Showing posts with label MenuFun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MenuFun. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


NO, I didn't fall off the edge of the planet. Sorry I've been MIA these past couple of weeks. The 'bug' came to visit and a bit of life got in the way. I've sure missed my daily visits to blogland and I'm happy to be back!

Let's do something FUN! Want to make a Fruit Salad [or any salad] to take to your next pot luck extra special? I made one in March that turned out pretty good. This is what we are going to make and this is how to do it:

Fresh Fruit Salad with Live Orchid Embellishment

1.) Cut up some fruit and put it in a pretty bowl.

2.) Find a small shot or apparatiff glass, preferable a footed one and wiggle it into the center of the salad.
3.) Pick a fresh Orchid [or flower of your choice] and rinse it off carefully... we don't want bugs in our salad!
Wrap the stem in clear-wrap [like Saran Wrap] - this will do two things: keep any flower juices contained and also helps to keep flower hydrated all day... we don't want our flower to wilt.

4.) Place Orchid in the footed shot glass and voila! You have something pretty and special.
When the party was over, I gave the Orchid to our Hostess. She was delighted!
5.) Put your dish into a carrier of some kind and
carefully lay the Orchid on top... Re-place the orchid in it's footed glass after you arrive at party... too hard to transport with the flower inside the bowl. Ask me how I know this! lol

Much more coming. There will be updates on the Inklingo COTSG Mystery, Yarning projects: both knit and crochet, a scrappy batik TATW in process, a few totes to finish. . . so much to share.

Until next time. . . Thank you so much for stopping by.

Linking to Connie's Tuesday Linky Party at Freemotion by the River.

Quilty Hugs,

Saturday, December 1, 2012

SNOW PEOPLE in the making & fresh Apple Pie!

The Snow People Block Swap 2012 is happening, thanks to our organizer Rosa. Thanks, Rosa! My little person, below, still needs a face and a few other things. *g*
SnowPerson - the first prototype
I've been busy drawing and making various SP parts. Now it's time to assemble my *snow* into people. My Sizzix will be used to cut some of the embellishment bits... at least that is the current plan.
Swedish Apple Pie

I was craving something sweet last night. Since I had 1/2 box of lovely green Granny Apples in the fridge a Swedish Apple Pie sounded good. Only takes a few minutes to put together and throw into the oven. NO crust to roll out - love that! It's hard to believe that something so simple can taste so good.
Swedish Apple Pie, no crust

Sew... until next time, I will be playing with more snow. What will YOU be playing with?

Quilty Hugs,

Thursday, September 20, 2012


The Friendship Embroidery Mini Quilt I'm making for a swap is almost finished.  It still looks a bit plain... there will be a few more bits added, then a little more quilting, a binding, a label and done. Hopefully this will go into the mail by Monday. Sure hope the recipient likes what I've made. It's hard to guess what someone else is going to like. Fingers crossed.

Friendship Embroidery Mini Quilt Swap - in process
Missy snoozing and relaxing under the front window... nothing can relax as completely as a kitty!
Your camera WOKE me!
Until next time. . . I'm headed back to my sewing machine  to bed! What are you up to?

Quilty Hugs,

Doc says, "put more veggies into your diet!". What he really meant was A LOT more! So I've been experimenting by changing up some things I've cooked for years.  In this case, spaghetti sauce. There are so many veggies in here I call it the "Kitchen Sink" sauce. It was tasty. I served it with 1/2 Cup of whole wheat pasta & 1 Cup of this veggie/tomato concoction. It was great. So now-a-days instead of 2 cups of pasta and one cup of sauce, it's a smidgen of pasta and tons of veggies. Totally vegan. My body seems to like it.
Spaghetti: Super Veg-a-sized!

Friday, September 7, 2012

BEASTY'S BINDING - TaDah, another OPAM finish!

Today the Quilt-As-You-Go Crazy9Patch finally got her [his?] binding completed.  I'm not sure how or why, but this quilt acquired the nickname of  "Beasty."  Poor thing.  He/she really needs a better name - do you have any ideas?
QAYG Crazy9Patch: the back
I decided to do all of the binding by machine. First I tried a straight stitch of 2.75 length -- looked nice on the front, not so much on the back. Insert a little Frog-Stitching

Then I tried a very small zig-zag with a 1.5 width & a 2.0 length. This stitching went on the very edge of the fold -- mostly. lol. It's acceptable on the back.  Each corner will have a tack stitch or two to maintain the miter. This is not a show quilt, just something my family lovingly calls a "drag rag." It will probably take many trips to the washing machine during its lifetime, so the zigzag ought to help the binding stay where I put it. [Picture below, right.]

