Showing posts with label Birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birthday. Show all posts

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Surprises Galore!

What a week it has! A surprise package all the way from Scotland! Elly really and totally surprised me with a wonderful package of Birthday gifties! The two pictures above show the "loot" she sent! lol. Elly sent five 'squishies' [Fat 16ths] all in reds and greens for my DJ quilt, two great cards: one funny and one lovely [for Valentine's Day]. . . I tried to do a closeup so you could read the text**--hilarious-- and, a lovely hand appliqued heart block that will have a prominent place in my H2H quilt. Her stitching is absolutely invisible, so tiny, perfect, and! Thank you, Elly, thank you for everything!
More later. . . all for now. Toodles and thanks for stopping by,
** Hey! If you click on the pic it will enlarge! Wadda ya know. . . if I'm lucky, I can learn somethin' new everyday! lol. Excuse me, dear readers, but my "learning to blog" curve is still pretty steep! LOL