September 5, 2014

Massachusetts Produces Politicians

Secretary of State John Kerry, Mass. Gov. Deval Patrick and U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren have all been mentioned as possible candidates in the 2016 presidential election cycle.

[From article]
The American people were minding their own business when suddenly three of the most frightening figures in American politics, shameless hacks who couldn’t park a bicycle straight, suddenly began babbling about running for president in 2016.
And they’re all from Massachusetts. But where else would they be from? I said they were incompetent.
[. . .]
Barney Frank, Ted Kennedy, Gerry Studds — how can one midsized state inflict so much damage on the body politic? From Obamacare to gay marriage to the Immigration Reform Act of 1965 — every downward spiral of the last half-century has our fingerprints all over it. Sodom and Begorrah, as William F. Buckley used to call the commonwealth.

Carr: Oval Office under triple threat
Friday, September 5, 2014
By: Howie Carr
Boston Herald

Israel's Real Crime

[From article]
Israel's crime against them is very rare, so rare it doesn't even have a name, so I will invent one: I'll call it paradigmocide, destroying the intellectual basis for cherished beliefs that are empirically wrong. One well-known incident of this crime was some four hundred years ago when Galileo committed it against the Catholic Church by producing evidence for a heliocentric solar system.
Kill a man's child, rape his wife, drown his dog; many men can forgive these offenses. Present him with evidence that his most deeply-held beliefs are wrong, and that he cannot forgive.
[. . .]
Since the Left seeks power and believes it is entitled to that power because of its superior intellect, knowledge, wisdom, and morality -- think of them as the mirror image of the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz
[. . .]
religious groups chose to see Israel's very existence as a sin, rather than consider that their theology might be wrong.
[. . .]
The problem starts in academia, where social scientists seek to ingratiate themselves with the Left because the Left presents itself as more intelligent and well-informed, which is how academics regard themselves,
[. . .]
And they know they're wrong, even if they won't admit it. If they thought they were right, they would make the case using reasoned arguments and supportable facts.
[. . .]
A key consideration is that if you reject the idea that self-appointed elites are entitled to rule, the only basis for legitimate power remaining is consent of the governed, a principle so central to the American creed that it appears in the Declaration of Independence. This may be why those segments of the American people who believe in this ideal, and similarly-minded people around the world, invariably support Israel. Israel is a symbol of the principle that the consent of the governed is the only legitimate basis for holding power and is thus anathema to members of elites who see themselves entitled to rule without accountability.
September 5, 2014
Israel's Real Crime
By Fred Baggins

Boycott Israel Academics Jeopardize US Taxpayer Grants

[From article]
Six directors of taxpayer-supported Middle East Studies centers at American universities have signed a public letter pledging "not to collaborate on projects and events involving Israeli academic institutions." However, as Winfield Meyers of Campus Watch reports:
As heads of U.S. Department of Education Title VI National Resource Centers, the directors are administrators of bodies required by the Higher Education Opportunity Act to give "assurances" that they will "maintain linkages with overseas institutions of higher education and other organizations that may contribute to the teaching and research of the Center."
[. . .]
These academics should be under close scrutiny, and their centers’ funding cut off, if they violate the terms of their grants by acting on their personal animus agaist Israel.

September 5, 2014
Middle East Studies directors put on the spot over academic boycott of Israel pledge
By Thomas Lifson

Useful Academic Idiots

[From article]
We are assured over and over again by prominent politicians and religious leaders and scholars across the globe that ISIL is an aberrant mutant with no legitimate lineage to Islam -- the religion of peace.
[. . .]
Then there are our own benighted instructors on the true Islam led by none other than President Obama who warns us the “the future will not belong to those who slander Islam” and that ISIL “speaks for no religion.”
[. . .]
Everything ISIL does in the name of Allah is fully supported by the Koran. The leader of ISIL, Baghdadi, has a Ph.D in Islamic studies.

September 5, 2014
ISIL is 100 Proof Islam
By Richard Butrick

September 4, 2014

Berkeley CA Approves Free Marijuana For Low Income Residents

[From article]
Weed welfare?
That’s what the Berkeley City Council in California has unanimously approved, ordering medical marijuana dispensaries to donate 2 percent of their stash to patients making less than $32,000 a year.
The new welfare program in the liberal-leaning city is set to launch in August 2015.
The ordinance, which passed in August and is the first of its kind in the country, comes at a time when several states are debating how to handle a growing movement to legalize marijuana for both medical and recreational use.

California city mandates free medical marijuana for low-income residents
Published September 04, 2014

Google Tried To Redact Court Decision To Hide How They Search Your Emails

[From article]
It turns out that Google, which bases its business on collecting and analyzing huge reams of data for advertising purposes, has been scanning users' emails even before users have a chance to open or read them, including email messages that are deleted without being opened. Google knows what's in your email before you do.
The revelation came in a now-settled legal dispute over Google's Gmail service. Dozens of the nation's largest newspapers and media companies fought to make sure that the case — and its wide-ranging implications for Internet users — received a full public airing.
[. . .]
Google tried, and failed, to redact information about its email scanning process from a transcript of a public court hearing. Last month, the judge in the case ruled that portions of the transcript from that February hearing could not be redacted retroactively, since that would be tantamount to closing a public courtroom.

The information Google doesn't want you to organize: Column
Thomas R. Burke and Jonathan Segal
10:17 a.m. EDT September 4, 2014

NBC Pays For Matt Lauer's Helicopter Commute

[From article]
In June, Lauer extended his lucrative $20 million-a-year deal with NBC News to remain a “Today” co-host through 2016, following speculation that he would leave the show in the wake of the storm over the brutal departure of Ann Curry in 2012.
As part of the deal, NBC agreed to pay for Lauer to chopper out to the Hamptons, where he has a 40-acre horse farm in Water Mill and a nearby mansion, reportedly worth $15 million, in which he lives year-round with his wife, Annette Roque, and their children.

NBC pays for Matt Lauer’s helicopter rides to work
By Emily Smith
New York Post
September 3, 2014 | 9:48pm

NYPD Closes Unlicensed Bar, Told To Let It Be

Is this an FBI or ATF undercover operation or what? No wonder the Feds don't like local police. How can they catch crooks unless they pretend to be crooks? Are they only pretending? 

[From article]
Members of the Brooklyn South Vice Squad raided two illegal nightclubs set up in junkyards this past weekend — then got told by the local precinct to let them stay open, The Post has learned.
Cops burst into the open-air watering holes in East Flatbush around 3 a.m. Saturday, law enforcement sources said.
When no one could produce a liquor license, the cops prepared to bust the bartenders and close the clubs, known as Tiki Village and Soca Village.

Cops who closed junkyard bar told to let it reopen
By Bruce Golding
September 4, 2014 | 1:41am

How Newark, NJ Catholic School Measures Success

[From article]
The film’s subtitle asks, “Want Inner City Schools to Finally Succeed?” If only it were as easy as merely wanting it. New Jersey, often with prodding from its courts, has spent staggering sums trying to fix Newark’s schools. Currently, the district’s graduation rate languishes at just 22 percent, despite spending about $25,000 per pupil. Much of that money has been wasted. Institutional inertia, slavish adherence to fashionable pedagogies that have never proved effective, and the power of special-interest groups, like teachers’ unions, have all blocked meaningful change. The kind of radical transformation that St. Benedict’s represents, with its 1,500-year-old guidepost, is hard to imagine except in the most extraordinary circumstances.
[. . .]
Scholars often point out that St. Benedict fashioned his precepts for community living based on that most basic of human institutions, the family. In Newark, the stable family has become increasingly rare. Only 30 percent of the city’s kids live in two-parent families. Some 60 percent live without fathers, raised instead by mothers or grandparents or in foster homes. That is perhaps one reason why St. Benedict’s doesn’t define its success solely in terms of academic achievement.
[. . .]
“How do I measure success?” he asks. “You’re able to graduate St. Benedict’s, have a mortgage, deal with your marriage, deal with your family, stick it out. How do I measure success? I got a father working with his son, in his son’s life.”

