Showing posts with label Commission.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Commission.. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ruddigore - or, the Witch's Curse.II

Here is the final piece of inked art work for the Ruddigore publicity. I next scanned this image and printed out two copies whch I then colourized. 
Below you can see the basic B/W image in centre, then a blue monotoned version and a fulll colour version. They have been sent to the client who now has to decide which version to go with. Hopefully I'll produce the final piece tomorrow.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Ruddigore - or, the Witch's Curse.

For the past six years, I've been asked to produce publicity material for a local Operatic group who produce an annual Gilbert and Sullivan operetta . The Rose hill Musical Society are performing 'Ruddigore' this year. As part of the story, the 'Hero' is surrounded by ghosts who are the living images of his dead relatives who emerge from large portraits. After producing half a dozen rough images for the client, the drawing below was chosen as the one to base the final artwork on.
Having satisfied with the above sketch, I then moved onto producing the pencil work on which I would apply the final inking. Below you can see that I've developed each figure to a higher degree.

 Below I've applied ink to the hero figure as he is frightened by the emerging ghost from the painting. the stage costumes are based on the Regency period in UK which was circa 1790 - 1820 ish!

 Below you can see I've now inked the ghost and his picture frame...two other frames can be seen giving a bit of dramatic perspective to the composition. I've penciled in the title 'Ruddigore'..the 'R' of which will be like a picture frame holding a silhouetted image of a witch.

The final work will be completed tomorrow. Once scanned, I will be producing a full colour and 2 colour version of the image which the client can chose from for final delivery to the printers who add the final text for printing.

If you'd like to read more about the plot and characters from 'Ruddigore' click here

Friday, August 06, 2010

HMS Pinafore artwork.finished

Here is the final finished piece with colour added. I've delivered it to the printers with details of the text to be added. Should look good when complete with text...I'm happy ith this.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Kay's portrait commission - finished.

A Portrait of Kay Dunbar
March 2009

Commission - 14

Close up detail of the beach dancers. would't it be wonderful to dance in the arms of your lover on a warm tropical beach...sip champagne and listen to the sea?

Having finished the pictue, all that is need to do is highlight my signature.To the lower left of that I have in red added the date March 2009.

I chose a deep red mount and a golden pine frame...because the subject of the picture was fairly complex, I opted for simple surroundings so as not to detract.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Commission - 13

I've not been able to do any substantial work today. I went out this morning to buy a new computer..after much deliberation we decided to opt for a laptop as opposed to a desk top. now I've got to spend time setting up the Internet connection etc.....

The business women's meeting this afternoon went well and I was able to link up with Nilam who is an artist and lives just around the corner from me!

In today's photo, I've progressed well with the clouds..the effect is quite good. After dotting in the basic shadows in blue, I'm here adding yellow ochre on top..I will then add red and possibly more blue before I'm happy with the effect.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Commission - 12

I've not managed time to work on Cello today...things have been hectic to say the least.To start off with, Jan has a women's Business Lunch here tomorrow,'s amazing how many Women are self employed and running their own businesses in the couple of streets where we live!..artists, actors, authors and wholefood makers !.... so the house needs a good tidy and clean..I said i'd take charge of bathroom/toilet duties and vacuum the stairs etc...Jan went out to a meeting with a colleague so this was the cue for my children to fall out..Annie had been on a sleep over and was exhibiting the signs associated with very little sleep...boys on Play station..daughter wanting to watch TV....light blue touchpaper and retire....all this when my lungs were full of chlorine gas...or whatever noxious cloud my toilet cleaner was creating.

Anyway, here I've completed the background cloud which appears much more yellowy in real life...this photo was actually taken at the same session as the one yesterday, but I wanted you to see how much different it looks when the main supporting cloud is this is the 'before ' pic.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Commission - 11

I've completed the boat and added Razorbills flying across the water too.Now it's time to work on the bed of clouds supporting Kay above the sea.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Commission - 10

Apologies for skipping through the production of this actual time it took around 135 hours to finish and that was over a two month period. I was also working on Cello at the same time.

Here you can see the finished Gannets ...the completed Bass Rock and the Yacht which used to be owned by Kay's partner.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Commission - 9

Poor lighting for this pic as I took it with my lamp on...Still, you can see here I've worked on the Gannets in the lower centre of the page and filled in the Bass Rock island too.Behind the boat you can see the beginnings of the Singapore Skyline.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Commission - 8

Here i've penciled in more of the elements for background. The island shown here is Bass Rock,a volcanic plug created millions of years ago just off the coast of North Berwick ( where Kay and John live)which is close to Edinburgh, Scotland.The rock hosts one of the largest breeding colonies of Gannets in the world and is therefore a protected site...I've penciled in some Gannets in the foreground too!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Commission piece - 6

French bread, rose wine,grapes, brie cheese and sausage have arrived on the platter.....a veritable feast!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Commission piece - 5

Here is the introduction of a Chinese themed cushion..The symbol ( meaning 'Love') is a repeated one with the ying yang at the corners. There's rose wine in the glass and a tray of delicious looking goodies ready to be dotted...more about them next time!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Commission - 4

The sunflowers are nearly complete...a little sailing boat has arrived at the lower left hand corner....

I've not been able to work on 'Cello ' today....spent 4 hours ironing clothes that will inevitably get creased...wherer oh death is your sting?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Commission - 3

Not had very much time to work on Cello today...have had to look after my daughter Annie all day. She's a beauty, but demanding..watched 'Cinderella Story' with Hillary Duff.

Here's the central theme of the commission piece...Kay wanted me to base the portrait on a photograph taken of her at the 25th wedding anniversary of Allan and Sheridan' was a very special event and one at which Kay felt relaxed and herself. For this portrait, I decided to put her on a cloud of worship over the sea.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Commission - 2

To achieve the depth of colour like this, with my technique, requires intensive and prolonged concentration...I aim to give this picture a richness of colour. Kay asked for the sunflowers to be included because she had been to France with John and seen some of the vast sunflower fields. More tomorrow.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Commission - 1 promised, I am now at liberty to show you the commission piece I've been working on for the last few months. I'm afraid the first developmental sketches of the piece were accidentally deleted by my daughter, so we join the picture after I've completed the main subject..(which I'll arrive at in due course!) and begun work on the very important back ground.

The picture was commissioned by my friend Kay for her partner's birthday (which is today..Happy Birthday John!!) I could not reveal any of the details of the project here because John sometimes visits these pages. I got a wonderful email tonight from Kay telling me that John is very pleased with the picture...I can at last heave a huge sigh of relief!...more tomorrow!