Showing posts with label Inspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inspiration. Show all posts

Friday, March 26, 2010

what is Art all about?

I know I posted this piece of writing some years ago, but I've new readers who I think will enjoy it. Years ago I visited a relative who took me to meet an artist called Roy Ray. At the time , Roy was the leader of the Saint Ives School Of Painting in Cornwall.I took along a few of my very early Hyperpointillist works (it was 1987!) hoping to gain some encouragement. Roy was a very gracious critic who obviously recognised that I had lots of work yet to do if was to even begin to think of working full time with my art.

Roy gave me a copy of the text you see above. I wrote it later in this script and had it framed.I'll not describe it's contents as you'll see for yourself if you read it. Please fell free to copy it and use to inspire and encourage yourself.