It’s Hard to be Saints in the City
A new documentary shows how Benedictine monks make men out of Newark’s boys.
2 September 2014

MA State Legislator Accused Of Threats

[From article]
Things had been looking up for the scandal-scarred Mass. House of Representatives. It had been two or three weeks since Speaker Bob DeLeo was named as an “unindicted co-conspirator” in a huge state scandal.
No rep had been arrested for DUI all summer, and no one had gone to jail for using his girlfriend as a punching bag in months.
But then Rep. Mannal, a moonbat’s moonbat, decided to visit the home of his Republican opponent, Adam Chaprales, two Saturday afternoons ago.
As Mannal bragged later that night on his Facebook page: “I had a face-to-face chat with him today. I told him to keep my name out of his mouth.”
[. . .]
Mannal called in to the radio station to defend himself — very incoherently. All dialogue verbatim:
“On Saturday uh there were several I, I you know, I had not had the opportunity to uh uh you know I never had Chaprales’ telephone number so I don’t have the ability um to you know did not have the ability to call him so I went to his house to get his telephone number.”
Does that sound believable? Chaprales has his phone number on his campaign website.

Carr: Brian Mannal breaks dry spell in Legislature
Thursday, September 4, 2014
By: Howie Carr
Boston Herald

September 3, 2014

Saudi King Warns Of Terror Attacks

Previously Russia warned the FBI about the Tsarnaev brothers and their links to terrorists. The FBI investigated and found no threat. Will those FBI geniuses do a similar investigation this time? And while they investigate or not terrorist threats to the nation, the FBI stands by while local police, Harvard University campus police and superintendents, crime families take turns with Communists harassing a 70-year-old white man. They all say, "He's crazy." which under their standards means they can harass disabled persons without worry of accountability. The same man was drugged for 80 consecutive days by government psychiatrists using hallucinogens contrary to law. He was not under the care of any physician, and there was no court order to allow this criminal abuse, poisoning under state statutes. After scaring him the FBI used him as a decoy, to fight organized crime for 15 years and did not pay him one cent. They did coordinate a subsequent 25-year retaliation campaign by the same crime families who participate (as in ongoing) 44 years later. What expensive, misguided priorities, and waste of taxpayer money.

[From article]
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has warned that the West will be the next target of the jihadists sweeping through Syria and Iraq, unless there is "rapid" action.
"If we ignore them, I am sure they will reach Europe in a month and America in another month,"

'Saudi king warns West will be jihadists' next target

August 30, 2014 5:37 AM

Electronic Transfer of Information Human To Human

[From article]
In the initial test, the greeting was sent from a volunteer in Thiruvananthapuram, India to Strasbourg, France.
There, a computer translated the message and then used electrical stimulation to implant it in the receiver’s mind.
This message appeared as flashes of light in the corner of their vision.
[. . .]
The technology was developed as part of a collaboration between the University of Barcelona in Spain, Axilum Robotics in France, Harvard Medical School and Starlab Barcelona in Spain.
According to the researchers, this is the first time humans have sent a message ‘almost directly’ into each other’s brains.

Could we soon send emails 'telepathically'? Scientist transmits message into the mind of a colleague 5,000 miles away using brain waves
Scientists used EEG headsets to record electrical activity in the brain
Electrical activity from words ‘hola’ and ‘ciao’ were converted into binary
The greeting was sent from Thiruvananthapuram, India to Strasbourg
A computer translated the message and then used electrical stimulation to implant it in the receiver’s mind, appearing as specific flashes of light
According to the researchers, this is the first time humans have sent a message almost directly into each other’s brains
PUBLISHED: 04:31 EST, 29 August 2014 | UPDATED: 05:27 EST, 29 August 2014

Implants Coming to Human Consumer Market

If a kidnapper knows the victim has an implant, he can remove it. This was done on a recent episode of the NBC television series The Blacklist. What is to stop criminals from re-implanting the device into another person who pretends to be the victim?

[From article]
You can inject one under your skin and no one will ever notice. Using short-range radio frequency identification (RFID) signals, it can transmit your identity as you pass through a security checkpoint or walk into a football stadium. It can help you buy groceries at Wal-Mart. In a worst-case scenario – if you are kidnapped in a foreign country, for example – it could save your life.
Microchip implants like the ones pet owners use to track their dogs and cats could become commonplace in humans in the next decade. Experts are divided on whether they’re appropriate for people, but the implants could offer several advantages. For soldiers and journalists in war zones, an implant could be the difference between life and death. A tracker could also help law enforcement quickly locate a kidnapped child.

Is there a microchip implant in your future?
By John Brandon
Published August 30, 2014

NYC Woman Corrections Officer Reveals Institutional Sex, Drugs and Physical Abuses

[From article]
A federal probe branded the 11,500-inmate jail a “broken institution” where guards routinely use excessive force and violate teen inmates’ rights. Less than a month after the Aug. 4 report, Florence Finkle, the commissioner overseeing investigations at Rikers, resigned.
[. . .]
“I see these female officers who came in with me. They’re in here giving [oral sex] and stuff so they don’t have to work with these prisoners and work those areas,” Miller says.
[. . .]
“Most females in my jail that were in office positions either had a family member with clout or was screwing a boss or someone with, as we would call it, ‘juice.’
[. . .]
Drug-dealing officers could pull in an extra $2,000 minimum a week.
[. . .]
“[In] every jail there was an officer dealing drugs,” she said. “And it’s no secret they were getting high off cocaine, smoking weed and drinking. From officers up to chiefs.”

Drugs, sex, and violence: My hell as a Rikers guard
By Gary Buiso
New York Post
August 31, 2014 | 6:07am

Catholic School Woman Coach Charged With Having Sex With Students

[From article]
Among the claims is that Megan Mahoney, a former assistant women’s basketball coach and gym teacher, had a months-long sexual relationship last year with a 16-year-old student; and that Richard Postiglione, Moore’s athletic director and chief operating officer, failed to report multiple faculty-student affairs to authorities beginning as early as 2006, though he and the principal were told of the randy romps.
[. . .]
But in January the illicit lovers were spotted having dinner together at a pizzeria. A 911 call was made by the teen’s jealous ex-girlfriend, who had been following the pair, the boy said, and cops showed up.

