Showing posts with label Meme's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meme's. Show all posts

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Tagged -7 Weird things about me you may or may not want to know.

My thanks (I think) to Julie for tagging me to do this one. remember..'One man's weird, is another man's normal' Also, since this will be visible to the collective of 'Blogland'..some of the things that make me 'Me' which you might consider 'weird' are not included here..we'll have to know each other a little bit better for me to reveal those!

so here you no specific order...

1.I love lying in the bath after i've pulled the plug out.I like to feel the water drain away from around me as my body becomes heavier.( I only have one photograph of me in the bath..I was much younger and very drunk..and you're not going to see it!)

2.I love to see and hear things that make me cry.Not withstanding ET, Close Encounters Of The Third Kind, a good book or specific music tracks.... one of the most likely things to bring tears to my eyes is the sight and sound of a low flying fighter jet...or even better..a Supermarine Spitfire!The sound penetrates every inch of my body and vibrates every organ.I love it!

3.Despite being a serious 'Progressive Rock' fan...I also like good cheesy pop including Kylie Minogue(pictured)...Abba..Steps and Sophie Ellis Bextor....go figure!(actually looking at the pic it's not hard to understand why!)

4.I love cereal in milk..nowadays I generally like muesli or bran types..but the thing that I REALLY like is the milk at the fact, I'd be happy to forget the cereal and just have the milk.I eat the cereal draining the milk off the spoon..then drink the milk .It's best if it's been left for the taste of the cereal to permeate the milk. Why can't I buy Cornflake flavoured milk !

5.I used to be a good particular talent was to be able to swim two lengths of the local pool,UNDERWATER without coming up for air!(around 150 metres!)

6.I love the Australian TV 'Soap': Neighbours(picture shows Kylie Minogue and Jason Donovan as Scot and Charlene)....I've watched since it's beginning in 1986.

7. When I read a book..I put a marker in at the beginning of the week..I then use another marker to show how much I've read during the week. I'm a particularly slow but thorough reader and aim to read at least 100 pages a week.....weird eh?so even if it's a bad book, I know how long it'll take to read it!

So there you have it..The more 'user friendly' weirdities I'd like to share with you. According to the universal law of Meme's, i now have to tag some other poor unfortunate readers. ( Preeti, Devil Mood, Bobkat, Jonice, Tysonice and Maria to name a few)..But if you've read this an enjoyed it..consider yourself tagged.