Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts

Thursday, June 06, 2013

Rainbow Warrior - 30

Seems a long time since I last posted here. It's odd really, because I've been writing this blog since way back in 2007. ..and have a few readers subscribing ...but nothing in comparison to the readership/ reach I have over on Face Book. I actually prefer the 'space' that writing here gives me, but have tended to scale back the depth of description as time has gone by. I guess it has a lot to do with my changing personal circumstance and the effect that it's having on me. 

Work has continued on my self portrait...I'm enjoying it still, but there is a lot of subtle stuff yet to do before i'm entirely happy with the sleeve. I decided earlier in the week not to bother trying to depict the stitch detail, but as I worked today for a long period, it became something that needed to be done...and so far it seems to have worked.

I managed a weekend away this week with my daughter Annie...we were guests of our good friends Alison and Mark, Josh and Freya in York. The picture below shows Annie and I at Sandsend enjoying a warm sunny cream was had and a visit to an art gallery made it a very enjoyable day. We then went on to Whitby where we enjoyed fish and chips overlooking the harbour. 

This weekend away actually constituted my summer holiday this year....what it lacked in length, it made up for in being able to see good friends old and new and relax. Good stuff!

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Back from holidays!

Had a wonderful week in Scotland..the weather was great seeing us spending plenty of time on the beach. One evening we had a barbecue on the beach with our dear friends Kay, John and Joe. We watched the sun set and then the moon rise over a calm sea. Back to work today saw me working on a design for a poster advertising a Gilbert and Sullivan comic opera. above are the working rough sketches. tomorrow I shall make the final version ready to go to the printers.

Below are two photos from our evening BBQ on the beach.!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I'm going on holiday!

Appologies for not posting progress on my work today.I've not had much chance to apply myself. AND tomorrow we're all off on our holiday..i know Friday is an odd day to go, but we have to be back by 31st as Jan has a to work in Oxford.we're staying in North Berwick which is close to Edinburgh in Scotland.We have hired an appartment. We're driving as far as Newcastle tomorrow and staying in an hotel over night before the rest of the journey on Saturday. It's a particular favourite place for us as we have very dear friends who live there. I'm hoping to find some wifi whilst away in the hope I can post some photos. I'll also be taking my sketchbook and watercolours too!! 
We're staying near here(above) in North Berwick (see map)
So if I don't get the chance to post in the mean time, I hope you have a lovely week, and I'll be back sooner than I want to be!