Female coaches at Catholic school ‘had sex with students for years’
By Brad Hamilton
New York Post
August 30, 2014 | 6:59pm

Coffee Shop Owner, Former Stripper, Charged With Promoting Prostitution

[From article]
Snohomish County prosecutors charged Carmela Panico, a 52-year-old former nude dancer who owns several Java Juggs and Twin Peaks espresso stands, with promoting prostitution and money laundering, alleging that she operated drive-thru brothels throughout the county north of Seattle, The Everett Herald reported Thursday.
Her baristas made money mostly on tips, saying they could earn hundreds of thousands of dollars, authorities said. The women said they could make up to $14 for baring their breasts or genitals and charged more for sex acts, according to charging documents.
[. . .]
The investigation has also led to the prosecution of a veteran sheriff’s sergeant. Darrell O’Neill is accused of tipping off Panico and her workers to police scrutiny in return for sexual favors. O’Neill resigned after his arrest last year

Bikini coffee shops made millions ‘selling sex acts’
By Associated Press
New York Post
August 31, 2014 | 10:26am

OK Policeman Charged With Abuse of Power Raping Black Women

[From article]
An Oklahoma City police officer was charged Friday with 16 counts including rape and sexual battery after he was accused of assaulting at least seven women while on patrol.
Daniel Holtzclaw, 27, also faces charges of forcible oral sodomy and indecent exposure. Police arrested Holtzclaw on Aug. 21.
Holtzclaw, a former standout football player in high school and college, is accused of stopping women, who were all black and between the ages of 34 and 58, while on duty in Oklahoma City. Investigators allege that he raped one woman and either fondled others or forced them to expose themselves, and police said there may be more victims.

Cop charged with raping women under threat of arrest
By Associated Press
August 29, 2014 | 6:50pm

Massachusetts Politicians Need Scrutiny

[From article]
But the most amazing thing about this year’s breakfast is the free pass the three female candidates for statewide office — Marsha Coakley, Maura Healey and Deb Goldberg — are getting for their support from a different union, Teamsters Local 25.
[. . .]
what does this have to do with the leadership that endorsed Marsha, Maura and Deb?
The connection is the current president, one Sean O’Brien. He got his start in Local 25 through his dad, William O’Brien of Medford. In 1994, two armored-car guards were murdered in cold blood in Hudson, N.H., by a crew that included four Local 25 thugs from Charlestown.
According to the indictment, William O’Brien ordered the rental car used in the getaway after the double homicide. He was never charged.
And now William O’Brien’s son Sean is the boss of Local 25, when he’s not serving a suspension for brazenly threatening his fellow Teamsters down in Rhode Island and then having his rant posted on YouTube as a warning to the honest membership.
Do you think anyone will inquire tomorrow of Marsha, Maura and Deb how they can allow O’Brien and his misogynistic minions to run phone banks for them?

Carr: Pols need to get wise
Sunday, August 31, 2014
By: Howie Carr
Boston Herald

Muslim Terrorists Focus on Denmark

[From article]
The Islamic State has declared Denmark an “enemy of Islam” and the country is on the militant organization’s radar. This is according to a Danish-Turkish jihadist, who only gave his name as OA and previously fought for the organization in Syria.
The 27 year-old, who was born and raised in Denmark says The Islamic State, who was previously known as ISIS, “has become very international and Denmark is high up on the list, believe me,” speaking to the Danish broadsheet newspaper, Politiken.
“Denmark is not my country. The Muslims’ country is the caliphate and inshallah there will soon be an attack here. Denmark should prepare itself,”

ISIS sets sights on Denmark as EU nation wades into Iraq crisis
Published time: August 29, 2014 22:58

Black Gang of Five Attacks White Woman Jogger in New York City

[From article]
The victim, 36, told police she was jogging near midnight in the far southern end of the park, on the West Drive near West 60th Street, when a pellet hit her in the back of the head August 23, cops said.
She turned and saw a group of five people — three men and two women — “laughing and making anti-white statements,” the police said. “The suspects then fled further into the park.”
“You white bitch,” one of the female suspects said, according to police sources. After the shooting, the suspects fled into the park, police said.

2 questioned in ‘anti-white’ shooting of jogger in Central Park
By Natasha Velez
New York Post
August 30, 2014 | 12:37pm

St. Louis Newspapers File Lawsuit to Examine St. Michael's Juvenile Records

Posted August 29, 2014 6:24 PM ET; Updated September 3, 2014 9:04 PM ET

Allegations surface that Michael Brown was a gang member, faced a second-degree murder charge
August 29, 2014
by Don Noel

* * *
[From article]
The Citizen Journalist website GotNews has filed suit in St. Louis County circuit court seeking possible juvenile records on Michael Brown.
Attorney Johnathon Burns of the Burns Law Firm in St. Louis is handling the case.
“What we’re arguing is that since he is deceased, those documents revert from being confidential, they revert back into the public sphere,” Burns says. “Missouri common law applies, and under Missouri common law, court records and virtually all other documents are open to the public.”

Lawsuit Filed for Alleged Michael Brown Juvenile Records
August 27, 2014 3:51 PM
CBS News St. Louis MO

Ted Cruz Brings Humor to Politics

This sounds like a Bob Hope routine.

[From article]
“I spent last week in Washington, D.C,” he said. “It’s great to be back in America.”

Ted Cruz Brings Anti-Washington Shtick to Dallas
By Eliana Johnson
August 30, 2014 4:16 PM

Selective Enforcement of Laws

When my landlord changed the locks to my premises with my rent fully paid, I obtained a state court order for re-entry with provision that I could break the locks. When I did so after showing the order to local police they arrested me. It is only one of hundreds of instances where state and U.S. laws were used against me and did not protect me when I was crime victim and abused by police.

‘Deadbeat’ Brooklyn pol gets her landlord arrested
By Georgett Roberts and Sophia Rosenbaum
September 2, 2014 | 10:09pm

Two CA Judges Censured For Having Sex In Chambers

[From article]
A state judicial commission said on Tuesday that two California judges have been censured for having sex in their respective chambers. One judge had sex with his clerk, the other had sex with multiple women. The events are separate as the judges are in separate courts and are located in difference parts of the state.

Two CA Judges Censured for Having Sex in Chambers

Harvard University Adopts New Standards Under Education Act For Sex Crimes

Harassment, sexual assault, and sexual harassment are state crimes. Under what legal system does the U.S. government, its mind boggling Department of Education and Harvard University administrators get jurisdiction? HUPD has jurisdiction of the above named crimes if and only if they occur on Harvard University property. Did MA state courts or legislature extend power to an administrator appointed by the President and Fellows of Harvard College? Local appointment of judges by city officials occurred when Harvard University professor Henry Louis Gates was arrested by Cambridge police. The private attorney and city solicitor, did not have jurisdiction to dismiss that charge either. But hey, this is Cambridge where the Obama-Holder Doctrine rules -- inconvenient laws may be ignored. Discrimination laws under the civil rights section of the Education Act, do not give adjudication jurisdiction to a college administrator. Will Harvard Law School create a sex court to hold hearings and punish the guilty? Aside from meeting requirements of the misguided U.S. law, in order not to lose taxpayer grants, what is the reason for these new guidelines? Are local and state police, and state courts unable to address these crimes?

Karvonides Responds to Concerns about New Sexual Assault Policy
September 3, 2014

September 2, 2014

NSA Abuses Were Exposed 40 Years Ago

[From article]
In 1975, Frank Church, a Democratic senator from Idaho, told the American people that a government intelligence agency most of them had never heard of -- the National Security Agency -- "had the capability to secretly monitor everything: telephone conversations, telegrams, it doesn't matter. There would be no place to hide."
[. . .]
This exemplary patriot assured us that "never again will an agency of the government be permitted to conduct a secret war against those citizens it considers threats to the established order."
[. . .]
Don't count on congressional backing. It is already clear that both parties have no meaningful concern that this is still trying to be a self-governing republic. However, there are civil liberties institutions run by citizens who do give a damn about having an open government, and they should get behind this new Church Committee.
And so must you. We can't always depend on other Edward Snowdens to shock us into knowing what our government is hiding from us.
If, by the 2016 elections, the CIA, NSA, et al. are still mysteriously ensconced, don't bother to celebrate Independence Day.

