Showing posts with label Drawings n Contests. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drawings n Contests. Show all posts

Friday, December 14, 2012


WOWZER, I sure have been a lucky-ducky lately. Just recently I won a drawing at The Thimble Room.  Miss Thimble invited comments as part of her research while she shops for a new sewing machine. Isn't that a great idea?!  Thank you so much, Miss Thimble. I'm thrilled to win!

I have been wanting to read Ebony Love's new book, so with my new Amazon GC I bought it:
Quick Book Review follows below
The book arrived lickity-split... you know how prompt Amazon is.  So, I sat right down and read it cover2cover. I am not disappointed. Ebony has written an incredible book. This new book fills a void with solid information about how to incorporate a die-cutting system into one's quilt making for increased accuracy, speed, and convenience. I recently bought a new little Sizzix Big Shot, which is why I am interested in Ebony's book. It's great. Has lots of quilting tips in it, too. [no affiliation... just a happy consumer.]

Thank you again, Miss Thimble. I just love my prize and am already putting it to good use.

Until next time. . . it's back to the sewing machine for me. What are YOU up to today?

Quilty Hugs,

Monday, October 29, 2012


Wowzer!!! I won the drawing at Bea's for "Star Power" by Judy Martin for EQ7. Thank you, THANK YOU, Bea! I am thrilled to my toes.
Star Power by Judy Martin for EQ7
Please be sure and visit Bea's blog - especially on Tuesdays - Bea writes wonderful and easy to understand tutorials for EQ7. Just last week she taught us all how to d/l and add manufacturer's fabric samples to our own custom Library! Excellent. Thanks again, Bea. I am so excited!

Until next time. . . I am going to install Star Power and then prep a few Dear Jane blocks; what are YOU going to do today???

Quilty Hugs,

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


First of all, THANK YOU and WELCOME to all my new Followers! This BlogHop was a lot of fun and we all had the opportunity to meet and make new online friends.  But, without further ado. . .Drum roll. . . we have TWO winners.  [comments choosen by]
First Prize to: SharonB
The first winner will receive the Batik Fabrics & Stork Scissors, and that lucky person is:  *SHARON B*

Sharon B said...
Hops are sew much fun - getting to met new blogger friends!
I am now following your blog.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012 10:41:00 AM PDT
Additional Prize to: Terry
The second winner [I added an additional prize package] will receive the JellyRoll and Scissors on a Lanyard, and that lucky person is: Terry

Terry@ a quilting blog said...
I'm already one of your happy followers Cyn!!! Thanks for the sweet giveaway!
Monday, August 27, 2012 9:41:00 AM PDT

Congratulations, SharonB and Terry!!  Emails are on their way to you both. You have 48 hours [from the time of this post] to respond with your mailing info or another comment will be choosen.  Congrats again to the winners and I hope everyone had a bunch of fun. A special THANK YOU to Michele of the QuiltingGallery for hosting our BlogHop.

Today I hope to get the binding attached to a UFO I've been working on... what are YOU going to do today?  Until next time. . . 

Linking to: Freemotion By the River - Connie's Linky Party... come on over!

Quilty Hugs,

Friday, August 31, 2012

CRAZY 9 PATCH QAYG - Quick Update

The Crazy-Beasty is almost finished! I'm not sure, but I think it has been in-process for about 8 years! Yikes. Talk about a UFO!  All four borders are now attached - a better picture will follow when I get the binding on.
Crazy9Patch: 3 borders attached
It might take awhile to decide on the binding fabric. . . more pictures will follow in another post showing the process of putting this lap quilt together.  It is a good technique. I love that it is easier to baste, quilt and complete than more traditional methods. I don't do every quilt this way, but it is a nice technique to have in one's bag of tricks.
Missy "helping" me sew on the sashing strips
Don't forget to enter the BlogHop Drawing.  Some nice gifties are being offered. Please see the button on my side bar to take you to the QuiltingGallery for a list of ALL the blogs participating.  Thank you, Michele, for hosting! You must leave your comment on my original post HERE to be in the drawings. Good luck, everyone.

