Showing posts with label DJSP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DJSP. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Yesterday's mail brought a lovely surprise - Happy Mail from my Dear Jane Secret Pal. She splurged and sent me "The Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt" book by Laurie Aaron Hird. It comes with a CD of the patterns, too! Wow. Thank you SP.

I learned of a FWS QAL on Pat's blog using this beautiful book. This promises to be fun. I doubt I will make the whole quilt, but a  WH would be nice.

That's all for today. Thank you for dropping in for a visit. I hope wherever you are that you have time  and space to create something you love.

Quilty hugs,
PS... as an experiment I have removed the "prove you're not a robot letter thingie"... If I don't get a lot of spam, I will leave it off. It certainly will be easier to leave a comment w/out having to type those horrid letters that none of us can read anyway. lol

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Happy Mail: a package from DJ SP

Happy Mail is so much fun to receive. My new DJ Secret Pal sent me a wonderful package for January. Just thought I would share it here. Wow... gorgeous F8ths, marking pencils, a tote pattern, and a beautifully hand written lovely note! Teriffic! I am a happy camper.

Update on Baby Gone Wild: All the squares are together. Now sewing up the last three rows. I hope to get the giant rick rack on the top tomorrow and even bat-it-up. Because it is Minkee on both sides, a simple stitch-n-birth will be the edge finish technique -- but with the rick rack tucked into the seam. After turning, I'm thinking of tying it with mini ribbon instead of floss or pearl, but will make that final decision Friday. After all, it doesn't have to be finished until Friday night! lol.

While sewing this afternoon, my little kitty Missy wanted to be in my lap, then on the machine, then on the quilt! lol.

Have you ever tried to sew with a "lump in your lap", or a cat in and on your sewing machine? I just couldn't resist - I stopped sewing & reached for my camera. lol

Take it from me, sewing with a kitty in your lap does not work out too well. I took the hint and stopped sewing so we could play for a while.

That's all for now. I hope you have time to stitch up something that makes you happy!

Quilty hugs,

Monday, October 4, 2010

JUST FOR FUN: POOR LITTLE KITTY & Other Happy Mail. . . .

Most of you know that I have a very soft spot in my heart for kitties. Well, since I've been under the weather a little bit lately, I've been lucky enough to receive some wonderful Get Well cards.  My sweet cousin Sandy, who is also a kitty-lover, sent me this card recently and I think it's just toooooo darling not to share:

Right now, everyone who happens to come visit at my house better be on their "Ps" n "Qs"! LOL.  Why? If they don't watch their language, I have just the gum to offer them, thanks to my great friend Rosa -- lol.  What a hoot, eh?!

Quilters and bloggers are such wonderful and sharing friends... dear Rosa is both.  Thank you, Rosa!

The last couple of days has seen a bonanza of Happy Mail at my house.  Here are pics of my two recent DJSP gifties... Aug and Sep.

The one [to the right] is August's and includes authentic 30's fabrics. They sure are purrrty!  A very clever "match book style" of emery boards to carry in my purse. I love this! Also for my purse, is a very small note pad. It has a nifty strap so the notepad will stay CLOSED when inside of my purse instead of all messed up! Now that's smart... love it! Thank you, SP.

Here's September's fun gifty package:-- FIVE FQs!; a Photo Sponge [I don't know what this is but will have fun figuring it out]; Candy... yummo!; and a Sugar Bear. I had only heard of these and never seen one... now me gots one... I'm happy! LOL.
What a clever invention. What a fun assortment of goodies. Thank you, dear Secret Pal.

Here's a close up of this great fabric! The perfect fabrics for this season of the year... I love it! Oopsy, pic won't come out of the bottom of the post... so that's where it is! LOL

I just can't resist sending the pic I took of Missy this evening. [pls see pic below].  I was laying out everything on the foot of my bed getting ready to blog -- I think that was her 'signal' -- and when I turned away to reach for my water bottle, up she hopped into my chair and sat looking right a the screen of the laptop. Sure wish my shutter speed was faster; the first shoot was the priceless one as she was intently staring at the computer screen! LOL

That's it for now... I need to take my night time meds and hit the sheets.
Hope all is well out there in blogland... I'm sending you all my very best!

Cyn; -)
PS: Well, as u can see i am having more than a little bit of trouble posting and getting things lined up tonight./.. please bear with me as I think I will just have to leave this one as it is and I'll try harder next time.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Mystery Gift or DJSP??? . . .Happy Mail is always fun!

Friday's mail brought a Mystery Package to my front door. . . . .

"Happy Mail" is always so much fun!

The package had a Kansas return address, but an Illinois postal meter stamp. . . a puzzle! No note, message, or card inside—just some nifty goodies all tied up in pretty ribbon. I think it’s from my DJ Secret Pal – she is a very clever and fun person who has come up with some unique ideas and gifts so far this year. Gotta love her, and I do!

This Journal has lines, which is very helpful to me! She also sent a tube of Blistex, always welcome; and one-half yard of gorgeous pink CW repro fabric!! Nice, very nice.

Whoever you are out there . . . thank you so very much!

*huge grins*

All for now… I hope to put up some more pics later of my Holiday Jane DJ blocks that I worked on yesterday.



PS: this is the first time I've tried posting by emailing directly to my blog and attaching pics... wow, I still have so much to learn! lol. But at least I tried it.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

DJSP April Giftie. . .

There was a bonanza of mail yesterday! I love "Happy Mail"... who doesn't, ya?!

My wonderful DearJane Secret Pal sent a lovely gifty for April. It is called a "FlexiLens on Mini Clip" by the DayLight company. Wow is this going to be used and used! The magnifier on the end of the gooseneck will actually allow me to SEE when I'm appliqueing. Hopefully, this will help me improve my applique stitches. I love this!

Thank you, SP... who ever you are. Can't wait until December for the 'reveal' as you have been a ton of fun so far this year... and it's only April!

More later. . . thank you for stopping by,