March 26, 2014 / 24 Adar II, 5774
Let's fight back vs. government throttling of Constitution
By Nat Hentoff

Cambridge MA State Senator Advocates Misguided Policy

No one can deny that Cambridge politicians say what makes them feel good. But their proposals don't always make sense achieving their stated goal. Rep. David M. Rogers says he is a "supporter of any sensible steps that we can take to curb gun violence in our state." But he does not mention the Second Amendment which guarantees to law abiding citizens the right to bear arms to protect themselves and others from violence. John Lott's book, More Guns, Less Crime, shows that a society with more legal guns, is a sensible step to make the community safer.

Rogers expresses a misguided, irrational, offensive notion demonizing persons with disabilities. By suggesting they are more likely to use guns for violence, he advocates "sharing of records of adjudicated commitments for mental health and substance abuse with the National Instant Check System." Does he also want to share the medical records of rape victims, persons with STDs and leukemia? Do extremely normal people abstain from using guns for violence? Why not share their medical records too?

He recommends "Strengthen[ing] the provisions of school-based mental health services." Why not remove teachers and let psychiatrists run the schools? Psychiatrists are omniscient and morally superior to lesser beings, and have had their genes cleansed of mendacity, greed and sadism, unlike flawed teachers who need a union to protect their jobs.

Rogers wants to "Increase funding for mental health and substance abuse disorders resources in urban areas." Does the Human Services Industrial Complex (MA State Rep. Marie Parente's term) make large campaign contributions to Rep. Rogers? Taxpayer grants for human services corporations are over $2 billion per year now. Instead of state police why not hire psychiatrists. They can take freedom without Due Process protections. (Think Justina Pelletier.) The Constitution was written by dead white men, and not on an iPad. What good is it today? It is old!

Rogers states, "Given the ability to transport firearms across state lines, the hard truth is that we need national legislation." Isn't interstate commerce a mission of the U.S. Congress? If Congress refuses to act, why doesn't the Harvard Law School graduate in the White House issue an executive order repealing the Second Amendment? Who supports that ancient paragraph? Is that the soft truth?

Rogers proclaims he wants to move "toward a safer Massachusetts." But he refuses to recognize the essential role of a law abiding armed citizenry in order to achieve that goal. 90,000 patients die each year from medical negligence. Do guns used by persons with disabilities cause those deaths too?

COLUMN: Move legislation forward to curb gun violence
By Rep. Dave Rogers
Posted Mar. 25, 2014 @ 10:00 am

U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions Exposes White House Immigration Lies

[From article]
Fully 98 percent of individuals deported from the United States in 2013 were either criminals, apprehended while illegally crossing the border, or had been previously deported, according to a new analysis from Senate Budget Committee ranking member Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL).
The three-page document, labeled a “Critical Alert” by the senator’s office, found three executive actions by President Barack Obama providing amnesty to groups of illegal aliens meant that virtually no one who did not meet other criteria beyond simply being in the country illegal was deported.
“The evidence reveals that the Administration has carried out a dramatic nullification of federal law,” Sessions said in a statement to Breitbart News. “Under the guise of setting ‘priorities’, the Administration has determined that almost anyone in the world who can enter the United States is free to illegally live, work and claim benefits here as long as they are not caught committing a felony or other serious crime.

25 Mar 2014, 8:40 PM PDT

Technology Advances, Humans Stand Still

[From article]
Americans now have more computer power in their smart phones than did the Pentagon in all its computer banks just 30 years ago. We board a sophisticated jet and assume that the flight is no more dangerous than crossing the street.
The downside of this complete reliance on computer gadgetry is a fundamental ignorance of what technology is.
[. . .]
What does it matter that millions of American students can communicate across thousands of miles instantly with their iPads and iPhones if a poorly educated generation increasingly has little to say?
The latest fad of near-insolvent universities is to offer free iPads to students so that they can access information more easily. But what if most undergraduates still have not been taught to read well, think inductively or have some notion of history? Speeding up their ignorance is not the same as imparting wisdom. Requiring a freshman Latin course would be a far cheaper and wiser investment in mastering language, composition and inductive reasoning than handing out free electronics.
[. . .]
Nature remains fickle, complex and unfathomable, and can defy even computer-enhanced theorizing.
[. . .]
Sophisticated electronics also often disguise the brutal premodern world with a thin veneer of postmodern egotism.
[. . .]
The ancient Greek poet Hesiod reminded us roughly 2,700 years ago that sometimes intellectual or material progress brings with it moral regress.
[. . .]
Billionaire tech wizard Steve Jobs gave away less of his fortune than did Andrew Carnegie. Google offshores profits with accounting gimmickry that would have made J.P. Morgan proud. The hip Solyndra bunch got government-insider money and concessions of the sort that Mark Hopkins and Collis Huntington garnered to build the transcontinental line. Yet the old robber barons at least used government money to create something; their modern green techie counterparts squandered it.

Jewish World Review
March 20, 2014 / 18 Adar II, 5774
Technology is not wisdom
By Victor Davis Hanson

Muslim Terrorists in Libya Control Jetliners at Airport

[From article]
Intelligence reports of the stolen jetliners were distributed within the U.S. government over the past two weeks and included a warning that one or more of the aircraft could be used in an attack later this month on the date marking the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks against New York and Washington, said U.S. officials familiar with the reports.
“There are a number of commercial airliners in Libya that are missing,” said one official. “We found out on September 11 what can happen with hijacked planes.”
[. . .]
Meanwhile, officials said Egyptian military forces appear to be preparing to intervene in Libya to prevent the country from becoming a failed state run by terrorists, many with ties to al Qaeda.
Libya remains an oil-rich state and if the country is taken over completely by Islamist extremists, U.S. counterterrorism officials believe it will become another terrorist safe haven in the region.

Egypt set for military intervention as Libya spirals toward failed state
BY: Bill Gertz
September 2, 2014 4:55 pm

Parents Of Navy SEAL Killed In Action Write To White House

Two more American citizens incapable of imagining that the current occupant of the White House may be intentionally destroying the nation and it military human resources.

[From article]
The parents of a Navy SEAL, Billy and Karen Vaughn, whose son Aaron was killed in action when his Chinook helicopter was shot down in 2011, sharply criticized President Obama for his inaction in dealing with Islamic State and called on him to resign.

September 2, 2014
Parents of SEAL Team Six soldier killed in action call on Obama to resign
By Rick Moran

Updated: Harvard University Students Pose At Library With Hands Up

Posted September 1, 2014 4:10 PM ET; Updated September 2, 2014, 6:03 PM ET

The day after posting this comment black racist Cambridge police employees joined Harvard University campus police employees conducting an intense campaign of harassment at my residence, disturbing my sleep, testing the building's fire alarm system for two hours in my unit, and tampering with my computer to cause it to crash. Computer tampering is a federal felony. But police appear to be clueless even if they were inclined to act. The harassment continued at a local library trying to provoke a response from their relentless harassment and character assassination. They employed the usual man-hating lesbians and feminists as bait. These are felony violations of the MA civil rights statute and the First Amendment. Intimidation of a person in the free exercise of a constitutionally guaranteed right, i.e., protected speech. The police employees belong in jail. Fines are no deterrence due to the fact that taxpayer funds are used to pay fines of public officials as when the FBI was ordered to pay victims of a frame-up $101 million. Then again in Massachusetts and especially in Cambridge laws are optional for criminal employees of government and Harvard University. The Obama-Holder doctrine is in strict force in Massachusetts -- inconvenient laws may be ignored.  

