity," adding that "one used to take a lot of time to check something like

The upshot for U.S. taxpayers is that neither the $40 billion-plus in new SDRs nor the $100 billion for the NAB will get much democratic scrutiny. Yet they amount to a massive expansion in U.S. foreign aid. (Source)

Sigh........Wake up people.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Right Wing Echo Chamber, Loons, Fear Mongers....NOT!!!

According to Matthew Yglesias the hoopla stirring regarding China, Geithner, and global currency is all a vast right-wing echo chamber conspiracy and in the article Right-Wing Echo Chamber Fomenting Panic About Fake Sino-Russian Global Currency Plan he colors the right as fanatical loons just trying to make "The One" look bad. Likewise my friend DJ Black Adam writes the following on his blog:
"How about, instead of the right wasting time and energy on trying to prove that President Obama is a "Socialist" from the internationally acclaimed "Chicago Socialist School of Richard J. Daley," perhaps...I don't know...actually try providing alternatives to mitigate the movements of the extreme left (which, I'm sorry to inform you Barack is NOT a part of). "

First of all Mr. Yglesias if you read the statement by Zhou Xiachuan of the People's Bank of China here, you will find that the goal is to replace the dollar with a new reserve currency, because the Chinese are worried that Obama is destroying the viability of the dollar as a common currency for international transactions. Please refrain from lambasting the right wing for doing the job that the MSM in this country has abdicated (too bad we don't get paid for this).

DJ Black Adam it's really immaterial whether or not PSBO is a socialist in the purest sense or not. Define him however you'd like but the fact of the matter is that the US in on shaky financial ground. Yet we continue to go into debt with China and the success of our Treasury bond sales depends on the good will of China's Gao Xiqing, who controls over $700,000,000,000 of outstanding US treasury notes and who reportedly is a hard core Chinese Communist who regards America as China's enemy. Paul Shlicta maintains in his article the BC Bubble at the American Thinker that Barack Obama is continuing to push his irresponsible budget for one or all of the following reasons:

1. He is too naïve or ignorant to understand what he is risking.
2. He knows but doesn't care, being interested only in what looks good for the moment.
3. He wants to cause inflation, because inflation favors debtors and the biggest debtor in the United States is the United States. Moreover, inflation leads to devaluation of the dollar, which, as James Lewis recently pointed out, is one of the key objectives of puppet master George Soros. 4. He wants to provoke a crisis of capitalism, as James Simpson has already suggested. (Source)

Whatever the reason, the effects could be devastating. So you can call us looney if you'd like but I believe to use your words "ALL of Americans (right, left, white, black, pepsi, coke, McDonald's, Burger King)" will be effected by his decisions. I'm not trying to cause fear and panic---just awareness. Let's not crucify the truth because it's unpleasant.