Hope you have a lovely weekend planned and will find some time to stitch. Until next time. . .

Quilty Hugs,

Saturday, August 25, 2012

GIVE-A-WAY: Gingher Scissors, Batik Fabrics..."Back To School Blog Hop Party"

It is GIVE-A-WAY time.
The Back To School Blog Hop Party begins this weekend!

My gift to one lucky Blog-Hopper is:
* Gingher Stork Scissors w/Leather pouch *
* Moda Charm Pack, Sonnet Collection, 45 pieces*
* 2 Batik FQs*
* 20 Batik charm squares*

Blog Hop Party with Give-Aways

It is real easy to ENTER:
1) Leave a COMMENT on this post saying you are a FOLLOWER, or have become one.
{NOTE: Subscribing by email is very nice, but doesn't show up in the public Follow Chart thingy... please add yourself there to be eligible for the drawing. Thank you and welcome to my blog!}

That's it! What could be easier?!

**EVERYONE may enter:
Give-A-Way runs from Saturday, 25 August - through Monday, September 3rd at NOON, Pacific Time. 
Winner will be announced here on Tuesday, Sept 4th. The winner will be notified by email and has 48 hours to respond with their name and address. Or, a new comment will be drawn. Please be sure I have a way to contact you!  If you are a no-reply blogger, please leave your email addy in your comment!  Example: "your name [at] yahoo [dot] com."  I will ship International so everyone can enter.  Good luck, everyone, and happy hopping!

Click over to the Quilting Gallery blog HERE.  A list of all participating blogs is shown there... thanks, Michele! Let's go have some fun!

A second PRIZE package has been ADDED to the BlogHop drawing! You can see it by clicking HERE.  But, FIRST, before you click away, please remember to leave your comment right here on this original post to be in the drawing for both prize gifts. I just thought with so many comments, that another prize was a good idea!

CONGRATULATIONS to LAURA who became the 100th follower yesterday!! Thank you, Laura - a special little thank you gift has been sent to you.

Until next time. . .

Quilty Hugs,

Thursday, August 23, 2012

FMQ the QAYG Crazy 9 Patch. . .& BlogHop Party starting soon!

Today has been productive. Yippee... love that! Was able to get the last three borders basted for my UFO-Crazy9P. Here's an easy trick: open two brown paper bags to protect ironing board cover; baste using 505 Spray. Worked great... no glue mess. Yeah!  Even got one more border quilted. That makes two down; two to go.
 QAYG Crazy9Patch - Basting the borders
I can't tell you how much FUN I am having FMQing these borders. First I warm up on a potholder, then just go at it! I'm having the time of my life and the whole time I'm telling myself, "self... you are actually doing this!". Unbelievable. I am Happy Dancing. Golly, why in the world did I procrastinate so long??
Blog Hop Party with Give-Aways
More fun news: very very soon the Celebrate Back To School Blog Hop Party will open!! Blog hops are always fun and this time there will be loads of FREE goodies given away. Love that! The button is on my upper left sidebar... check it out! I will be offering some nice gifties on this blog... so do come back on August 25th!

Until next time. . .

Quilty Hugs,

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

IT'S HERE! Happy Mail all the way from Australia

Yesterday's Happy Mail brought lovely goodies all the way from Kris in Australia. I was the lucky winner of the June OPAM drawing. The fabric is so soft and pretty and comes with coordinating embroidery floss and a pattern! Wow. THANK YOU so much Kris and Peg. I will treasure this gift and put it to good use!

A darling pattern designed by Kris
Until next time. . .

Quilty Hugs,

Saturday, June 13, 2009

CONTEST - Free gift at Ranette's blog... hurry, hurry

Hello Everyone...
Ranette is having a drawing for a special Moda gift on her blog in honor of her darling girls... go have a visit and put your name in the hat!
While you're there check out her postings and pics -- Ranette has a fun blog!
Good luck in the drawing. . .
More later... thank you for stopping by,