Check out two of three autopsies, showing St. Michael's hands were down when he was shot. Were they fake also? Awaiting Eric "White people are cowards" Holder's racialist third autopsy. The conspiracy grows. Ignoring and making up facts, enables extremely satisfying self serving narratives embraced even by Harvard University affiliates, who know it all. See also New York Times, "Getting Ferguson Majority to Show Its Clout at Polls," By MONICA DAVEY, AUG. 30, 2014. Democrats will do anything including exploiting the tragic shooting of a teenager to win elections. No shame!

Black Students Raise Hands in Solidarity with Slain Mo. Teen
August 30, 2014

UK Muslims Sexually Abused More Than 1,000 Young Christian Women While Police Stood By

[From article]
Britain has felt real shock and horror over the report that 1,400 young women in the South Yorkshire town of Rotherham had been groomed, raped, prostituted, trafficked, and brutally abused in almost every possible way by a criminal gang for the last 16 years. In addition, the authorities — which in this case are the local government authority, the police, and the child-protection services — had been repeatedly informed of these crimes but had dismissed the reports as false or exaggerated and taken no action to investigate, halt, and punish them.
Some of the examples of this depraved official indifference are barely believable. In one case, a girl was found drunk in the company of her exploiters and was arrested while the men were let free. In another, a father found his daughter, tried to rescue her, complained to the police, and was himself arrested while the authorities took no action on his complaint.
[. . .]
The 1,400 girls were all white and of Christian background and English ethnicity while all but one of their exploiters were Muslims of Pakistani heritage.
[. . .]
Some of the girls were as young as eleven. And since other (more or less identical) cases of criminal exploitation of young Christian girls by Pakistani Muslim men have been uncovered in cities such as Oldham, Birmingham, and Oxford in the last decade, the total number of victims must be staggering.
[. . ]
Again and again the police and the social workers shrank from intervening or responding to complaints because to do so would invite the accusation that they were “racist.”

August 29, 2014
4:00 AM Rotherham’s — and England’s — Shame
The Muslim men who tortured more than 1,400 girls are criminals.
So are the authorities who covered it up.
By John O’Sullivan

Brief History of Muslim Religious Divisions

[From article]
The dramatic arrival of Da'ish (ISIS) on the stage of Iraq has shocked many in the West. Many have been perplexed -- and horrified -- by its violence and its evident magnetism for Sunni youth. But more than this, they find Saudi Arabia's ambivalence in the face of this manifestation both troubling and inexplicable,
[. . .]
Many Saudis are deeply disturbed by the radical doctrines of Da'ish (ISIS) -- and are beginning to question some aspects of Saudi Arabia's direction and discourse.
[. . .]

The American author and journalist, Steven Coll, has written how this austere and censorious disciple of the 14th century scholar Ibn Taymiyyah, Abd al-Wahhab, despised "the decorous, arty, tobacco smoking, hashish imbibing, drum pounding Egyptian and Ottoman nobility who travelled across Arabia to pray at Mecca."
In Abd al-Wahhab's view, these were not Muslims; they were imposters masquerading as Muslims. Nor, indeed, did he find the behavior of local Bedouin Arabs much better.

Alastair Crooke
Fmr. MI-6 agent; Author, 'Resistance: The Essence of Islamic Revolution'
You Can't Understand ISIS If You Don't Know the History of Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia
Posted: 08/27/2014 11:56 am EDT Updated: 08/28/2014 3:59 pm EDT

New Obama World Order, Worse For U.S.

[From article]
we are still frozen in a Wild West moment, when everyone in the saloon has drawn his six-shooter, paused, and is wondering what happened to the sheriff — and wondering, too, who will be the first to dare start shooting.
[. . .]
We might scoff at Neanderthal notions like a loss of deterrence inviting aggression, but Neanderthals do not.
[. . .]
To Obama, old allies like Britain and Israel either did not need unflinching U.S. support or did not necessarily warrant it.
[. . .]
CENTCOM is based in Qatar, but it would be hard to find a more anti-American host. Add up Al Jazeera, support for Hamas, sympathy for the Muslim Brotherhood, and the stealthy funding of all sorts of Middle Eastern insurgents and terrorists, and you do not find a reliable friend of the United States.
[. . .]
Can the old, pre-Obama postwar order be rebuilt? Of course, but it will require budgetary discipline, a visionary president, experienced national-security advisers, skillful diplomats, and a public that is informed and cares. In other words — not for another two years and five months.

September 2, 2014 4:00 AM
The New World Disorder
To Obama, the retrenchment of the West was not only inevitable but to be welcomed.
By Victor Davis Hanson

Muslims Vow To Kill Jews

[From article]
Now in the organization's new English language publication, Dabiq, aimed at young Muslims in western states, the extremist organization declared, "Islamic State will do everything within its means to continue striking down every apostate who stands as an obstacle on its path towards Palestine."
Denouncing the ineffectiveness of other Arab states and organizations in carrying out the "will of Allah," the magazine vows that, "Its [Islamic State's] actions speak louder than its words and it is only a matter of time and patience before it reaches Palestine to fight the barbaric Jews and kill those of them hiding behind the gharqad trees – the trees of the jews."

Islamic State vows to reach 'Palestine' and 'kill the barbaric Jews'
08/30/2014 04:10
Islamic State's English-language publication inspires potential recruits with graphic images and messages of jihad while vowing to strike down every "obstacle on its path to Palestine."

Louisiana U.S. Senator Challenged on Residence

[From article]
A week ago, Maness, a Tea Party-backed retired Air Force colonel, informed the Louisiana secretary of state of inconsistencies in Landrieu’s residency status. The Washington Post looked into the issue and found she listed her parents’ home in New Orleans to qualify for the ballot, but listed her home on Capitol Hill in Washington as her home address.
"The Constitution, Louisiana law and common sense say candidates for Senate have to live here when they qualify — all of the evidence shows that Mary Landrieu doesn't live here," Maness said in a statement.
"Election Code empowers our district attorneys to object to a candidate's qualification when presented with evidence,” he continued. “There is no question that compelling and overwhelming evidence has now been presented. The most appropriate way to resolve this is to have the law upheld by the proper authorities."

August 29, 2014, 04:33 pm
Tea Party candidate files residency challenge against Landrieu
By Scott Wong

Senior FBI Official Censured For Remarks About Disabled Veteran

[From article]
The Justice Department’s inspector general has concluded that a senior FBI official created the impression of witness-tampering during a discrimination lawsuit brought against the bureau by a disabled Army veteran.
Teresa Carlson, who is currently an FBI acting deputy assistant director, showed “extremely poor judgment” in her statements to Special Agent Mark Crider, a subordinate who was being deposed in the case, the inspector general found.
Crider was called to testify last year in a lawsuit brought by the veteran who had been disqualified from agent training in 2011 because of concerns about his prosthetic left hand.
[. . .]
Crider told the OIG that when he informed Carlson that he was scheduled to be deposed, she told him, among other things, that “Slaby should never be an agent because he is disabled,” according to the report.
Carlson told the OIG that she “absolutely” did not make the statement. She also “firmly denied” telling Crider it would be in his best interest to side with the FBI, the report said.

Inspector general censures senior FBI official for remarks about disabled veteran
By Ellen Nakashima
August 27, 2014

Texas Teachers Carry In Classroom

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A school district outside Dallas will reportedly continue to allow some teachers to carry guns in school, and posted signs on school campuses warning that teachers "may use whatever force is necessary to protect our students."
NewFix's CW33 reported that Argyle teachers will continue to be allowed to be armed on campus under the state's Protection of Texas Children Act.

