TAFA: The Textile and Fiber Art List

Showing posts with label Computer Stuff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Computer Stuff. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A Techie Question concerning YouTube and ITunes


I haven't been able to see any YouTube videos for over a week. They freeze up and don't move forward. I thought there was something wrong with my computer, but a friend in Connecticut and another in Wisconsin (I'm in Kentucky) also reported problems. Are you having problems, too? Does anybody out there know what's going on? I uninstalled and reinstalled flash, just in case my version was corrupted, but nothing changed.

I like to listen to NPR while I do brainless computer work (cropping images, etc.) and had an older version of ITunes that I was using. It was stalling all the time and I kept getting a message about installing the latest version. I've tried to do that in as many ways as I can, but it can't find the installation file, even though I take it to the folder where it's supposed to be. Yesterday I manually deleted all the ITunes files and folders that I could (some I could not), thinking that if I started with a clean slate, I might have some luck. Now I don't have my old version either and had the same installation message.

I've e-mailed both sites for help, but neither has responded yet. I know that there are many of you out there who are smart with all this techy stuff (I'm pretty good with problem solving, but these two have me stumped).

I am able to use other flash applications and can listen to NPR directly through their site using Windows Media. If you have any insights, please leave a comment! Many thanks!

I've e-mailed both


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