Showing posts with label Tables. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tables. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Tables - 40 Final stages.

I've actually finished this picture now, but I'd like to photograph the work in i'm afraid you'll have to wait until tomorrow. work today was a matter of finishing the stones on the ground and refining the boy's and the Mad Vicar's faces. I'm happy with the way things look now and so it's time to put the pen down and prepare for the next project!

Monday, May 02, 2011

Tables - 39

Working on the stones is tedious but actually easy. I firstly create an outline for a stone, and then another until a series of abstract similar sized panels are ready for filling in.

A basic layer of dots is applied to the panels I have created , I then consider from where I imagine the lightsource is and begin to lay in some basic shading which represents where the shadows will go.

Once I've established the shadow areas, I darken the spaces between the rocks and deepen the shadowed area presuming that the upper line of the stone will be caught by the moonlight.The difficult part of this process is to vary the angles at which the stones lie to each other, hence the depth of shadow varies too. I also have to allow for shadows falling from the figures...this is something that can be addressed after the stones are defined.

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Tables - 38

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tables - 37

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tables - 36

've worked on the increasingly tedious stones today...should finish this very soon.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tables - 35

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tables - 34

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tables - 33

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tables - 32

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Tables - 31

 I'm now at the stage where I will bring the sky down towards the horizon...this should speed up production time as it beomes lighter!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Tables - 30

I think I've just about finished the upper portion of the sky now...I just need to refine the features on the Moon..then I can start to work down towards the horizon.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tables - 29

Blurred photo...sorry...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tables - 28

Further work on the clouds...I'm not happy with the leaning dark cloud, so I'll balance it up at a later date. Recently I've been listening to a lot of music...I have a huge collection of album and CD's dating back to my childhood. ..and it never ceases to amaze me that there is always something new to discover that fits perfectly with one's tastes. It happened this week. I'm a big fan of what they call Progressive Rock as typified by bands such as Genesis, Yes, Pink Floyd I was very surprised to discover a swedish band called The Flower Kings who made their first recording in 1995 and incorporate all the things that make for good 'Prog'..wonderful stuff...I can just set it playing and work away to it. what do you think? this is part one of a longer piece...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tables - 27

Worked well today...managed around six hours of dotting. the main process here is to lay down a fairly even layer of dots, then fill in areas to denote the clouds edges. I'm feeling my way slowly as I'm not sure of the final cloud formations.But it's fun in a sort of way letting areas suggest themselves as I go along!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Tables - 26

The worst thing about being demotivated is that one is inclined to spend fewer hours working ...this in turn means the piece takes longer to finish and become even more tedious.Not that I'm finding this piece tedious, but it has altered radically from my original intent. I found myself going through my original sketches for this composition and reconfiguring my concept which might mean I can executee 'Tables 2' at a later date. I also have a good series of sketches developing for a colour self portrait. (Doesn't sound like demotivating does it?)

Yesterday I had to make good use of the warm weather and get out to do some gardening. Which really only meant cut the grass and get rid of some overgrown Buddleias which were obscuring my Japanese Maple tree. Heavy physical gardening, hefting lawnmower about and sawing  and pruning  always causes my hands to hurt and tremble...which impairs my ability to do delicate and intricate dotting.This usually eases in around 48 hours and I can work properly again.So that was another reason for reduced time today. The good news is, that tomorrow I Should be back to full capacity..!

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Tables - 25

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Tables - 24

Started work on the sky today and completed the body of the locomotive. Not much else to say.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Tables - 23

Sorry for the no show yesterday. Had stomach cramps and felt quite under the weather.So lay around watching daytime TV. I've also had battle s with self doubt over my work..this has been going on for some time and is (when looked at objectively) a symptom of working for day after day alone in my room concentrating on small areas. Pictures completed go into a large plastic bag and live down by the side of my wardrobe. Nobody gets to see them until I get them framed and out to exhibition. the result of this down patch has been I have no major exhibition this year.  I'm off to the Willington Arts Festival in a few weeks for a three day show...then nothing until possibly September.

I think many people find my work awkward and difficult to deal with. I certainly find it difficult to open my heart and discuss what at times are very sensitive issues to me resulting from a difficult childhood.The are times I don't want to be open, but I have a responsibility to the true nature behind my work and to sit and see people just drift by them in a exhibition is almost impossible for me to bear at times.... So if you'll forgive the illogicality of the's better not to have an exhibition than to continually tell strangers about my mother's alcoholism (which is key to my expression) and why there's yet another frilly knickered Cello girl staring out at the viewer.This is easy when I'm on top of things, but hell when I'm not.

Which brings me to today's post. Yes there were supposed to be two cello girls...yes there was going to be a Cancan dancer and an airman. but after much thought, I've decided to stick with an earlier concept to reduce the area of the picture leaving the central character as the Mad vicar. So this I have done which will mean the piece will be completed sooner. I think (if my nerve permits it) dedicate a picture at a later time to my beloved Cello girls yet again.

Anyway... having said all that, I still have some distance to go with the current drawing. there's a moon up in a darkened sky..and what's going on the floor?....see you tomorrow.

Monday, April 04, 2011

Tables - 22

I started the day with a distinct lack of omph! You know the feeling!? It's that point when as a kid we say "I'm bored!"..but there is never ever any excuse for being bored. there is always something you can do ! With me, I need to either get out and do some physical activity or surround and bombard my senses with things that I've found to inspire me. so; comfy chair...ear phones...loud music and sketchbook. OK, so sometimes a bottle of wine or some other wonderful whisky or rum or brandy will be involved. But that is all...I once had a conversation with a friend's son who just couldn't believe that i didn't use drugs (Ok so alcohol and caffeine are active drugs, but they aren't illegal!)...I've never used illicit drugs or been offered them. In fact I consider it lame, weak and utterly foolish to use them. My imagination is a place of infinite images and dreams as it is..

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Tables - 21

Just passed the 70 hour mark working on this piece. My work today was confined to the afternoon period and found me listening to the final of the world Cup Cricket Tournament between Sri Lanka and India..was very exciting and I was pleased that India won. this evening is another evening at home, but a nice bottle of red wine awaits!