Some teachers packing heat, Texas school district signs alert visitors
Published August 28, 2014

Muslims in Nigeria Target Christians and Catholics For Genocidal Murder

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The town also has a good number of Muslims, he said, stressing that “the whole town and the parish rectory have been occupied by the terrorists, so many structures and items have been vandalised. Dozens have been killed and a lot of church structures have been burnt down”.
He lamented that “Christians in the town are really in a terrible situation; a moment of great persecution. Christian men are caught and beheaded, while Christian women are forced to become Muslims and are taken as wives to the terrorists.
“The houses of Christians that have fled are now occupied by the terrorists; their cars are used by the terrorists. Some Muslims around identify Christian homes to be occupied and the Christians hiding were also exposed and they were killed.
“Strict Sharia Laws have been promulgated, as observed by a woman who luckily escaped the dead zone”.
He added: “The situation as it is has really and truly gone out of control. People are finding it really hard, citizens are being killed in their numbers.”

Boko Haram Takes over Catholic Church in Adamawa Town
29 Aug 2014
Michael Olugbode

UN Targets U.S. Police, Ignores Abuses in Other Countries

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"The excessive use of force by law enforcement officials against racial and ethnic minorities is an ongoing issue of concern, particularly in light of the shooting of Michael Brown," said Noureddine Amir, who headed a review of the US by the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
"This is not an isolated event," Amir told reporters.
"It illustrates a big problem in the United States, such as racial bias among law enforcement officials, the lack of proper implementation of rules and regulations governing the use of force, and the inadequacy of training of law enforcement officials," he added.

UN watchdog tells US to curb police racism
Friday 29 August 2014 12:34:11 PM

Pregnant New York Woman Shot Dead

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A pregnant woman was shot dead as she sat in her car outside her family home in a 'cold blooded' murder on Saturday.
Millie Canjura was shot multiple times at 8.40pm outside her home in Bay Shore, Long Island. Her unborn child also died in the attack.
Canjura held a baby shower at her house a week ago and there was a drive-by shooting at the property a week before that but no one was hurt, according toCBS News.
The woman was six months pregnant, according to friends.

Pregnant woman shot dead 'in cold blood' at her home in attack that also killed unborn child
Millie Canjura, 31, was shot multiple times as she sat in her car outside her home in Long Island
She and her unborn child died in hospital after the attack
Police have not named a suspect or made any arrests
PUBLISHED: 12:44 EST, 31 August 2014 | UPDATED: 02:37 EST, 1 September 2014

French Teen Girls Charged With Planning Attack on Synagogue

Interpol's headquarters is in Lyon. 

[From article]
Two teenage French girls, arrested last week in a crackdown on citizens who consider traveling to other countries to join “jihad,” were planning to attack a synagogue in Lyon with a suicide bomb, French media revealed Friday.
The two, 15 and 17 years old, were detained and interrogated last week in Venissieux, a suburb of Lyon in southeastern France, and Tarbes, a town in the south, after French authorities uncovered a plan to bomb the Great Synagogue of Lyon. They were charged for conspiracy to commit terrorism.

French teenagers planned suicide bombing at Lyon synagogue
Two girls arrested last week were part of network of young Islamists monitored by authorities
August 29, 2014, 11:23 pm

TN Teens Escape Juvenile Detention Facility

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The escaped teens have at least three felonies, including a history of running away, burglary and theft, violent crimes, drug-related crimes, foster care problems and mental health needs.
None of the escaped juveniles had been detained for homicide or murder.

How 32 Teens Made Great Escape from Tennessee Facility
Sep 2, 2014, 6:28 AM ET

Uber Curbed in Germany

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A German taxi organization won a fast-track ruling that may halt the use of Uber Technologies Inc.’s ride-hailing application in the country.
Uber drivers don’t have the necessary permits to carry passengers under German law, a Frankfurt court said in the emergency ruling dated Aug. 25, citing evidence provided by Taxi Deutschland Service Gesellschaft fuer Taxizentralen eG. The Frankfurt case is one of at least four legal actions against the company in the country.

Uber Faces Ban in Germany as Taxi Group Wins Court Order
By Karin Matussek
Sep 2, 2014 2:05 PM ET

September 1, 2014

Academic Apologists For Terrorists

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Such cheerleading for Palestinian terrorism and willful disregard of historical facts discredits the individuals who advance it and the academic culture of Middle East studies that rewards it. It is politicized rather than objective, propagandistic rather than principled. American interests at home and abroad are ill-served by these apologists for terrorists.

August 31, 2014
Hamas's Academic Apologists
By Cinnamon Stillwell

Toddler's Severe Injuries at School Blamed on Accident

Battered and bruised: These images taken last week by mother, Lacey Harris, reveals the seriousness of AvaLynn's injuries

[From article]
According to Harris, her daughter AvaLynn was kicked until she fell off the slide in the playground during her first week at Arlington Elementary in Mississippi.
The Pascagoula School District said that nothing violent happened to the little girl and she merely fell to the ground whie outside playing.
A post on the 'Justice for AvaLynn' Facebook page gives Harris' alleged account of how her daughter was left with such severe black eyes and swollen features.

Girl, 5, sent home from kindergarten with horror facial injuries blaming classmates 'who kicked her' as devastated mom blasts school's claim it was an accident
AvaLynn suffered severe bruising and swelling after an alleged beating at kindergarten
The five-year-old's mother, Lacey Harris, has begun a social media campaign
Police have said they will not begin an investigation because they do not believe a crime took place
PUBLISHED: 10:45 EST, 31 August 2014 | UPDATED: 17:35 EST, 31 August 2014

MIssing AL Woman Feared Dead, Was Abused As Child, 11 Relatives Charged With Sex Abuse

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The search for an Alabama woman missing since 2012 has been cast in an even more sinister light this week with the news that she was raped and abused by her grandmother's boyfriend when she was a young girl.
Young mother, Brittney Wood, was raped for two years on and off by, Ronald Robertson, 53, until in 2003, when she was 11-years-old, she accused him of attacking her.
Indeed, since 2012, eleven members of Wood's family have been arrested for having sex with underage relatives in Mobile County.
Robertson was convicted in 2005 and is currently serving a life sentence for first-degree rape charges.
[. . .]
Since her disappearance in May, 2012, after leaving her mother's home, 11 people including her brother, aunts and uncles have been arrested in connection with a huge family sex abuse investigation.
Police have said in the past that they fear that Wood is dead.
The large investigation is still continuing and seen the arrest of Chessie Wood, 39, Derek Wood, 23, Brittney Wood's brother, according to AL.Com.
The recently released files from 2003 show that Wood's sexual abuse first emerged after she reported it to a day care director at a local Baptist church.

Missing woman 'who helped expose pedophile sex ring involving 11 of her relatives' presumed dead by police as it's revealed she was also abused as a child
Mother-of-one Brittney Wood hasn't been seen since May 2012
She disappeared after visiting uncle, Donald Holland, who killed himself
Police suspect that she may have wanted to confront Holland about abuse
PUBLISHED: 13:25 EST, 31 August 2014 | UPDATED: 02:58 EST, 1 September 2014

Boston Has Nation's Worst Drivers

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New York may have its aggressive, horn-honking drivers but it is a bastion of tranquility and safety compared to Boston, home to the worst drivers of any U.S. big city, according to an insurance industry report.
"A Boston driver, on average, will get into a collision every 4.4 years," Kari Mather, a spokeswoman for insurer Allstate Corp, said on Tuesday.
The company's annual report, titled "Allstate America's Best Drivers Report," is based on client collision damage data in 2011 and 2012.
It found Boston ranked dead last among cities with more than 1 million residents in their metropolitan area. Next was Washington.

