Showing posts with label silly stuff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label silly stuff. Show all posts

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Hoppy New Year !

I thought you'd like to see me as I set out for our annual gathering of friends to celebrate the New this country it is customary to wish people "White Rabbits" on the first of the do so brings good fortune. However this only came to mind after I'd chosen to be a giant white rabbit.......and what's more...I was the ONLY one at the party in fancy dress!...still, at least I had a big carrot!

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Fishy captives...

why do Goldfish look so glum?..I suppose I would look glum to if I had to spend my whole day in cold water with only squashed ants eggs to eat. The extent of my world would stop abruptly with a wall of glass..unrecognisable images moving about somewhere beyond...still, my one recompense would be the possession of a 3 second memory or something like it if I believe what the naturalists tell us .

Naturalist/naturist?..either way I say it takes barefaced cheek to suggest something so preposterous. how come every day, when I approach the tank, both Goldie and Silvery (you decide which is ain't difficult!) frantically swim torpedo like up to the glass at the corner where I drop the food in if they don't remember what it is that's going to happen?..there they sit/float awaiting the manner from heaven?..of beneficent me and the dried squashed ants eggs...

Friday, April 04, 2008

Would you Adam and Eve it?

I have to say thank you to my friend Margret who reads this blog regularly. She sent me this little story which made me laugh.

Bathroom Sign

In the men's room at work, the Boss had placed a sign directly above the sink. It had a single word on it -- "Think!"The next day, when he went to the men's room, he looked at the sign and right below, immediately above the soap dispenser, someone had carefully lettered another sign which read -- "Thoap!" Author Unknown

It reminded me of a sign I once saw in the gents toilet at a small bistro:

"We aim to please you..will you aim to please us?"

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Happy April Fool's Day


A little interlude from my work today as I enjoy the celebration that is'April Fool's Day'.The origins of the practise are not entirely clear,but what is known that many consider it to be 'Open season' to play practical jokes on the unwary. I, my good friends have learnt my craft from the master..who? I here you ask!..well the master is 'Dennis The Menace'. !!!

News shows, newspapers, radio are are well known for reporting and publishing wonderfully contrived stories of pure fiction. this morning the BBC news showed clips from a forthcoming wildlife documentary on flying penguins (the full clip seen above). Newspapers reported the reintroduction of the long forgotten sport of Greyhound racing ........on Ice!! A new car that emits an electric shock if a dog pees on it's wheels...and apparently America is to ditch the Dollar and introduce the Euro as standard currency.

I have not been quiet either. A neighbour had his car clamped yesterday in our street possibly for an out of date tax disc. When Jan was to leave very early this morning for an acting job in another town, I told her that we'd been clamped ..dashing into the street in a very angry mood she dashed back in with an even angrier face and delivered a rather profane outburst loosely..or rather very accurately in my direction about it being *£^%*£$ ! April 1st. I then went on to email all my Facebook friends to tell them that if they clicked the 'Logout' button very quickly three times, they'd get a secret drop down menu of new skins and backgrounds for their pages...hee hee hee!..I don't think I'll have many friends left after today!

It reminds me of the time I used to work for a homeless charity. local businesses and stores would often donate to us things like 30 loaves of bread or half a frozen pig etc...One day I left a note for the assistant manager who was to be on duty over the weekend (April 1st)....The note read that I'd received a phone call from a Mr. C.Lyons who wished to donate a large quantity of frozen fish to the centre. I wrote that he wanted my colleague to ring him up later that morning before mid day to confirm that delivery was OK. When my colleague rang up he asked to speak to Mr C. Lyons about the fish..he was rather embarresed to find out that the number I'd given him to ring was Twycross Zoo..ahhh how we laughed....or at least I laughed.