Showing posts with label Muse-ic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Muse-ic. Show all posts

Friday, June 15, 2012

Muse-ic - 23

I've now introduced the support structure for the bridge...I shall add in further texture to it and shadow for the undersides...I need to think about the steam and the sky....oh, and there needs to be a glimpse of coal above the tender.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Muse-ic - 22

Thought you might like to get some idea of the scale of this piece..not as large as some of my more recent pieces...the idea being to increase the rate at which I complete the finished pictures...saying that, today I passed the 80 hour mark so far! I estimate 250 hours + to complete!

Below you can also see pencil work that I laid down today which will become the supporting structure for the bridge...I originally sketched plans for two arches but decided that one big arch would fit the composition better...You might notice that at this stage, I've left outlines around my fingers and the birds...these will be shaded in a ta  later date.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Muse-ic - 13

Friday, May 25, 2012

Muse-ic - 12

Monday, May 21, 2012

Muse-ic - 8

Hit a few obstacles but have the solutions...the only problem is taking a few new photos of arms and hands...the other 'problem' concerns the central character of this soon to be trio... 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Muse-ic - 7

you won't believe the effort it takes me to arrive at an acceptable face...I'm so bad at faces!...and I have a specific look i'm trying to achieve. You'll notice from yesterdays post that there is a change to the hair style...back to the trusty old bob..oh...and now there's another girl !

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Muse-ic - prep/ sketches.

 The photographs above were taken around 1970..they show my Mum and Dad posing with me(in the red) and my brother Tim (who'd just returned from hospital after having an operation on his hand.) The reason i wanted to show you this was to illustrate my original love of model the top photograph, although it's hard to see in this copy, I'm holding the very first model I made with the help of my was a Douglas Boston which was an American twin engined fighter/bomber that also flew with the RAF in World War 2.....I no longer have the model you'll not be surprised to hear, but one day I'll make another one !

Oi!...wake up! This is important to me!

For the purposes of my next composition, I wanted to include a likeness of me holding a model of a Supermarine Spitfire..Below you see the sketch I published yesterday which I've scanned and enlarged to the size I want for inclusion in the picture. this is overlaid with a tracing i made making refinements and alterations..and a small model Spitfire for reference.

Below is the same drawing with a few more alterations...I need to work on the shape of the aircraft wings a little more before it's ready for transfer...

As a little post script, i thought I should mention that it was exactly a year ago today that i began my exercise and weight loss programme...I've kept the weight off and I'm running on a regular basis...physically I've managed to totally change my life in the last year !