Boston has the worst drivers in America: Motorists in Massachusetts city will crash once every FOUR years
PUBLISHED: 14:15 EST, 31 August 2014 | UPDATED: 03:43 EST, 1 September 2014

WA Teacher Jailed For Having Sex With Students

Inappropriate: Powell told police the relationships began when she was intoxicated and sent a text to the students

[From article]
A 25-year-old former math teacher who had sexual contact with two students at a Tacoma high school has been sentenced to six months in jail.
The News Tribune reports that former Lincoln High School teacher Meredith Powell cried and apologized Friday in court.
Pierce County Superior Court Judge Frank Cuthbertson says he believes Powell is remorseful, which is why he suspended all but six months of a five-year sentence and ordered her into a sex offender program open to first-time offenders.
[. . .]
Powell was arrested in February after being accused of having sexual contact with several students. She later admitted she'd engaged in sex acts with two boys between the ages of 14 and 16. Both were students at Lincoln High School.
She told police she had performed sex acts with multiple students, one as young as 15 years old, inside her locked classroom, as well as sending them sexualized pictures of herself.
She resigned and surrendered her teaching certificate shortly after her arrest.

'She made a lot of bad choices': Female teacher who had sex with two students and bombarded them with naked photos is sentenced to six months in jail
Meredith Powell, 25, has been sentenced to six months jail
She was arrested in February after students told police they had had sexual contact with the teacher
She then confessed to performing sex acts with multiple students
Her attorney said she made 'a lot of bad choices, regrettable choices'
In July, she admitted two counts of rape of a child in the third degree
Her teaching license has been revoked
Daily Mail (UK)
PUBLISHED: 11:50 EST, 30 August 2014 | UPDATED: 17:41 EST, 30 August 2014

Religious Jews Chased From Guatemala, After Leaving Canada

Lev Tahor means 'Pure Heart' in Hebrew and the group practices an austere form of Judaism

[From article]
A community of Orthodox Jews have been expelled from their homes in a bitter conflict with hostile villagers.
Just a few months after fleeing from Canada amid allegations of child abuse, members of the Lev Tahor community were forced to leave San Juan La Laguna in Guatemala yesterday.
The village Elder's Council voted to kick them out because the group refused to greet or have physical contact with the community, according to a member of the council.
[. . .] Lev Tahor is a radical strain of Hassidic Judaism that believes television and computers are bad and must be avoided.
The group rejects the state of Israel because it views the Jews as a people who must remain in exile.
Verbal abuse, threats to cut off power and eject them by force were the last straw for the Jews, some of whom have been there for six years.

Ultra-Orthodox Jews who moved from Canada to Guatemalan village to find 'religious freedom' are forced to leave because the locals don't like them
Members of the Lev Tahor sect forced to flee from Guatemalan village
Left Canada in March amid allegations of child abuse and forced marriages
Elders at the San Juan La Laguna council voted to kick them out
More than 230 people were expelled from their homes yesterday
Radical strain of Hassidic Judaism was founded in 1980 by Rabbi Helbrans
PUBLISHED: 09:41 EST, 30 August 2014 | UPDATED: 09:46 EST, 30 August 2014

CA Man Admits Killing Son For Insurance, Charged With Killing Wife For Same Reason

[From article]
A man imprisoned in New York for killing his son to collect on his life insurance is now charged with murdering his first wife in 1991 for the same reason.
The Post-Standard of Syracuse reports that Karl Karlsen was charged in Calaveras County, California, Friday with first-degree murder in the death of Christina Karlsen.
Karl Karlsen pleaded guilty in Seneca County in November to a charge of second-degree murder. He admits he allowed a truck to fall off a jack and onto his 23-year-old son, Levi, who was working underneath it in the town of Romulus in 2008.

Man who killed son for insurance money now charged in first wife's death in a 1991 house fire just after taking out a $200,000 policy on her life
Karl Karlsen, 52, has been charged with the 1991 death of his first wife
Christina Karlsen, 30, died in the bathroom in a house fire while her husband escaped with their three children
Days earlier, he'd boarded up the one window out of the room and taken out a $200,000 insurance policy on her
He is currently serving time for the murder of his son
Levi Karlsen died in 2008 after being crushed by his father's truck that he was working on
Karlsen had just taken out a $700,000 insurance policy on his son
He pleaded guilty to second-degree murder last year
Daily Mail (UK)
PUBLISHED: 17:29 EST, 29 August 2014 | UPDATED: 14:17 EST, 30 August 2014

Nude Celebrity Images Hacked on iCloud

How many others are clueless about how computers work? It shows that no matter how wealthy, how famous, common sense and wisdom does not follow. Consider how simple the matter is. A corporation sells you space on their hard drives to store your photos, music and texts. At least their employees have access to your personal information. As we too often see, hackers can break into their alleged safe data banks. Why would anyone want to store his or her personal information on another person's hard drive and keep paying rent forever. It is cheaper and more secure to have one's own hard drives. The idea of sharing across platforms and devices all of your information makes it possible to break into any one of them to gain access to all of them. These are the same people who lecture us about politics ands race.

Did iCloud's 'Find My iPhone' function help hacker steal 'nude' photos of Jennifer Lawrence and 100 other celebrities? Flaw may have allowed 4chan hacker to break into their accounts
Nude photographs that purportedly show multiple celebrities leaked online
Photos were obtained through Apple's iCloud and published on 4chan
When activated, ICloud automatically stores users' photos and data online
Twitter is reportedly shutting down accounts disseminating the pictures
Lawrence's spokesman confirmed the nude photographs were published
Kate Upton's attorney called leaked pictures 'an outrageous violation'
Actress Mary Elizabeth Winstead confirmed the photos of her are real
But not all 'nude' photographs that have been published are genuine
Ariana Grande said the photos that claimed to show her are fake
Nickelodeon star Victoria Justice also said her photos aren't real
Hacker claims to have images of other stars, which have not been posted
This afternoon, piece of coding that repeatedly guesses passwords found
PUBLISHED: 16:52 EST, 31 August 2014 | UPDATED: 10:12 EST, 1 September 2014

Atlantic City Casinos Closing, Lesson For Massachusetts?

[From article]
Three premier Atlantic City casinos will be closing in the next two weeks with the lost of almost 6,000 jobs. Another casino closed earlier this year, making the total job loss close to 8,000 - one quarter of casino employment in the city.
[. . .]
Despite the gleaming towers and swanky hotels, the rest of Atlantic City is still a grimy, crime-ridden mess. We've seen this same selling point by casnino operators fall flat here in Illinois. Gambling brings its own set of problems to a community and residents should think very carefully about approving one.
Massachusetts might become the first state to actually repeal casnino gambling. There's a ballot measure in November that will decide the fate of casino gaming. Some other states have decided against expanding casino gambling. Whatever extra cash flowing into state coffers, the social cost is sometimes too high a price to pay.

September 1, 2014
Casino closings threaten Atlantic City
By Rick Moran

Parents Arrested in UK, for Refusing Medical Treatment of Child

Differs from the Justina Pelletier case in that parents are under arrest not the child. But the problem remains that doctors can take a person's freedom making use of police powers with no due process unlike a criminal complaints.