QAYG Crazy9Patch - the front
I quilted and assembled it using a Quilt As You Go method. This was an opportunity to vary the backing fabrics from block to block. And, it used up a bunch of small and odd bits of stash. [please see pic above, top]. I think I like the back better than the front.

Front Corner binding closeup

Well, that's what I've been up to the last few days. Finishing this quilt that measures 60 X 76. Not too big, and not too small... "just right," as Goldilocks would say.  What are you up to today/this weekend??

Until next time. . . I plan to go cut up some fabric. How about you?

Quilty Hugs,

My Plant-Based nutrition plan has been modified to include additional protein such as eggwhites, occasional small servings of certain fish and chicken breast. Today's salad has: Romaine lettuce, diced tomatoe, red & yellow bell peppers, then a sprinkling of Nutrional Yeast, 2 T of salsa and 1/2C of EggBeaters cooked like an omlet, rolled up and served on top. It was yummy. Desert was a small fresh nectarine.
Menu Fun: Fresh Salad + EggWhite Omlet

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

AAQI: Quilt Arrives & BlogHop

The most marvelous little quilt came in the mail the other day. I was the lucky one to bid and buy "Schizostylis Coccinea Major," the fabulous quilt handmade by Elly Dunbar of Scotland. Elly's work is absolutely incredible and so is her original design which is based on a flower in her garden. I just love it. Thank you for designing, creating, and donating this wonderful quilt, Elly. I will treasure it always.
AAQI: Schizostylis Coccinea Major, by Elly Dunbar, Scotland, UK
AAQI: Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative, was founded several years ago by Ami Simms.  AAQI is run entirely by volunteers and ALL profits fund Alzheimer's research.

Remember, the BlogHop is still running and doesn't close until September 3rd. A winner will be choosen on Sept 4th. Please see the original post HERE. You MUST put your comment on the original post to enter the drawing. Good luck everyone.

Some Menu Fun is below.  Today I hope to attach another border on my QAYG Crazy9Patch. . .so, until next time, let's go stitch something!

Quilty Hugs,

SuperVeggy Marinara Sauce
Last night I thought: If I can make Veggie Soup, why not just saute a bunch of veggies and make an enhanced Marinara Sauce... why not, indeed. Add some garlic and oregano, organic tomatoes and serve over organic whole wheat pasta. Delish!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

UFO Time... QAYGo Crazy9P

How did it get to be Wednesday AGAIN ALREADY???! I didn't realize when I bought that last 2012 calendar that I had bought a "fast one"!

It is definitely UFO time around here. The QAYG Crazy Nine Patch quilt - below -  has been on the back burner so long that I don't even remember when I started it ... 2006, 2007, 2004? Who knows. Long enough that I no longer remember my orginal "plan".
QAYG Crazy 9 Patch
So far it is set with 7 rows of 5 blocks each. The piecing is totally wonky and deliberately hap-hazard. This was a fun and liberating group of blocks to make. The blocks are layered and machine quilted across the seams with a serpentine stitch. Each block is made as a separate unit. Then the blocks are joined with sashing strips. Very easy and a good technique when one's space is limited as mine has been. The borders will be added the same way.... now I need to get busy and do just that. It is July's project.
Crazy stitch closeup & Green border backing fabric
Missy cat-napping on one of her afghans
That's all for today. Thank you for stopping by for a visit. Until next time. . .

Linking to Connie at Quilting By The River

Quilty Hugs,

PS: Good news: Received a lot of "atta-girls" from my doctor at this week's visit. Have lost >6 pounds, and my lab results have improved! This has all happened just since June 20th! I have been almost 100% compliant with the new plant-based eating regime. I'm having fun with it.  THANKS again to all of you who have written to me with support and encouragement... it has been a HUGE help!
More "menu fun" and pictures to follow next time.

Monday, July 2, 2012

TOOL TIME: Mini-Stubby Screwdrivers for sewing machine ...

How many times do you swear under your breath when trying to get at the screws on some of our sewing machines so maintenance can be performed? Even the smallish drivers that come in kits or included with our sewing machines has a handle that is always too long! Nuts. I found a SOLUTION!
Tiny Screwdriver fits perfectly!
Tiny screwdriver comes in a set of 4 - different sizes/types
On eBay I discovered some really great and very SHORT screwdrivers. They are just the perfect size, easy to handle, fit perfectly under s.m. arm, and also fit perfectly into my sewing machine feet accessory box. How cool is that? I am Happy Dancing! Maybe now I will clean out my bobbin area more often as it is now sooooooooooo easy to get to! Yippee Skippee! More good news: they only cost $5.99 and that included the s/h. You might even find them cheaper at your local hardware or "Harbor Freight" store.
Hard to reach screws to clean and maintain bobbin area
That's all for now. Hope you will return soon for another visit. Until then. . . [MenuFun is below]

Linking with: Connie at Quilting By The River. Go check out what all the others are doing!

