Showing posts with label Siggy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Siggy. Show all posts

Saturday, September 21, 2013

GIFTY SURPRISE... Crocheted Spool Pin Doily

Because I was a couple of weeks tardy returning a Siggy recently, I am also sending a little giftie.  A hand crocheted Red Spool Pin Doily is on its way to Julia in Spain. Hope she likes it.
Spool Pin Doily. Red for a FW machine

Crocheted Spool Pin Doily: about 1.5 inches across

Pink SPDoily on my Janome6500
Thank you for popping in to visit.  Until next time. . . I will be re-organizing my pattern files and finishing up a DJ block. What are YOU up to??

Quilty Hugs,

Friday, September 20, 2013


A gorgeous lavender Siggy has arrived from Spain. Thank you so much, Julia.  She did some wonderful embroidery! Sew pretty.
DJ Siggy - International Swap
Until next time... I will be working on the Mobile Tree House. What are YOU working on??

Quilty Hugs,

Friday, September 13, 2013


One more little siggy signed and it is on its way to Spain!  The siggys are made from the Dear Jane block #D13. Each person embellishes the center square with their own design or artwork.
Pigma Inks, Prym color shading, Kitty stamp
Only about 20 left... when they are gone that will be it for me. No more siggy swapping.  It's been wonderful to share and swap them these past 10 years [about] with people from all over the world, but it's time to move forward and put them all into a quilt! It has been a lot of fun, though.

My crumby blocks are being trimmed and I'm working on more DJ blocks and triangles - I will finish this quilt! lol.  What are YOU working on?

Thank you for stopping by to visit... hope you have a wonderful weekend filled with stitching fun!

Quilty Hugs,

Monday, August 20, 2012

HAPPY MAIL and . . .

Today the postal carrier brought some Happy Mail! Fun stuff:
Siggy from International Siggy Swap
A great little Siggy from Sandie - part of the International Siggy Swap.  Thank you, Sandie. Love the darling thimble fabric!
Robert Kaufman Layer Cake
And, above, a 10" layer cake bundle of Christmas fabric from the Deal of the Day at Missouri Star Quilt Company. I have no affiliation - just a happy customer.

Good news: got another border batted up and ready for FMQ.  It's a bit hot this afternoon, so maybe tonight or early tomorrow morning it will "get it's thread".  I am bound and determined to get my quilting MoJo running again! lol. This UFO is so old that part of the fabric has faded... do you have projects like this?? Older than dirt?!
Crazy9P - QAYG project's first outside border
Thank you for stopping by for a visit. Until next time. . .

Quilty Hugs,

Monday, July 11, 2011


First, let me apologize for being off blogger for so long -- almost 2 1/2 weeks! Things were very hectic around here with Missy being sick and then Laura had surgery. Life is settling back down now and getting back to normal [whatever 'normal']. Thank you for being patient with me.
Have you joined the Bow Tie A Day group over on FB? The idea is no stress, no worries, just make ONE block per day and at the end of summer -- TaDah! -- you'll have enough blocks to make a quilt. Neat, huh? Check it out; it is fun. There is still time to join in and catch up. Today is only day 21. I have several blocks to go to catch up with the others, but I'm not worried about it -- I just plan on making placemats with mine.

Today was spent prepping 40 Siggy blocks. All the centers are finished. Tomorrow I'll sew on the setting triangles.
My plan is to keep several Siggies ready, so I can mail one right back just as soon as I receive one. Several  Siggies have arrived recently. They are a lot of fun. One of these days I'll get them sewn into a quilt! lol

Missy is doing much better. Here she is resting, which is what she does most of the time these days. But her spirits have improved a lot. She is even "perky" at times. Thank you everyone for the kind words and emails you've sent -- it's nice to know we weren't alone while battling her illness. She will be on a special diet the rest of her life, but if love has anything to do with it, she will be happy!

