Showing posts with label EQ7. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EQ7. Show all posts

Thursday, October 18, 2012

EQ7 TUTEs Just Beginning. . .and a Linky Party

What fun! Bea at BeaQuilter, will be writing instructional tutes about EQ on her blog. She has posted two so far. They are wonderful! Thank you, Bea.

When I was studying EQ7 at QU last August, I designed a quilt using multiple borders. The RailFence block I started with was altered and additional blocks were set into the border. This is the end result:
Original Design using EQ7 - Aug 2012
Linking up with BeaQuilter. There is also a Linky Party on Bea's site... go see what everyone else is up to. Fun!

Until next time. . . I'm going to be making FP cutouts for some DJ triangles and sewing up a few more napkins -- what are YOU planning on doing today??

Quilty Hugs,

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

"QUILTED NOTIONS" - An EQ7 project

Super quickie post:  Designing a quilt with Sewing Notions all over it. . . just for fun!
"Quilted Notions" by C. Forest - designed in EQ7 as part of Quilt University class.

And the little label that goes with it:
Label designed in EQ7 as part of Quilt University class.
Oh btw, for those of you with eagle eyes... Yes!... I did leave off the quilting lines in the above quilt. While "cleaning up" my Sketchbook, I mistakenly deleted the completed quilt! Note to self: be more careful with 'Right Click' when deleting stuff. lol. 

Thanks for stopping by for a visit.  Until next time. . .

Quilty Hugs,

Sunday, July 22, 2012

MORE EQ7 & some fun plans are underway!

The EQ7 class I'm taking from Fran Gonzales at Quilt University is so much fun! I'm learning a ton - much more than I ever did on my own and I am one of those "manual-instruction-book-reader" types.  Just give me a manual and leave me alone for a little while and I'll get it. Well it hasn't worked that way with EQ7 and it didn't work for EQ5, but I think it is because I never really applied myself. Now only 12 practice hours later, I feel comfortable with EasyDraw! Wow, that's saying something.

Today I went a little -- ok, a lot! -- wild and used the brightest, wildest fabrics I could find in the EQ Libraries... above is the result.  Below is a crazy block I drew. I like the lines, the fabric is so-so, but it would look better if I had put some do-dahs and embroidery on it. Oh well, I think we learn how to do that next week.

Until next time. . .thank you for popping in for a visit. Oh, by the way, if you are not a Follower [and I hope you are!], would you consider adding yourself? As soon as this blog hits the magic number of "100",  I will have a give-a-way to celebrate.  Now what could be more FUN than FREE quilty stuff? Nothing I can think of.

Quilty Hugs,

Friday, July 20, 2012

QUILT UNIVERSITY and Sometimes we just go MIA

Yup, title says it all. Sometimes I just go MIA for awhile. This week it was mostly at the computer working through some EQ7 lessons at Quilt University. I am taking a class with Fran Gonzales: "EQ7 Sampler". She shared a ton of info in her first Lesson plan and it took me most of the week to work through it. Lesson 2 will be posted in about an hour. Hopefully now that I have my feet wet with the program, and how QU works, I will be able to get through the material easier.

Just for fun, here are a couple of blocks I drew and colored using the program's palette of fabrics [above and below]:

The next series of blocks I drew after these are all colored in some bright and wonderful African fabric. I'll share those next time. It is so fun to work outside my normal palette and try something new. It's easy in EQ, because I am not cutting fabric or sewing, but I still get to see what it would look like. Love that.

My poor QAYG project still isn't finished yet. Perhaps next week. Meanwhile it is sitting in a lump in the living room. I better go fix that as I will have visitors in a few hours. My DDIL Donna and sweet DGC Sid are in the air as I type this, winging their way here from Hawaii! Can't wait to see them. So... if I am MIA again, you'll know why -- I'll be doin' the Grammy thing!

Until next time . . . I hope you have loads of time to stitch up something that makes you happy.

Quilty Hugs,

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hawaii ... Blowin It @ Pali Lookout, the Byoto-In Temple & A "FrozenForrest". . .

Yesterday was fun. We visited the world famous Byoto-In Temple and grounds. Took some nice photos as we walked around -- I put a small album on FB. It was fun to feed the Koi and the Black Swans. As soon as we approached the edge of the stream the Koi swam over to meet us. We hand-fed the black swans - one even nibbled Sid's fingers! Ouch.

Then we visited Pali Lookout on the way home. It is VERY windy there! We had a ton of fun. Sid was really 'hamming' it up for the camera... but the strong winds are no joke. I nearly got blown off my feet. lol

Recently, while finishing up the EQ7 Lessons [EQ Mystery, Yahoo Group], I designed a fun little quilt to represent Sid's time here in Hawaii. If you haven't had time to read the 22 lessons in the manual, check it out -- great info! I had a lot of fun with these lessons.

If the weather cooperates, we hope to visit the Giant Swap Meet and then Pearl Harbor today. We might even go to the Exchange -- we are looking for MuuMuus to wear to the Luau tomorrow night.

Following our BBQ feast on Memorial Day, Sunday, Bill created what he calls a Frozen Forrest: Coffee, coffee Ice Cream, Kalua, Vodka... whirl in blender, swirl chocolate syrup into cup and pour drink inside! Wowzer... these are delish! As you can tell from the cup, I drank a few sips before remembering to take a photo. LOL

All for now. Where ever you are I hope you can be with those you love,

Hugs & Aloha,