Quilty Hugs,

Lunch today was a gi-nor-mous fresh raw salad. It had almost everything but the kitchen sink in it! lol. The TIP of the Day is: Try SALSA on your next salad instead of regular salad-dressing. Yummy and only 10 Calories for 2 big Tablespoons! I found a great Organic Salsa at "Earthgrown" a few days ago. A pic of the jar is below:
The "Kitchen Sink" salad w/ Salsa for dressing
Salsa found at "Earthgrown Market"

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Happy almost 4th of July everyone. I am in the mood as I have been working with Red, White and Blue fabrics.  Finished the Mug Rug project for DD and her office crew... except it turns out she wants Coasters, NOT MugRugs. OK, I'm easy. I made Coasters - finished the last 13 today. Plus... I made one Mug Rug anyway so she could see what one looks like.

For Lori and others who haven't made these before,
here is a link to a tute I wrote in 2010:
Of all the coasters, the 3 above are my faves. And below is the one lonely Mug Rug. The red looks almost pink in these pictures, but it is RED.

Today I have included two dishes for "Menu Fun."  They are below my signature. I think this is a good idea to put them there. This way those who are interested can see them and those who are not won't be bothered. Good?

That's all for today. Until next time. . .

Quilty Hugs,


Note: The pasta is whole wheat. The 'saute' is accomplished with either water, veggie juice, veggie broth, etc... NO oil.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

CROCHET SCRUNCHIE & 2 Menu Ideas: Soup n Salad

Spent most of today working on files. Yuck. But it is a task that must be done from time to time. Isn't it amazing how the "paper chase" can drown a room?

It's almost bedtime, but wanted to try a quick crochet project: A little scrunchie for a twist, or ponytail, or any similar style that holds hair out of our faces when we are playing sports, or just scrubbing the floors. Easy peasy: DblCr + Ch1 over hair band all around, sl st to join. Optional "loopy" round: Sc in first space, Ch5, Sc in same space; repeat all around and join with sl st and fasten end. Ta Dah. Takes about 15 minutes - tops!

The menu ideas are: Split Pea Soup cooked with a few veggies and Amaranth. Amaranth is an ancient grain that is chock full of nutrition and fiber. Yummo! The salad was made from diced cucumbers, red bell peppers, green onions. A little sprinkle of herbs, garlic, and rice vinigar. Served over red-tipped lettuce. Made for a nice lunch.

Dinner was a dry-saute [no oil] of veggies on hand that I turned into a Marinara Sauce and served over WholeWheat Pasta. I was sorry not to have had any mushrooms to add. A sprinkle of Nutritional Yeast [in lieu of cheese] and voila! Dinner.

That's it for tonight. Thank you for stopping by for a visit. This weekend I will be busy making about 25 MugRugs for DD's office crew..... if anyone has ideas to share... now's the time! *g* Oh... and they must be finished by Sunday night, but there's no hurry or pressure, right?!

Quilty Hugs,

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


This is a super quick post to share a salad I recently whipped up.  It is Vegan, quick, easy and tasty.  But before I do that I want to thank the many of you who have written me privately to wish me well as I begin this new doctor-ordered eating regime. I really appreciate your tips and loving support. Next post will be quilting! *g*

Vegetable Tortellini - cook al dente
Baby Cuke - diced
Edit: Baby cuke = Persian Cukecumber, but any will do. Sorry for confusion. Thanks, Elly.
Green Onion - sliced
Bell Peppers Red/Green/Yellow - chopped
Artichoke Hearts - quartered
     MIX drained Tortellini and prepared veggies together.
    ADD herbs/seasonings of your choice - I used Trader Joe's 21 Seasoning Salut -
    ADD a small amount of Lemon Juice and Oil Free-Sugar Free Italian Dressing.
   TO SERVE: Put a handful or two of Fresh Baby Spinach leaves on plate. Spoon Artichoke-Tortellini mix over Spinach. Top with diced Roma Tomato... Yummy!

Ok... it's back to sewing. Just wanted to share my salad creation with you. I'm working on a mini quilt and plan to have it ready by tonight.  Thank you for stopping by for a visit. . . until next time,

I am linking to Connie's linky party at: Quilting By The River.

Quilty Hugs,