Thank you for stopping by. . . I'll try to post more pictures next time.  Meanwhile, I hope where ever you are that you have the time and inclination to make something that pleases you or someone you love. . . .

Thursday, October 14, 2010

SIGGY TIME. . . It's raining Siggies in California!

Happy Mail is so much fun to get and it's raining Siggies here in Califnornia!  Here are 5 that haven't made it to my blog yet... enjoy, these are some fun ones!

Sorry for the sloppy edges on the pics. I had them all cropped up real pretty and now my laptop won't let me get them! Sheesh... some days! I know it's probably some little stupid thing I'm either doing or not doing that's throwing the wrench into the works, but I don't know what it is... so I'll just live with it today.

There are so many wonderful talented and sharing people in the world. I am so lucky that these five people chose to share their art with me. . . I hope you enjoyed this little art show this morning.

Have a nice day everyone and may all your edges be straight! LOL

Cyn; -)

PS: Surgery went well. Better than I had hoped for, actually. I am lucky to have so many wonderful people praying for me... thank you, everyone! There will be a couple of days rest while we wait for the final pathology reports to come back and then more surgery and the reconstruction process will begin.  I will be on and off the putter during this time and will post on days that I feel up to it.  I am fortunate that I feel well enough to sew a little bit some days and that helps fill the time and ease my nerves during this whole process.  Life is good!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Siggy Time - Happy Mail from Kristine!

Last week I received this fun Siggy from Kristine who lives in Germany. Isn't the bovine fabric fun? I love it! She also wrote a wonderful and newsy letter about her locale with some history of her area, including ancient trade routes! Kristine's note even included a map of where she is in Germany - what a teriffic idea!

Kristine sounds like a lovely person and even invited me to coffee if I ever get to her part of the world -- now that's Hospitality!

Thank you, Kristine, for your fun Siggy and your lovely, newsy letter!

All for now - thank you for stopping by . . .


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Happy Mail - H2H Siggie from Rosa!

Isn't this a darling siggy? I love it! Love the pink fabric, the appliqued heart. . . everything!

Wowzer, I am a happy camper - happy mail from friends is always a special treat! THANK YOU, Rosa!

All for now... thank you for stopping by,

Friday, May 1, 2009

Happy Mail - Siggy from Claudia!

A beautiful siggy just traveled across the Big Blue Pond, all the way from Germany, to my mailbox. *VBG*
Don't you just love the incredible embroidery Claudia did in the center square? Your dog is darling! Thank you, Claudia. My siggy is already in the mail and on its way to you - I hope you like it. Thank you again.
All for now . . . Thank you for stopping by,

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Happy Mail - Siggy from Rian. . .

When I arrived home late yesterday all tired and hungry, I found a gorgeous piece of "Happy Mail" waiting for me. A beautiful siggy from Rian - all the way from The Netherlands. Thank you so much, Rian. It is beautiful and I love the color! The gladiolas, in the center square, are wonderful.
This pic is a bit blurry and I apologize. Hopefully, my picture-taking will improve as I gain more familiarity with this new camera. I'm working on it! lol. Perhaps what I need is a tripod. How do you keep the camera perfectly still while taking snappies?
All for now... more later,
PS: Did you notice the little strip of white tape over Rian's last name in the pic? I learned to do this by visiting Katrin's siggy site. This is a great idea, Katrin; thank you so much. Now I can share all my siggies without exposing people's last names.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Siggy from Germany!

WOWzer! Yesterday, Katrin's bee-ooo-ti-ful siggy arrived all the way from Germany! The entire center is embroidered -- amazing. The lettering is so perfect and I love the heart in the middle. Gosh, I love all of it!
Thank you, Katrin!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Siggy from Belgium. . .

This week's "Happy Mail" brought a bright and cheery Siggy all the way from Belgium. Thank you, Maike, it is wonderful! The dainty little flowers are really pretty. I love it!
All for now. . . thank you for stopping by. . .