[From article]
The family says U.K. authorities had refused to give Ashya the kind of treatment he needed.
The family has criticized Britain's health care system, saying he needs an advanced treatment option called proton beam therapy and that it wasn't being made available to him.
[. . .]
The spokesman said Ashya King's parents told the judge they don't want to return to the U.K. They were arrested Sunday in southeastern Spain after a European arrest warrant was issued by Interpol at the request of British police. Their son is receiving medical treatment for a brain tumor and is currently at a Malaga hospital.
[. . .]
Unlike other types of cancer treatment, it doesn't indiscriminately kill surrounding healthy tissue, so there could be fewer long term effects.
In Britain, proton beam therapy is currently only available in the country to treat certain patients with cancer in their eyes. Other countries, including the U.S., Switzerland and Japan, also use proton beam therapy to treat cancers of the spinal cord, brain, prostate, lung and those that affect children.

Sep 1, 9:28 AM EDT

* * *

31 August 2014 Last updated at 13:48 ET
Ashya King case: What is proton beam therapy?

Is Democratic Party Using Shooting Death of Teen in Missouri to Get Votes?

Getting Ferguson Majority to Show Its Clout at Polls
AUG. 30, 2014

* * *

5 arrested after NYC block party turns violent
By Kirstan Conley, Tom Wilson and Larry Celona
August 31, 2014 | 6:49a
New York Post

* * *

Man in handcuffs escapes police custody in Daytona Beach
Daytona Beach police search for escaped prisoner
Author: Lisa McDonald, Assignment Editor, lmcdonald (at)
Published On: Aug 31 2014 10:46:40 AM EDT Updated On: Sep 01 2014 07:31:48 AM EDT

NY Times, Others Censor Anti terror Ad

[From article]
“America reinforces its values and thus its security by being transparent about even the worst abuses of those values, not by hiding the evidence deep in a file drawer.”
This sentence is from a New York Times editorial of 30 August, 2014. The editorial was written in response to a decision by Federal district court Judge Alvin Hellerstein forcing the Obama Administration to justify why it will not release approximately 2000 photos that allegedly document abuse by the American military and investigators in Iraq and Afghanistan, which begs the question of why the New York Times forced us to remove a photograph of a hooded ISIS executioner holding a knife while standing by American journalist James Foley. A copy of the ad is available here: and
We were forced to remove the photograph and replace it with one without a knife in order to have the ad appear this Tuesday in the New York Times.
Why did the Times condemn the American government from trying to suppress images of alleged abuse on the part of the American military while seeking to suppress the horrors of the world’s most monstrous terror organization which decapitates Americans?
But even that was a lot better than the Los Angeles Times that demanded the removal also of a second image which depicted Hamas terrorists standing alongside hooded “collaborators” which they were about to execute. The Telegraph in London demanded the same in order for the ad to be published.
Even the Wall Street Journal demanded the picture with the knife be replaced.
The only publication that accepted the ad as is was the Washington Post, where it will also appear on Tuesday.

31 Aug 2014

Homeland Employees Security Data Hacked

[From article]
USIS, the Department of Homeland Security’s contractor for conducting security clearance background checks, has had the personal records of at least 25,000 of its employees stolen because of hackers, and the hackers may have been from a foreign country, according to the Associated Press (AP).
AP’s source was an unnamed DHS official who told AP that Homeland Security would soon let employees know if their personal information had been stolen and encourage them to check their financial accounts.

31 Aug 2014

Murder Suicide, Exposed Fake Marriage For Citizenship

[From article]
The events leading up to the murder and attempted suicide are not entirely clear, but Sheriff Stasi noted that Rogers’ daughter, Kimberly Ann Scott-Rogers, was testifying before a grand jury at the time her father was shot. Stassi told The Times-Picayune that the marriage between Scott-Rogers and Hodgkinson was a ploy to acquire citizenship for the British citizen, with whom Rogers was involved in a sexual relationship.
The Advocate reports that Rogers had fled the United Kingdom in the 1990s after he was accused of sexually abusing children at his dance studio. Hodgkinson and another student at the dance studio followed Rogers to the United States, where the three of them continued to live together for more than 20 years.

Baton Rouge TV personality killed by son-in-law and alleged lover in murder-suicide attempt
By Scott Kaufman
Monday, September 1, 2014 12:53 EDT

Virginia Democrat Wishes Ebola Virus On NRA

[From article]
Mike Dickinson, the unhinged Virginia Democrat who once sought the House seat formerly held by Rep. Eric Cantor, R-Va., issued a tweet Sunday asking God to kill everyone in the NRA with the Ebola virus. The tweet was sent after he issued another message saying he would lead a prayer asking God to murder everyone in the NRA during the debut of his alleged radio program.
"Dear god (sic)," he began. "Please use Ebola to infect the @NRA and it's various members. For they are A (sic) true virus and true terrorists in America."

Va. Dem. asks God to murder everyone in NRA with deadly Ebola virus
September 1, 2014
Joe Newby

More Charges Against Lee, MA Former Police Chief

[From article]
Federal prosecutors say that from January 2007 through December 2011, Buffis diverted more than $51,000 from the Edward J. Laliberte Toy Fund for his personal use, with "a substantial portion" benefiting him and his family.
Authorities say that during that period, only one needy family received money, a $250 check.!bNm67E

New charges for ex-Lee police chief
Joseph Buffis allegedly took $50K meant for kids' gifts
 UPDATED 10:02 AM EDT Sep 01, 2014

Ivy League Students Driven By Material Success Standards

[from article]
William Deresiewicz, who taught at Yale for 10 years until 2008, thinks these students are, in a moral and spiritual sense, lost. They’re accomplished networkers who have no friends. They’re super-intelligent but have no clue. In online postings and in conversations with the author, they say that they’re forlorn, depressed, anxious, so busy studying that they never get a chance to think.
[. . .]
In 1971, Deresiewicz notes, 73 percent of incoming college freshmen said it was important to develop a meaningful philosophy and only 37 percent deemed it important to be “very well-off.”
By 2011, those figures were reversed: 47 percent for the former and 80 percent for the latter.
So it isn’t college that is causing the craving for wealth. As a society, we tend to mistake money and status for happiness, to overestimate the correlation between income and satisfaction. If our ablest young people go for the gold, it isn’t an educational problem.
It’s a cultural one.

Do Ivy educations lead to wealthy depressives?
By Kyle Smith
August 31, 2014 | 12:44am
New York Post

Misguided Political Propaganda Misleads Population

It is not just a black problem. All children without fathers suffer. 

[From article]
Yes, let's have an honest conversation about black young men growing up without fathers in the Fergusons of America. It is the root of the problem in our inner cities!

September 1, 2014
Those Black Young Men Without Fathers
By Silvio Canto, Jr.

Texas Gov. Perry's Twitter Account, Sends Image, Withdraws It

[From article]
The dirty little secret of politicians’ and celebrities’ Twitter accounts is that most of them hire staffers to manage them. In this instance, the tweet is inaccurate since (officially, anyway) Lehmberg herself did not have Perry indicted. It was a special prosecutor who was given the task of investigating Perry’s use of his veto power.

September 1, 2014
Too hot for Rick Perry's Twitter Account
By Thomas Lifson

* * *

[Picture sent from Gov. Perry's twitter account]

[Withdrawn by Gov. Perry]

A tweet just went out from my account that was unauthorized. I do not condone the tweet and I have taken it down.

Bitter, Clinger, Hillbillies? Not Racist Too?