Showing posts with label RSSC13. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RSSC13. Show all posts

Saturday, February 9, 2013


Purple is a great color, don't cha think? I love it but must confess that I don't use it very often. Hmmm, I wonder why? Do you have colors that you like but don't seem to use? Maybe I have gotten too comfy with certain colors and have painted myself into a limited 'color box'. Sorry 'bout the pun; couldn't help it. lol

This block is PP'd using the FP-on-top method... one of my faves. I have some odd bits of batik in purple and black - hope I don't run out before the block is finished. The pic below shows the shape this block will take when complete. Vicki, of Quilting Lodge fame, is generously sharing her drawing with everyone. Check out Vicki's blog HERE to get your own copy. Thank you so much, Vicki!

Linky Party:  To see what others are up to with Purple this month,  have a visit with SoScrappy. Thank you, Angela for hosting this fun Challenge again this year!

Until next time. . . hope you enjoyed your little visit here and will return soon and often.  Now I'm off to bed for as Scarlett said,  "..tomorrow is another day."  Meanwhile... what are YOU up to this weekend?

Quilty Hugs,